All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page 5 AOY Categories and 20 AOY tags

Renewable energy  
8 Events
Sat 23rd Feb 1974 CSIRO Solar energy conference 22nd Feb 2024
Wed 3rd May 1978 First and last "Sun Day" 2nd May 2023
Mon 24th Dec 1990 Australia as renewable energy superpower 23rd Dec 2023
Mon 16th Dec 2002 another knee-capping for renewable energy in Australia... 15th Dec 2022
Tue 23rd Dec 2003 Vestas opens Tasmanian wind turbine factory 22nd Dec 2023
Sun 3rd Oct 2004 John Howard revealed to have asked for fossil fuel CEOs to kill renewables. #auspol 2nd Oct 2022
Tue 18th Jun 2013 Feeble 'Wind Fraud' rally in Canberra 17th Jun 2023
Tue 2nd Jul 2013 Ignorant man who became prime minister disses wind farms 2nd Jul 2022
Mon 17th Jul 2006 Australian Prime Minister shits on renewables, blah blah "realistic" 16th Jul 2022
Repertoire exhaustion  
Thu 22nd Mar 2012 flash mobs and repertoire exhaustion 22nd Mar 2022
Repertoire Rot  
Sun 15th Aug 2010 a walk against warming fails to catch fire. #RepertoireRot 14th Aug 2023
Repertoires Zombify folks  
Mon 20th Aug 2018 Greta Thunberg's first protest 19th Aug 2023
Republic of Newtonia  
Tue 15th Feb 1994 Isaac Newton versus the Global Forum #Manchester 15th Feb 2022
Roger Rabbit  
Wed 22nd Jun 1988 Roger Rabbit on forced consumption (and so on to #climate apocalypse) 21st Jun 2022
Wed 11th Aug 2010 @TheOnion reports "Millions Of Barrels Of Oil Safely Reach Port In Major Environmental Catastrophe" 10th Aug 2022
Sun 12th Aug 1990 Channel 4 shows crackpot documentary "The Greenhouse Conspiracy" 11th Aug 2022
School Strikes  
Mon 20th Aug 2018 Greta Thunberg's first protest 19th Aug 2023
3 Events
Tue 24th Oct 1967 editor of Science warns about C02 build-up 23rd Oct 2022
Fri 2nd Feb 1996 denialist sprays #climate science with his bullshit 1st Feb 2023
Fri 26th Oct 2001 BioEnergy Carbon Capture and Storage mooted 25th Oct 2023
95 Events
Sat 23rd Aug 1856 Eunice Foote identifies carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas 23rd Aug 2022
Thu 7th Feb 1861 161 years ago, a scientist identifies carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas 7th Feb 2022
Wed 11th Dec 1895 Arrhenius reads his "Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air" paper to Swedish Academy of Science... 10th Dec 2022
Sun 2nd Oct 1927 Svante Arrhenius and Guy Callendar die. 1st Oct 2022
Wed 19th May 1937 Guy Callendar's carbon dioxide warning lands on someone's desk 19th May 2022
Fri 2nd Oct 1942 Spaceflight!! 1st Oct 2022
Sun 5th Mar 1950 first computer simulation of the weather... 5th Mar 2022
Tue 5th May 1953 Gilbert Plass launches the carbon dioxide theory globally 5th May 2023
Tue 5th May 1953 Western Australian newspaper carries "climate and carbon dioxide" article 5th May 2022
Mon 25th May 1953 "I read about them in Time Magazine" (Gilbert Plass's greenhouse warning 25th May 2022
Thu 9th Feb 1956 Scientists puzzle over where the carbon dioxide is going.... 8th Feb 2023
Mon 19th Mar 1956 Washington Post reports Revelle's statements 18th Mar 2024
Mon 28th May 1956 Time Magazine reports on "One Big Greenhouse" 28th May 2022
Mon 1st Jul 1957 A key "year" in climate science begins... 1st Jul 2022
Tue 1st Oct 1957 US Oil company ponders carbon dioxide build-up... 30th Sep 2022
Mon 30th Dec 1957 a letter from Gilbert Plass to Guy Callendar 29th Dec 2023
Sat 15th Nov 1958 Academic Paper on "Changes in Carbon Dioxide Content of Atmosphere and Sea Due to Fossil Fuel Combustion" submitted 14th Nov 2022
Sat 19th Nov 1960 Guy Callendar gives advice on unpopularity of C02 theory 18th Nov 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first ever carbon dioxide build-up conference 11th Mar 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first scientific meeting about C02 build-up 12th Mar 2022
