All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page 6 AOY Categories and 19 AOY tags

United Kingdom  
152 Events
Fri 21st Dec 1759 "What have ye done?" 21st Dec 2023
Sun 13th Aug 1882 William "Coal Question" Jevons dies 12th Aug 2022
Wed 18th Nov 1953 Macmillan tells the truth about committees 17th Nov 2023
Tue 2nd Mar 1954 UK newspaper readers get Greenhouse lesson from Ritchie-Calder 1st Mar 2024
Thu 9th Jun 1955 Royal Society misses the point (tbf, easily done) 8th Jun 2023
Fri 12th Sep 1958 Letter in The Times about ... carbon dioxide build-up 11th Sep 2022
Wed 11th Mar 1959 Warmer Arctic Raising World's Sea Level... 10th Mar 2024
Thu 8th Oct 1959 Shell says "nothing to see here" on carbon dioxide build-up 7th Oct 2022
Sun 1st Nov 1959 M1 motorway section opened 31st Oct 2023
Wed 13th Nov 1963 Ritchie Calder warns of trouble ahead because of carbon dioxide... 12th Nov 2023
Sat 23rd Nov 1963 Doctor Who begins 22nd Nov 2023
Sat 18th Jan 1964 Nature mentions atmospheric carbon dioxide build-up 17th Jan 2024
Sun 27th Mar 1966 The "Conservation Society" to be launched 26th Mar 2023
Fri 22nd Jul 1966 "The Conservation Society" holds launch event 22nd Jul 2022
Fri 27th Jan 1967 James Lovelock told to keep schtum about climate change by Shell science boss 26th Jan 2024
Tue 14th Feb 1967 John Mason (Met Office boss) dismisses carbon dioxide problem 13th Feb 2024
Wed 1st Mar 1967 Carbon dioxide as important waste problem 29th Feb 2024
Wed 26th Jul 1967 Allen Ginsberg tells Gary Snyder it's "a general lemming situation" 25th Jul 2023
Mon 15th Jul 1968 first(?) UK government attention to the possibility of climate change 14th Jul 2023
Sun 17th Nov 1968 UK national newspaper flags carbon dioxide danger... 16th Nov 2022
Sat 23rd Nov 1968 "Hell upon Earth" warning about environmental destruction,inc. climate... 22nd Nov 2022
Mon 29th Sep 1969 British Prime Minister Harold Wilson blah blah "second industrial revolution" blah blah pollution blah blah 28th Sep 2022
Wed 5th Nov 1969 House of Lords question about the greenhouse effect 4th Nov 2023
Mon 26th Jan 1970 British PM offers US a "new special relationship" on pollution. (Conservative then tries to outflank him.) 25th Jan 2024
Fri 19th Feb 1971 Nature editorial on "The Great Greenhouse Scare" 18th Feb 2024
Wed 24th Feb 1971 aims of the Department of the Environment 23rd Feb 2024
Mon 5th Apr 1971 a UK scientist explains "pollution in context" 4th Apr 2023
Fri 8th Oct 1971 Lord Kennet pushes back against Nature's "John Maddox" on the greenhouse effect. 7th Oct 2023
Wed 16th Feb 1972 Dept of Env boss "we can't be complacent" 15th Feb 2024
Mon 21st Feb 1972 Horizon and the backlash against "selling doomsday" 20th Feb 2024
Mon 8th May 1972 "Teach-in for Survival" in London 8th May 2022
Fri 16th Jun 1972 David Bowie and (Five Years until) the End of the World. Also, Stockholm 16th Jun 2022
Thu 6th Jul 1972 "Workers and the Environment" conference in London... 6th Jul 2022
Fri 1st Sep 1972 "Man-Made Carbon Dioxide and the "Greenhouse Effect" published in Nature 31st Aug 2022
Fri 5th Jan 1973 An academic article about the Arctic emerges from the Met Office 4th Jan 2023
Sat 31st Mar 1973 Protest in Piccadilly Circus 30th Mar 2024
Thu 14th Jun 1973 Education for the Future? Meh. 13th Jun 2023
Sun 26th Aug 1973 Sir Kingsley Dunham points out the C02problem 25th Aug 2023
