All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page 4 AOY Categories and 21 AOY tags

Thu 11th Aug 2005 Greenpeace protest Hazelwood power station 10th Aug 2023
2 Events
Sun 18th Aug 1996 Ex-CSIRO #climate boss shows he has lost the plot 17th Aug 2022
Tue 5th Aug 1997 Australian politician calls for "official figures" on #climate to be suspended because they are rubbery af 4th Aug 2022
Hothouse Earth  
Mon 22nd Dec 1975 "Scientist Warns of Great Floods if Earth's Heat Rises" (surely "when"?) 21st Dec 2022
Human Factors  
Sun 27th Mar 1977 what we can learn from Dutch arrogance and aviation disasters 27th Mar 2022
Humble Oil  
Tue 1st Oct 1957 US Oil company ponders carbon dioxide build-up... 30th Sep 2022
Hype Cycles  
3 Events
Tue 25th Jun 2002 CCS's first hype cycle builds 25th Jun 2022
Wed 25th Jun 2003 CCS's first hype cycle builds 25th Jun 2022
Wed 25th Jun 2008 CCS's first hype cycle builds 25th Jun 2022
Sun 10th Dec 1978 Academic workshop on "Climate/Society Interface" begins in Toronto... 9th Dec 2022
2 Events
Mon 29th Mar 1993 C02 Disposal symposium takes place in Oxford 28th Mar 2023
Wed 16th Jun 1993 Oooh, an international conference.... 15th Jun 2023
Ignored Warnings  
39 Events
Wed 12th Feb 1958 the Unchained Goddess is unchained... 12th Feb 2022
Thu 27th Sep 1962 "Silent Spring" published as a book 26th Sep 2022
Mon 8th Feb 1965 All the way with LBJ - first President to say "carbon dioxide is building up" 8th Feb 2022
Fri 9th Jul 1965 "Spaceship Earth" is launched, trying to get us to see our fragility (didn't work) 9th Jul 2022
Mon 22nd Jul 1968 Gordon Macdonald tries to warn about carbon dioxide build-up... 21st Jul 2022
Sat 23rd Nov 1968 "Hell upon Earth" warning about environmental destruction,inc. climate... 22nd Nov 2022
Mon 3rd Aug 1970 Nixon warned about climate change and icecaps melting 3rd Aug 2022
Tue 11th May 1971 U Thant gets The Message 10th May 2023
Mon 7th Jun 1971 Australians warned, on television, about ecological breakdown. #ABC 7th Jun 2022
Fri 1st Sep 1972 "Man-Made Carbon Dioxide and the "Greenhouse Effect" published in Nature 31st Aug 2022
Thu 25th Apr 1974 Swedish prime minister briefed on carbon dioxide build-up 25th Apr 2022
Fri 29th Nov 1974 Swedish Prime Minister says "risk of a changed climate due to human activities ... [is] of utter importance" 28th Nov 2022
Mon 19th Jul 1976 , Scientist warns " "If we're still rolling along on fossil fuels by the end of the century, then we've had it." 18th Jul 2022
Wed 23rd Feb 1977 UK Chief Scientific Advisor worries about carbon dioxide build-up. 22nd Feb 2023
Tue 31st May 1977 "4 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise by 2027" predicts #climate scientist Wally Broecker 31st May 2022
Mon 6th Jun 1977 German scientist Hermann Flohn asks "Whither the Atmosphere and the Earth's climate?" 6th Jun 2022
Sun 24th Jul 1977 Climate change as red light? "No, but flashing yellow." 23rd Jul 2022
Mon 25th Jul 1977 New York Times front page story "scientists foresee serious climate changes" 25th Jul 2022
Wed 7th Sep 1977 #climate scientist Stephen Schneider on Carson for the last time... 6th Sep 2022
Sat 18th Feb 1978 "#Climate Experts see a Warming Trend" 18th Feb 2022
Wed 10th May 1978 Women told that by 2000 "we will be frantically searching for alternatives to coal." 10th May 2022
Tue 9th Oct 1979 Hermann Flohn warns Irish consequence of "possible consequences of a man-made warming" 8th Oct 2022
Thu 3rd Apr 1980 US news anchorman Walter Cronkite on the greenhouse effect 3rd Apr 2022
Mon 7th Apr 1980 C02 problem is most important issue..."another decade will slip by" warns Wally Broecker to Senator Tsongas 7th Apr 2022
Wed 16th Apr 1980 "a risk averse society might prefer nuclear power generation to fossil fuel burning" 16th Apr 2022
Fri 23rd May 1980 Aussie senator alerts colleagues to #climate threat. Shoulder shrugs all round. #auspol 23rd May 2022