Wed 23rd Oct 1963 JKF warns of actions "which can irreversibly alter our biological and physical environment on a global scale." 23rd Oct 2022
Fri 2nd Oct 1964 Svante Arrhenius and Guy Callendar die. 1st Oct 2022
Sat 7th May 1966 scientist warns public about carbon dioxide build-up... 7th May 2022
Tue 24th Oct 1967 editor of Science warns about C02 build-up 23rd Oct 2022
Mon 8th Jan 1968 LaMont Cole to AAAS about running outta oxygen, build-up of C02 etc 7th Jan 2024
Fri 19th Jan 1968 Engineers are not ecologists... 18th Jan 2023
Mon 22nd Jul 1968 Gordon Macdonald tries to warn about carbon dioxide build-up... 21st Jul 2022
Thu 26th Dec 1968 "Global Effects of Environmental Pollution" symposium 25th Dec 2023
Fri 25th Apr 1969 Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?" 24th Apr 2023
Thu 29th May 1969 "A Chemist Thinks about the Future" #Keeling #KeelingCurve 29th May 2022
Mon 29th Dec 1969 AAAS symposium on "Climate and Man" 28th Dec 2023
Thu 1st Jan 1970 Yale biologist muses on science, politics, pollution, warming. 2nd Jan 2024
Wed 29th Apr 1970 Washington DC symposium talks about carbon dioxide 29th Apr 2022
Mon 3rd Aug 1970 Nixon warned about climate change and icecaps melting 3rd Aug 2022
Fri 18th Dec 1970 Science article about "Man-Made Climatic Changes" 17th Dec 2022
Tue 13th Jul 1971 Stephen Schneider "predicts" an ice age (so the myth goes) 13th Jul 2022
Fri 15th Oct 1971 "Man's Impact on the Climate" published 14th Oct 2023
Sun 3rd Dec 1972 #climate scientists write "gizza grant" letter to President Nixon 2nd Dec 2022
Thu 8th Feb 1973 American ecologist explains carbon build-up to politicians 7th Feb 2023
Thu 18th Oct 1973 "how on earth do you stop using fossil fuels?" 17th Oct 2022
Mon 29th Jul 1974 the World (will be heating) according toGARP 28th Jul 2022
Mon 28th Apr 1975 Newsweek's "The Cooling World" story. 28th Apr 2022
Fri 8th Aug 1975 first academic paper to use term "global warming" published 8th Aug 2022
Mon 18th Aug 1975 it's gonna get hotter, not cooler, say scientists 17th Aug 2023
Sun 26th Oct 1975 "The Endangered Atmosphere" conference begins... 25th Oct 2022
Sat 1st Nov 1975 Stephen Schneider tries to clear up the "Carbon Dioxide Climate Confusion." 1st Nov 2022
Mon 19th Jan 1976 The carbon consequences of cement get an early discussion. 18th Jan 2023
Tue 18th May 1976 US congress begins hearings on #climate 18th May 2022
Fri 18th Jun 1976 UK Meteorological Office explains things to Cabinet Office 18th Jun 2022
Tue 22nd Jun 1976 Times reports "World's temperature likely to rise" 21st Jun 2022
Mon 19th Jul 1976 , Scientist warns " "If we're still rolling along on fossil fuels by the end of the century, then we've had it." 18th Jul 2022
Tue 12th Oct 1976 Jule Charney throws (private) shade on fellow climatologists... 11th Oct 2022
Sun 28th Nov 1976 climate modelling workshop in USA 27th Nov 2023
Mon 6th Jun 1977 German scientist Hermann Flohn asks "Whither the Atmosphere and the Earth's climate?" 6th Jun 2022
Fri 15th Jul 1977 "Heavy Use of Coal May Bring Adverse Shit in Climate" 14th Jul 2023
Mon 14th Nov 1977 Met Office boss forced to think about #climate change - first interdepartmental meeting... 13th Nov 2022
Tue 4th Apr 1978 UK Chief Scientific Advisor worries about atmospheric C02 build-up 4th Apr 2022
Sun 10th Dec 1978 Academic workshop on "Climate/Society Interface" begins in Toronto... 9th Dec 2022
Mon 12th Feb 1979 First World Climate Conference opens 11th Feb 2024
Mon 26th Mar 1979 Exxon meets a climate scientist 26th Mar 2022
