This section contains general news about the Green-History Project. There are separate pages listing updates to specific areas
- Following the successful exhibition and talk by Brig and David at this years Green Gathering the exhibition panels can be seen here.
- Articles expanding on each of the panels are in preparation. The first one covering the 1980 and 1981 Gatherings is available in first draft here
- David's complete collection of Green Collective mailings 1984-1987 has been scanned and are being made available here as they get indexed. A lot of useful background context can be found in the pages and will be brought out into articles over the coming months.
- Peter Cox has contributed two papers on Peace and Mobility and also a large personal archive of documents from the late 70's and early 80's. These will become available here over the coming months.
- Author: David Taylor
We are preparing an exhibition on the History of the Green Gathering and a talk in the Speakers Forum tent at the 2017 Green Gathering.
Come along on Saturday at 12:00 (midday, not midnight when we will all become night people) and listen to David and Brig tell the story of the Green Gatherings.
The exhibition will be posted on here in due course. In preparation there is additional material now available in the document library Green Gathering category and there has been some improvements to the library.
- Author: David Taylor
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