Document Tags for specific Years

Documents with a year tag - 18 items found

Years : Tags to group together documents by year

Click on tag title to get a table of all documents with that tag

Title Description Files
1972 Documents from 1972 7
1973 Documents from 1973 7
1974 Documents from 1974 23
1975 Documents from 1975 11
1976 Documents from 1976 23
1977 Documents from 1977 11
1978 Documents from 1978 20
1979 Documents from 1979 41
1980 Documents from 1980 8
1981 Documents from 1981 6
1982 Documents from 1982 27
1983 Documents from 1983 47
1984 Documents from 1984 36
1985 Documents from 1985 21
1986 Documents from 1986 23
1987 Documents from 1987 20
1988 Documents from 1988 14
1989 Documents from 1989 15