Sun 1st Apr 1979 JASONs have their two cents on the greenhouse effect 1st Apr 2022
Mon 2nd Apr 1979 AAAS workshop in Anaheim begins... 2nd Apr 2022
Mon 23rd Jul 1979 Charney Report people meet - will conclude "yep, global warming is 'A Thing'." 22nd Jul 2022
Tue 9th Oct 1979 Hermann Flohn warns Irish consequence of "possible consequences of a man-made warming" 8th Oct 2022
Thu 1st May 1980 ABC talks about atmospheric carbon dioxide measurement 30th Apr 2023
Mon 15th Sep 1980 Australian scientists hold "Carbon Dioxide and Climate" symposium in Canberra 14th Sep 2022
Mon 17th Nov 1980 International meeting about carbon dioxide build up. 16th Nov 2022
Thu 1st Jan 1981 Climate Change And Society 31st Dec 2023
Wed 30th Mar 1983 EPA sea level rise conference 29th Mar 2023
Tue 24th Jan 1984 Canadian TV documentary and discussion about #climate 23rd Jan 2023
Tue 30th Apr 1985 New York Times reports C02 not the only greenhouse problem 30th Apr 2022
Tue 15th Oct 1985 Villach meeting supercharges greenhouse concerns... 14th Oct 2022
Tue 10th Jun 1986 scientist tells US senators "global warming is inevitable. It is only a question of the magnitude and the timing." 10th Jun 2022
Mon 7th Mar 1988 "We are ratcheting ourselves to a new warmer climate" 6th Mar 2023
Fri 25th Mar 1988 World Meteorological Organisation sends IPCC invites. 25th Mar 2022
Thu 23rd Jun 1988 it's time to stop waffling and say the greenhouse effect is here 22nd Jun 2023
Thu 23rd Mar 1989 cold fusion!! 23rd Mar 2022
Fri 6th Oct 1989 Hawke Government given climate heads up by top scientist 5th Oct 2023
Sat 3rd Nov 1990 money for independent climate scientists? Yeah, nah 2nd Nov 2023
Thu 10th Jan 1991 "Separate studies rank 1990 as world's warmest year" #ShiftingBaseline 9th Jan 2023
Mon 21st Nov 1994 Skeptic invited to engage with IPCC (Spoiler, he doesn't) 20th Nov 2022
Wed 29th Mar 1995 Kuwaiti scientist says if global warming happening, it's not fossil fuels. #MRDA 29th Mar 2022
Thu 4th Jul 1996 article in Nature saying 'it's partly us' 3rd Jul 2023
Thu 23rd Apr 1998 Michael Mann's Hockey Stick paper published. 22nd Apr 2023
Wed 25th Oct 2000 James Hansen writes a letter 24th Oct 2023
Wed 18th Feb 2004 "An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science" 17th Feb 2024
Thu 13th Oct 2005 "Climate Change: Turning up the Heat" published 13th Oct 2022
Tue 13th Feb 2007 Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists... 12th Feb 2023
Thu 24th May 2007 James Hansen ponders whether scientists can be too cautious and quiet (or, indeed "reticent") 24th May 2022
Sun 30th Dec 2007 Bert Bolin dies. 29th Dec 2022
Fri 18th Feb 2011 Scientist quits advisor role (because ignored on climate?) 17th Feb 2023
Thu 14th Jul 2011 "Four Degrees or More: Australia in a Hot World" conference closes 13th Jul 2022
Wed 8th May 2013 we pass 400 parts per million. Trouble ahead. 7th May 2023
Mon 17th Mar 2014 Carbon Bus sets off to the North 16th Mar 2024
Wed 13th Jan 2021 New Scientist reports on types of intelligence required to deal with #climate change 12th Jan 2023
scientific reticence  
Fri 25th Apr 1969 Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?" 24th Apr 2023
70 Events
Thu 7th Feb 1861 161 years ago, a scientist identifies carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas 7th Feb 2022
Wed 11th Dec 1895 Arrhenius reads his "Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air" paper to Swedish Academy of Science... 10th Dec 2022
Wed 19th May 1937 Guy Callendar's carbon dioxide warning lands on someone's desk 19th May 2022
Sun 5th Mar 1950 first computer simulation of the weather... 5th Mar 2022