Thu 13th Dec 1973 Edward Heath announces Three Day Week 12th Dec 2023
Wed 9th Jan 1974 The UK sets up a "Department of Energy" 8th Jan 2023
Mon 14th Oct 1974 UK Chief Scientific Advisor is warned about carbon dioxide build-up. 13th Oct 2022
Fri 1st Nov 1974 UK civil servants writing to each other on "Climatology" 31st Oct 2023
Wed 20th Nov 1974 BBC airs "The Weather Machine" 19th Nov 2022
Mon 9th Dec 1974 UK Department of Energy launches "energy efficiency" programme 8th Dec 2022
Tue 22nd Apr 1975 UK Civil Service scratches its head on #climate 22nd Apr 2022
Mon 18th Aug 1975 it's gonna get hotter, not cooler, say scientists 17th Aug 2023
Wed 17th Mar 1976 UK Weather boss dismisses climate change as "grossly exaggerated" 16th Mar 2023
Fri 18th Jun 1976 UK Meteorological Office explains things to Cabinet Office 18th Jun 2022
Tue 22nd Jun 1976 Times reports "World's temperature likely to rise" 21st Jun 2022
Wed 1st Dec 1976 Met Office boss still saying carbon dioxide build-up a non-issue 30th Nov 2022
Wed 23rd Feb 1977 UK Chief Scientific Advisor worries about carbon dioxide build-up. 22nd Feb 2023
Mon 20th Jun 1977 "Alternative Three" - An early Climate Hoax 20th Jun 2022
Mon 10th Oct 1977 famous scientist Solly Zuckerman writes to top UK Civil Servant, warning about climate change 9th Oct 2022
Mon 14th Nov 1977 Met Office boss forced to think about #climate change - first interdepartmental meeting... 13th Nov 2022
Mon 12th Dec 1977 UK Government launches energy efficiency scheme, because Jimmy Carter had visited... 11th Dec 2022
Tue 4th Apr 1978 UK Chief Scientific Advisor worries about atmospheric C02 build-up 4th Apr 2022
Wed 4th Oct 1978 the Interdepartmental group on Climatology meets for the first time... 3rd Oct 2023
Thu 30th Nov 1978 House of Lords debate on Atmospheric Changes... 29th Nov 2022
Fri 22nd Dec 1978 UK Energy Department chief scientist worries about CO2 levels and pressure to reduce them... 21st Dec 2022
Wed 7th Feb 1979 Met Office boss bullshits about his carbon dioxide stance 6th Feb 2023
Thu 29th Mar 1979 Health impacts of carbon dioxide discussed... 28th Mar 2024
Fri 27th Apr 1979 Ecology Party first TV broadcast ahead 26th Apr 2023
Fri 29th Jun 1979 Thatcher uses carbon dioxide build-up to shill for nuclear power 28th Jun 2023
Fri 27th Jul 1979 Thatcher's Cabinet ponders burying climate report 26th Jul 2023
Tue 11th Dec 1979 conference on "Environmental Effects of utilising more coal" in London 10th Dec 2023
Mon 11th Feb 1980 First UK Government climate report released. 10th Feb 2023
Tue 8th Apr 1980 UK civil servant Crispin Tickell warns Times readers... 7th Apr 2023
Wed 16th Apr 1980 "a risk averse society might prefer nuclear power generation to fossil fuel burning" 16th Apr 2022
Tue 8th Dec 1981 Thames TV shows "Warming Warning" documentary 7th Dec 2022
Mon 28th Jun 1982 Secretary of State for Energy justifies flogging off public assets 28th Jun 2022
Tue 17th Aug 1982 Crispin Tickell sounds the alarm bell 16th Aug 2023
Thu 7th Jun 1984 UK diplomat pushes for more environmental action 6th Jun 2023
Thu 9th Jul 1987 "Unpleasant surprises in the greenhouse" warns Broecker 8th Jul 2023
Mon 8th Feb 1988 BBC Horizon on The Greenhouse Effect 7th Feb 2024
Tue 27th Sep 1988 Margaret Thatcher comes out as a lentil-eating greenie... 26th Sep 2022
Mon 19th Dec 1988 the launch of "Ark" 18th Dec 2023