Mon 15th Sep 1980 Australian scientists hold "Carbon Dioxide and Climate" symposium in Canberra 14th Sep 2022
Fri 31st Jul 1981 US politicians hold "carbon dioxide and climate" hearings. 30th Jul 2022
Sat 22nd Aug 1981 New York Times front page story costs #climate scientists their jobs. 21st Aug 2022
Tue 24th Jan 1984 Canadian TV documentary and discussion about #climate 23rd Jan 2023
Tue 30th Apr 1985 New York Times reports C02 not the only greenhouse problem 30th Apr 2022
Tue 10th Jun 1986 scientist tells US senators "global warming is inevitable. It is only a question of the magnitude and the timing." 10th Jun 2022
Tue 24th Jun 1986 New Yorkers get to watch a documentary on "The Climate Crisis" 24th Jun 2022
Mon 13th Jun 1988 "'Greenhouse Effect' Could Trigger Flooding, Crop Losses, Scientists Say" 12th Jun 2022
Sat 3rd Sep 1988 Ann Landers is Greta Thunberg avant la lettree... 2nd Sep 2022
Thu 10th Nov 1988 Activists demand even steeper emissions cuts than "Toronto." Ignored, obvs. But were right... 9th Nov 2022
Sat 3rd Mar 1990 " "A greenhouse energy strategy : sustainable energy development for Australia" launched ... ignored #auspol 3rd Mar 2022
Fri 3rd Jun 1994 Greenpeace warns of climate time bomb 2nd Jun 2023
Wed 8th May 2013 we pass 400 parts per million. Trouble ahead. 7th May 2023
4 Events
Mon 10th Oct 1977 famous scientist Solly Zuckerman writes to top UK Civil Servant, warning about climate change 9th Oct 2022
Tue 21st Feb 1978 "Carbon dioxide, climate and society" workshop 20th Feb 2023
Tue 9th Oct 1979 Hermann Flohn warns Irish consequence of "possible consequences of a man-made warming" 8th Oct 2022
Mon 4th Feb 1980 IIASA taskforce on Climate and Society 3rd Feb 2024
Imperial Way of Living  
Mon 7th May 2001 The American way of life is non-negotiable. Again. 6th May 2023
Industrial Decarbonisation  
Tue 3rd Feb 2015 UK tries to puzzle out industrial decarbonisation 2nd Feb 2023
Industry Associations  
9 Events
Sat 5th May 1973 Miners advertise for a greenie to join them 5th May 2023
Fri 4th May 1990 coal industry sweats over greenie influence... 3rd May 2023
Wed 3rd Apr 1991 Does coal have a future? 3rd Apr 2022
Wed 24th Aug 1994 first signs of a split in the anti-climate action business coalition... 23rd Aug 2022
Wed 20th Aug 1997 Australian Mining Industry operative misrepresents the #climate science. Obvs. 19th Aug 2022
Wed 5th Nov 1997 Global Climate Coalition co-ordinates an anti-Kyoto conference 5th Nov 2022
Fri 27th Apr 2007 Coal-bashing campaign by gas company ends 26th Apr 2023
Thu 5th Aug 2010 academics call for insurance industry to get involved in climate fight 4th Aug 2023
Sat 1st Aug 2015 World Coal Association tries to say coal is lifting people out of poverty. 31st Jul 2022
International Geophysical Year  
Mon 11th Sep 1961 New York Times reports "Air Found Gaining in Carbon Dioxide" 10th Sep 2022
International Geophysical Year  
4 Events
Mon 28th May 1956 Time Magazine reports on "One Big Greenhouse" 28th May 2022
Wed 9th Jan 1957 Daily Worker ponders climate change 8th Jan 2024
Thu 4th Apr 1957 New Scientist runs story on carbon dioxide build-up 3rd Apr 2023
Sat 21st Jun 1958 Washington Post reports 'world turning into a 'greenhouse' 20th Jun 2023
International processes  
39 Events
Wed 13th Dec 1967 Sweden begins to save the world... 12th Dec 2022
Tue 30th Jul 1968 the UN says yes to an environment conference 29th Jul 2023
Tue 3rd Dec 1968 UN General Assembly says yes to a conference about environment. C02 mentioned. 2nd Dec 2023
Fri 16th Jun 1972 David Bowie and (Five Years until) the End of the World. Also, Stockholm 16th Jun 2022
Fri 29th Jun 1979 G7 says climate change matters. Yes, 1979. 29th Jun 2022
Fri 29th Jun 1979 Thatcher uses carbon dioxide build-up to shill for nuclear power 28th Jun 2023
Mon 17th Nov 1980 International meeting about carbon dioxide build up. 16th Nov 2022
Mon 24th Jun 1985 Climate change rears its head at a development meeting... 23rd Jun 2023