Tue 5th May 1953 Gilbert Plass launches the carbon dioxide theory globally 5th May 2023
Tue 5th May 1953 Western Australian newspaper carries "climate and carbon dioxide" article 5th May 2022
Mon 25th May 1953 "I read about them in Time Magazine" (Gilbert Plass's greenhouse warning 25th May 2022
Thu 9th Feb 1956 Scientists puzzle over where the carbon dioxide is going.... 8th Feb 2023
Mon 19th Mar 1956 Washington Post reports Revelle's statements 18th Mar 2024
Mon 28th May 1956 Time Magazine reports on "One Big Greenhouse" 28th May 2022
Mon 30th Dec 1957 a letter from Gilbert Plass to Guy Callendar 29th Dec 2023
Sat 15th Nov 1958 Academic Paper on "Changes in Carbon Dioxide Content of Atmosphere and Sea Due to Fossil Fuel Combustion" submitted 14th Nov 2022
Sat 19th Nov 1960 Guy Callendar gives advice on unpopularity of C02 theory 18th Nov 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first ever carbon dioxide build-up conference 11th Mar 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first scientific meeting about C02 build-up 12th Mar 2022
Wed 23rd Oct 1963 JKF warns of actions "which can irreversibly alter our biological and physical environment on a global scale." 23rd Oct 2022
Sat 7th May 1966 scientist warns public about carbon dioxide build-up... 7th May 2022
Tue 24th Oct 1967 editor of Science warns about C02 build-up 23rd Oct 2022
Mon 8th Jan 1968 LaMont Cole to AAAS about running outta oxygen, build-up of C02 etc 7th Jan 2024
Thu 26th Dec 1968 "Global Effects of Environmental Pollution" symposium 25th Dec 2023
Fri 25th Apr 1969 Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?" 24th Apr 2023
Thu 29th May 1969 "A Chemist Thinks about the Future" #Keeling #KeelingCurve 29th May 2022
Mon 29th Dec 1969 AAAS symposium on "Climate and Man" 28th Dec 2023
Mon 3rd Aug 1970 Nixon warned about climate change and icecaps melting 3rd Aug 2022
Tue 13th Jul 1971 Stephen Schneider "predicts" an ice age (so the myth goes) 13th Jul 2022
Thu 18th Oct 1973 "how on earth do you stop using fossil fuels?" 17th Oct 2022
Mon 29th Jul 1974 the World (will be heating) according toGARP 28th Jul 2022
Fri 8th Aug 1975 first academic paper to use term "global warming" published 8th Aug 2022
Mon 18th Aug 1975 it's gonna get hotter, not cooler, say scientists 17th Aug 2023
Sun 26th Oct 1975 "The Endangered Atmosphere" conference begins... 25th Oct 2022
Sat 1st Nov 1975 Stephen Schneider tries to clear up the "Carbon Dioxide Climate Confusion." 1st Nov 2022
Tue 18th May 1976 US congress begins hearings on #climate 18th May 2022
Fri 18th Jun 1976 UK Meteorological Office explains things to Cabinet Office 18th Jun 2022
Mon 19th Jul 1976 , Scientist warns " "If we're still rolling along on fossil fuels by the end of the century, then we've had it." 18th Jul 2022
Tue 12th Oct 1976 Jule Charney throws (private) shade on fellow climatologists... 11th Oct 2022
Tue 31st May 1977 "4 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise by 2027" predicts #climate scientist Wally Broecker 31st May 2022
Mon 6th Jun 1977 German scientist Hermann Flohn asks "Whither the Atmosphere and the Earth's climate?" 6th Jun 2022
Sun 10th Dec 1978 Academic workshop on "Climate/Society Interface" begins in Toronto... 9th Dec 2022
Mon 26th Mar 1979 Exxon meets a climate scientist 26th Mar 2022
Mon 2nd Apr 1979 AAAS workshop in Anaheim begins... 2nd Apr 2022
Mon 23rd Jul 1979 Charney Report people meet - will conclude "yep, global warming is 'A Thing'." 22nd Jul 2022
Tue 9th Oct 1979 Hermann Flohn warns Irish consequence of "possible consequences of a man-made warming" 8th Oct 2022
Mon 15th Sep 1980 Australian scientists hold "Carbon Dioxide and Climate" symposium in Canberra 14th Sep 2022
