This section contains general news about the Green-History Project. There are separate pages listing updates to specific areas
At last, perhaps inspired by the 50th (or 51st © DT) approximate anniversary of the founding of PEOPLE - the party that became the Green Party - the party had finally cleared out the 100 odd boxes of documents that have been cluttering the office and store-rooms through successive changes of premises.
We are delighted to see that they have partnered with LSE Library as the official repository for the archive and the material has already been passed over and has been catalogued by the LSE Library. This is an excellent and enormous piece of work and we offer congratulations and thanks to those at LSE who have got stuck in so quickly. You can view the catalogue online here (click on the "GP" link near the top to delve into the details).
The archive is housed at the library in 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2AD and visitors can arrange to access material - contact the Archives and Special Collections Team for details - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There is an ambition to digitise the material as and when it is requested for research, and we will cross link from the Doc.Archive here as new material becomes available.
On 24th February a Launch Event for the archive was held at the Library attended by the 3 surviving members of the founding "gang of four" who started PEOPLE as well as many other significant "names" from the party's history and present. There is a report and pictures in the blog section here.
- Author: Roger CO
Well four years is a far longer break than we envisaged, but we are back - prompted by the launch of the official Green Party archive, and the continuing tendency for the green movement to continue doing the same things that haven't worked in the past expecting a different result this time.
We have been working in the background for the last few weeks on some new articles and some improvements to the navigation of the site. Already published is a summary of Party Publications. Further details and reflections on the "Teach-In for Survival" held at Queen Elizabeth College in 1972 are coming shortly as well as a review of the Eco-Green aspects of the Peace movement in the 70's and 80's
We are gradually tracking down various broken links that have crept in (software rusts, just like iron) - please let us know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you find something that isn't working as we reorganise things.
Over the coming weeks there will be a new book library and a new system for managing the Doc.Archive and also a section on significant eco-themed Film and TV programmes from the period as well as a new system for indexing people across all areas. All of which will integrate with the same tagging system used for articles - this will allow much better cross referencing of material.
- Author: Roger CO
Site News for March and April
For an explanation of the recent silence here see the new blog post Sometimes the Present takes Priority by RogerCO
- Author: Roger CO
Site News December 2018
Three new articles and a couple of blog posts to draw your attention to this month.
David Taylor has published a major piece on the The Green Collective - a different way of doing things.
Both of these are grist to the mill of the Green School in February. A suggested reading list for the school will be published here before the Christmas holiday.
Another topic that will form background for the school is the relationship between environmentalism and ecology - David has provided a brief blog post this month as a starter for the discussion. Roger's blog for November is concerned with the problems of organising and cataloging material on the site.
We would also like to draw your attention to the articles on our Future Plans and the related Fundraising Appeal appeal. There is a lot of work to do and you can help very easily by using the Donate button on the left.
New documents in the Library this month include the first tranche of Steve Lambert's documents which he donated at the fundraising launch. Now the dark evenings and wet days have well set in Roger is hoping to get a lot more published before the New Year...
- Author: Roger CO
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