Mon 13th Mar 1989 UK Energy Department shits all over everyone's future by dissing Toronto Target 13th Mar 2022
Tue 11th Apr 1989 "Ark" sinks its cred 10th Apr 2023
Wed 5th Jul 1989 Nuclear tries to regain some credibility, latching on to greenhouse 5th Jul 2022
Sun 30th Jul 1989 UK Conservative politician warns "we have at most 25 years to take action." 29th Jul 2022
Sat 4th Nov 1989 UK Government launches first of many blame-shifting publicity campaigns on #climate 3rd Nov 2022
Fri 25th May 1990 Thatcher opens Hadley Centre 24th May 2023
Sat 28th Jul 1990 American #climate denial comes to London 27th Jul 2022
Sun 12th Aug 1990 Channel 4 shows crackpot documentary "The Greenhouse Conspiracy" 11th Aug 2022
Sat 27th Oct 1990 The Economist admits nobody is gonna seriously cut C02 emissions 27th Oct 2022
Sat 3rd Nov 1990 more smears about the IPCC, in the Financial Times 2nd Nov 2023
Wed 3rd Apr 1991 Does coal have a future? 3rd Apr 2022
Mon 13th May 1991 UK Energy minister fanboys nuclear as climate solution. Obvs. 12th May 2023
Mon 8th Jul 1991 UK Prime Minister chides US on #climate change 8th Jul 2022
Sat 9th Nov 1991 Australian TV station SBS shows demented '"Greenhouse Conspiracy" 'documentary' 8th Nov 2022
Mon 14th Dec 1992 UK "releases "National programme on carbon dioxide emissions" 14th Dec 2023
Tue 23rd Mar 1993 UK "The Prospects for Coal" White Paper published. 22nd Mar 2023
Fri 26th Mar 1993 UK government to ratify climate treaty 25th Mar 2023
Mon 29th Mar 1993 C02 Disposal symposium takes place in Oxford 28th Mar 2023
Tue 21st Sep 1993 Manchester says "no, not hot air". Yeah, right. 21st Sep 2023
Thu 25th Nov 1993 House of Commons briefing on carbon taxes 24th Nov 2023
Tue 15th Feb 1994 Isaac Newton versus the Global Forum #Manchester 15th Feb 2022
Sun 22nd Jan 1995 UK Prime Minister John Major told to implement green taxes on #climate 21st Jan 2023
Mon 19th May 1997 an oil company defects from thedenialists. Sort of. 18th May 2023
Tue 31st Mar 1998 another report about #climate and business in the UK 31st Mar 2022
Tue 31st Mar 1998 two business-friendly climate events in UK and Australia 30th Mar 2023
Wed 25th Oct 2000 local authorities in England make #climate promises. Well, that went well... #NottinghamDeclaration 24th Oct 2022
Thu 9th Nov 2000 Tyndall Centre launched 8th Nov 2023
Tue 17th Sep 2002 UK Government announces feasibility study into Carbon Capture and Storage 16th Sep 2022
Mon 24th Feb 2003 UK Energy White Paper kinda changes the game (a bit). 23rd Feb 2023
Sun 10th Aug 2003 a UK temperature record tumbles... 9th Aug 2023
Fri 24th Oct 2003 Last flight of the Concorde 23rd Oct 2023
Wed 7th Jan 2004 geoengineering our way outa trouble? 6th Jan 2024
Fri 9th Jan 2004 UK Chief Scientific Advisor lays into President over climate inaction 8th Jan 2024
Tue 14th Sep 2004 Blair "shocked" by scientists warnings - "time is running out for tackling climate change" 13th Sep 2022
Fri 15th Jul 2005 The "Stern Review" into #climate is announced... 15th Jul 2022
Mon 18th Jul 2005 inconvenient energy targets scrapped 17th Jul 2023
Wed 31st Aug 2005 "Stop Climate Chaos" launched 30th Aug 2022
Thu 1st Dec 2005 David Cameron says "low carbon living should not be a weird or worthy obligation" 30th Nov 2022
Mon 5th Dec 2005 CCS is our only hope, says Chief Scientist.... 5th Dec 2023
Thu 20th Apr 2006 David Cameron does "hug-a-husky" to detoxify the Conservative brand 20th Apr 2022