Mon 17th Nov 1980 International meeting about carbon dioxide build up. 16th Nov 2022
Thu 1st Jan 1981 Climate Change And Society 31st Dec 2023
Tue 15th Oct 1985 Villach meeting supercharges greenhouse concerns... 14th Oct 2022
Tue 10th Jun 1986 scientist tells US senators "global warming is inevitable. It is only a question of the magnitude and the timing." 10th Jun 2022
Mon 7th Mar 1988 "We are ratcheting ourselves to a new warmer climate" 6th Mar 2023
Thu 23rd Jun 1988 it's time to stop waffling and say the greenhouse effect is here 22nd Jun 2023
Thu 5th Jan 1989 National Academy of Science tries to chivvy Bush. 4th Jan 2024
Thu 23rd Mar 1989 cold fusion!! 23rd Mar 2022
Sun 13th Sep 1992 Scientists traduced, ignored 12th Sep 2022
Tue 13th Sep 1994 Scientists traduced, ignored - Redux 12th Sep 2022
Wed 29th Mar 1995 Kuwaiti scientist says if global warming happening, it's not fossil fuels. #MRDA 29th Mar 2022
Thu 23rd Apr 1998 Michael Mann's Hockey Stick paper published. 22nd Apr 2023
Mon 8th Dec 2003 Chief Scientific Advisor under microscope for Rio Tinto role 7th Dec 2023
Wed 7th Jan 2004 geoengineering our way outa trouble? 6th Jan 2024
Fri 9th Jan 2004 UK Chief Scientific Advisor lays into President over climate inaction 8th Jan 2024
Thu 13th Oct 2005 "Climate Change: Turning up the Heat" published 13th Oct 2022
Mon 5th Dec 2005 CCS is our only hope, says Chief Scientist.... 5th Dec 2023
Thu 15th Dec 2005 James Hansen versus Bush again... 16th Dec 2023
Tue 13th Feb 2007 Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists... 12th Feb 2023
Thu 24th May 2007 James Hansen ponders whether scientists can be too cautious and quiet (or, indeed "reticent") 24th May 2022
Wed 12th Dec 2007 RIP William Kellogg 11th Dec 2023
Sun 30th Dec 2007 Bert Bolin dies. 29th Dec 2022
Mon 1st Mar 2010 scientist grilled over nothing burger... 1st Mar 2022
Fri 18th Feb 2011 Scientist quits advisor role (because ignored on climate?) 17th Feb 2023
Thu 14th Jul 2011 "Four Degrees or More: Australia in a Hot World" conference closes 13th Jul 2022
Sat 10th Mar 2012 RIP Sherry Rowland 10th Mar 2022
Mon 17th Mar 2014 Carbon Bus sets off to the North 16th Mar 2024
Sun 10th Dec 1978 Academic workshop on "Climate/Society Interface" begins in Toronto... 9th Dec 2022
Sea level rise  
3 Events
Wed 11th Mar 1959 Warmer Arctic Raising World's Sea Level... 10th Mar 2024
Wed 30th Mar 1983 EPA sea level rise conference 29th Mar 2023
Tue 11th Apr 1989 "Ark" sinks its cred 10th Apr 2023
Sea Level Rise  
2 Events
Mon 24th Oct 1983 EPA releases study on sea-level rise 23rd Oct 2023
Sat 18th Nov 1989 Small Island States say "er, we gotta do something before the waves close over our heads" 17th Nov 2022
Thu 16th Mar 1995 Victorian government plans brown coal exports 16th Mar 2022
Senate Record  
Wed 12th Aug 1970 US Senate warned about climate change 11th Aug 2022
Serengeti Strategy  
Mon 1st Mar 2010 scientist grilled over nothing burger... 1st Mar 2022
Fri 15th Oct 1971 "Man's Impact on the Climate" published 14th Oct 2023
Social Movements  
2 Events
Wed 16th Jun 1971 "Ecology Action" formed in Sydney. 15th Jun 2022
Tue 3rd Feb 2009 Physical encirclement of parliament easier than ideological or political. #auspol 3rd Feb 2022
Solar Energy  
Thu 29th Nov 1973 Australian politician warns of climate change 28th Nov 2022
Space Mirrors  
Thu 17th Aug 1989 Space shields to save the earth... 16th Aug 2023
Spaceship Earth  
2 Events
Fri 9th Jul 1965 "Spaceship Earth" is launched, trying to get us to see our fragility (didn't work) 9th Jul 2022
Tue 8th Mar 1966 Spaceship Earth blasts off... 7th Mar 2024

xbAOY by CrOsborne