Sat 11th Apr 1987 A matter of... Primo Levi's death 11th Apr 2022
Mon 27th Apr 1987 "Our Common Future" released. 27th Apr 2022
Fri 25th Mar 1988 World Meteorological Organisation sends IPCC invites. 25th Mar 2022
Tue 28th Jun 1988 Greenies want deep emissions cuts. Doesn't happen. #TorontoTarget 27th Jun 2023
Tue 27th Sep 1988 UNEP should become world eco-regime 26th Sep 2023
Thu 10th Nov 1988 Activists demand even steeper emissions cuts than "Toronto." Ignored, obvs. But were right... 9th Nov 2022
Sat 11th Mar 1989 warm words at The Hague, where the climate criminals should be sent... 11th Mar 2022
Fri 14th Apr 1989 24 US senators call for immediate unilateral climate action 14th Apr 2022
Tue 18th Apr 1989 begging letter to world leaders sent 18th Apr 2022
Fri 12th May 1989 USA says it will, after all, support the idea of a #climate treaty 12th May 2022
Sat 21st Oct 1989 Langkawi Declaration on environmental sustainability... 20th Oct 2022
Mon 6th Nov 1989 Noordwijk conference - "alright, we will keep talking" 5th Nov 2023
Sat 18th Nov 1989 Small Island States say "er, we gotta do something before the waves close over our heads" 17th Nov 2022
Sun 17th Dec 1989 a big #climate conference in Egypt begins... 16th Dec 2022
Thu 30th Aug 1990 Australian diplomats (probably) tried to water down IPCC recommendations 29th Aug 2022
Tue 6th Nov 1990 Second World Climate Conference underway 5th Nov 2023
Mon 19th Nov 1990 "The US should agree to stabilising CO2 levels" 18th Nov 2022
Mon 8th Jul 1991 UK Prime Minister chides US on #climate change 8th Jul 2022
Tue 25th Feb 1992 business groups predict economic chaos if action is taken on #climate 25th Feb 2022
Tue 21st Apr 1992 President Bush again threatens to boycott Earth Summit 21st Apr 2022
Wed 16th Jun 1993 Oooh, an international conference.... 15th Jun 2023
Fri 27th Aug 1993 international negotiations edge forward 26th Aug 2023
Wed 24th Aug 1994 first signs of a split in the anti-climate action business coalition... 23rd Aug 2022
Fri 2nd Sep 1994 International Negotiating Committee 10th meeting ends 1st Sep 2023
Wed 29th Mar 1995 Kuwaiti scientist says if global warming happening, it's not fossil fuels. #MRDA 29th Mar 2022
Thu 25th Apr 1996 Greenpeace slams Australian government on #climate obstructionism 25th Apr 2022
Wed 22nd Oct 1997 US and Australian enemies of #climate action plot and gloat 21st Oct 2022
Sun 26th Apr 1998 New York Times front page expose on anti-climate action by industry 26th Apr 2022
Fri 16th Aug 2002 "Oil Lobby Urges Bush to Keep Climate Change Off the Table at Earth Summit" 15th Aug 2023
Sun 27th Dec 2009 Art exhibition in Copenhagen saves the world 26th Dec 2023
Thu 5th Aug 2010 academics call for insurance industry to get involved in climate fight 4th Aug 2023
3 Events
Thu 16th Jul 1992 American scientist claims "no firm evidence" of #climate change Australian National Press Club #denial 15th Jul 2022
Sun 18th Aug 1996 Ex-CSIRO #climate boss shows he has lost the plot 17th Aug 2022
Wed 11th Jun 2003 US and Australian think tanks conspire vs (pluralist) democracy 10th Jun 2023
Sun 20th May 1990 "Ironing out the Greenhouse Effect" 20th May 2022
Issue Attention Cycle  
Wed 2nd Jan 2008 tiresome (but sound) "Green Fatigue" warning is made. 1st Jan 2023
Jevons Paradox  
Sun 13th Aug 1882 William "Coal Question" Jevons dies 12th Aug 2022
Keeling Curve  
Thu 29th May 1969 "A Chemist Thinks about the Future" #Keeling #KeelingCurve 29th May 2022
Keystone XL  
Sun 17th Feb 2013 celebrities arrested at Whitehouse, protesting Keystone XL 16th Feb 2023
Fri 28th Nov 2008 somebody shuts down a coal plant, solo 27th Nov 2022
Tue 22nd May 2007 "Clean coal" power station by2014, honest... 22nd May 2022
Kyoto Protocol  
2 Events
Fri 3rd Nov 2000 Australian denialists get American scientist to testify about Kyoto Protocol, smear IPCC 2nd Nov 2022
Wed 14th Aug 2002 Australian economists urge Kyoto Protocol ratification 13th Aug 2023

xbAOY by CrOsborne