Tue 16th May 2006 UK Prime Minister Tony Blair goes nuclear... 16th May 2022
Sat 26th Aug 2006 First "Climate Camp" begins 25th Aug 2022
Mon 4th Sep 2006 Royal Society to Exxon: "Knock it off with the funding to #climate deniers" 3rd Sep 2022
Sun 24th Sep 2006 "Plane Stupid" holds first action, with "Sermon on the Taxiway" at East Midlands Airport 23rd Sep 2022
Thu 5th Oct 2006 Greenpeace sues Blair Government over shonky energy "consultation" 4th Oct 2022
Mon 30th Oct 2006 Stern Review publshed. 29th Oct 2022
Sat 17th Mar 2007 Edinburgh #climate action gathering says 'Now' the time to act 17th Mar 2022
Mon 19th Nov 2007 Gordon Brown announces first Carbon Capture and Storage competition at WWF event 15th Nov 2022
Fri 13th Jun 2008 activists stop coal train, throw coal off. Convictions eventually quashed... 13th Jun 2022
Mon 4th Aug 2008 Police pepper spray #climate campers 4th Aug 2022
Wed 10th Sep 2008 Greenpeace Kingsnorth protesters acquitted 9th Sep 2023
Wed 26th Nov 2008 Climate Change Act becomes law 25th Nov 2023
Fri 28th Nov 2008 somebody shuts down a coal plant, solo 27th Nov 2022
Mon 1st Dec 2008 Climate Change Committee fanboys carbon capture 30th Nov 2023
Fri 6th Mar 2009 the UK gets its first "low carbon industrial strategy" 6th Mar 2022
Mon 1st Mar 2010 scientist grilled over nothing burger... 1st Mar 2022
Thu 18th Mar 2010 "Solar" by Ian McEwan released. 18th Mar 2022
Sat 15th May 2010 another pointless overnight vigil. 14th May 2023
Wed 30th Jun 2010 CCS will be at 5GW by 2020. (nope). 29th Jun 2023
Sun 27th Feb 2011 "Metamorphosis" statement by Climate Camp 26th Feb 2024
Wed 2nd May 2012 CCS is gonna save us all. Oh yes. 2nd May 2022
Mon 8th Apr 2013 Margaret Thatcher died 7th Apr 2023
Tue 2nd Jul 2013 Ignorant man who became prime minister disses wind farms 2nd Jul 2022
Fri 8th Nov 2013 "One religion is enough" says John Howard 7th Nov 2023
Thu 21st Nov 2013 "Cut the Green Crap" said UK Prime Minister 20th Nov 2023
Mon 20th Jan 2014 Gummer sledges "green extremists" 19th Jan 2024
Tue 4th Feb 2014 CCSA and TUC release Economic Benefits of CCS report 3rd Feb 2024
Sun 9th Feb 2014 A Farage-o of nonsense about climate change 9th Feb 2022
Sun 20th Jul 2014 the "Green Blob" blamed 19th Jul 2023
Tue 3rd Feb 2015 UK tries to puzzle out industrial decarbonisation 2nd Feb 2023
Sat 14th Feb 2015 No love for coal from UK politicians 13th Feb 2023
Wed 31st Oct 2018 Extinction Rebellion makes its declaration of rebellion 31st Oct 2023
Sat 17th Nov 2018 XR occupy five bridges in London 16th Nov 2023
Thu 2nd May 2019 Committee on Climate change report on net zero by 2050 1st May 2023
Tue 16th Nov 2021 Chancellor cuddles up to oil bosses, of course. 15th Nov 2023
Tue 10th Jan 2023 Labour launches a Climate and Environment Forum 9th Jan 2024
United States of America  
274 Events
Mon 29th Nov -0001 US Congressman says climate research money is "money down a rat hole" 1st May 2022
Sat 23rd Aug 1856 Eunice Foote identifies carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas 23rd Aug 2022
Sat 6th Jan 1883 The New York Times reports on the Atmosphere 5th Jan 2024
Wed 20th Sep 1893 first American-made gasoline-powered car hits theroad. 19th Sep 2022
Thu 16th Jan 1919 banning things that people like turns out not to work 15th Jan 2024
Fri 7th Dec 1928 Noam Chomsky born 6th Dec 2022
Thu 20th Nov 1930 the Fox is born!! 19th Nov 2023
