This section contains general news about the Green-History Project. There are separate pages listing updates to specific areas
Broken Links Warning
We have been re-structuring the filing system in the Document Library to make it more resilient and 'future-proof'. This means that many documents have moved location and there will be further changes over the coming month so there may be broken links on some pages - we try and fix these as soon as we become aware of them, but if we've missed one please let us know - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have a significant number of new documents to catalogue and make available including collections from Peter Cox (including much material on the Peace movement) and Peter Frings (especially covering early Ecology Party and the members newsletter) as well as miscellaneous other documents. Getting through this backlog will be a major focus over the next month or two including to continue to work through the Green Line archive which needs scanning and indexing.
Articles in preparation include work on Green CND, Green Gatherings, more on the Green Fields at Glastonbury, a look at early local election successes by Ecology Party and details of the 1979, 1983 and 1987 General Election campaigns.
- Author: David Taylor
Improvements to Navigation:
It is a constant battle as new material gets added to keep things well indexed and findable. The basic system of categories and tags works well and there are several improvements to the presentation. At the foot of every article you will now find the author detail with a contact link, a note of the sources used, a list of the category and the tags for the article which link to lists of all other articles in the category, or all articles with the tag you click on. You will also see any comments that have been added by contributors after publication.
- Author: David Taylor
We've been busy little bees this month thanks to the wet weather keeping us indoors.
- All issues of the Green Collective newsletter are now online here
- New Introductory article on Green Collective
- Extracts from Green Collective mailings- Constitution, a History, and a Poem
- The story of The Green Grail
- A Green-History YouTube channel has been created for videos and an initial five videos have been uploaded. You can find them here on this site or subscribe to our channel on YouTube. If you have or find other video material from the period 1972-1989 please let us know - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- There is some reorganisation of the structure of this site - new items on the menu, new widgets in the right hand column on some pages, and the start of a user guide.
- Author: David Taylor
There have been no changes on here since the Exhibition Panels went online at the end of August as reported in the Sept 1st news Update.
This is because with only one of us acting as content manager for the site and I have been away on my bike for the last two months - you can read all about it at and also at if you are interested in that sort of thing.
Anyway I am back now and have a backlog of material from David and other new contributors to work through, so hopefully there will be some more news on the 1st Dec update.
By the way if you'd like to help getting material prepared and published here please do drop me a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the contact form. It is easy to learn if you have a little time to contribute.
- Author: David Taylor
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