Tue 9th Sep 1947 The Daily Worker talks about melting the ice-caps 8th Sep 2023
Tue 30th Mar 1948 The Conservation Foundation founded 29th Mar 2024
Wed 15th Sep 1948 Biologist Evelyn Hutchinson mentions carbon dioxide build-up at an AAAS symposium. 14th Sep 2023
Sat 1st Jul 1950 "Is the World Getting Warmer?" asks Saturday Evening Post 1st Jul 2022
Mon 18th May 1953 Newsweek covers climate change. Yes, 1953. 17th May 2023
Sun 12th Jul 1953 "The Weather is Really Changing" says New York Times 11th Jul 2023
Fri 28th May 1954 Will we control the weather?! 27th May 2023
Sun 2nd Jan 1955 Commie newspaper covers climate 1st Jan 2024
Sun 23rd Oct 1955 LA Times article says "our weather is changing" 22nd Oct 2023
Thu 15th Mar 1956 scientist explains climate change to US senators 14th Mar 2023
Mon 19th Mar 1956 Washington Post reports Revelle's statements 18th Mar 2024
Fri 29th Jun 1956 Just DRIVE, she said... 28th Jun 2023
Sun 28th Oct 1956 New York Times reports "Warmer Climate on the Earth May Be Due To More Carbon Dioxide in the Air" 27th Oct 2022
Tue 27th Nov 1956 New York Times science writer who covered C02 build-up dies. 26th Nov 2023
Wed 9th Jan 1957 Daily Worker ponders climate change 8th Jan 2024
Thu 4th Apr 1957 New Scientist runs story on carbon dioxide build-up 3rd Apr 2023
Tue 1st Oct 1957 US Oil company ponders carbon dioxide build-up... 30th Sep 2022
Sun 26th Jan 1958 "Mystery of the Warming World" in Washington Star 25th Jan 2024
Tue 18th Mar 1958 Military man spots carbon dioxide problem 17th Mar 2023
Sat 21st Jun 1958 Washington Post reports 'world turning into a 'greenhouse' 20th Jun 2023
Wed 19th Nov 1958 doctor warns of long-term problem of carbon dioxide build-up 18th Nov 2023
Tue 22nd Mar 1960 US Television warning of carbon dioxide build up, courtesy Athelstan Spilhaus... 21st Mar 2023
Fri 20th May 1960 Spengler suggests decline of the ... whole shebang 19th May 2023
Mon 11th Sep 1961 New York Times reports "Air Found Gaining in Carbon Dioxide" 10th Sep 2022
Sun 14th Jan 1962 As much truth as one can bear, James Baldwin 13th Jan 2024
Sun 8th Jul 1962 New York Times on 'Glasshouse Effect" 7th Jul 2023
Mon 9th Jul 1962 rainbow bomb parties as hydrogen bomb explodes 8th Jul 2023
Thu 27th Sep 1962 "Silent Spring" published as a book 26th Sep 2022
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first ever carbon dioxide build-up conference 11th Mar 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first scientific meeting about C02 build-up 12th Mar 2022
Thu 13th Jun 1963 Revelle, Von Braun and Teller talk futures 12th Jun 2023
Mon 11th Nov 1963 "Is man upsetting the weather?" 10th Nov 2023
Sat 4th Apr 1964 President Johnson's Domestic Council on climate... 3rd Apr 2023
Tue 14th Apr 1964 RIP Rachel Carson 13th Apr 2023
Wed 2nd Dec 1964 Mario Savio's "bodies on the gears" speech at Berkeley.. 2nd Dec 2022
Mon 8th Feb 1965 All the way with LBJ - first President to say "carbon dioxide is building up" 8th Feb 2022
Thu 15th Apr 1965 Murray Bookchin warns about carbon dioxide build-up 14th Apr 2023
Tue 1st Jun 1965 Tom Lehrer warns "don't drink the water and don't breathe the air" 1st Jun 2022
Sun 20th Feb 1966 US Senators told about carbon build-up by physicist 19th Feb 2023
Sat 7th May 1966 scientist warns public about carbon dioxide build-up... 7th May 2022
Mon 20th Mar 1967 Solar Energy advocate warns of carbon dioxide build-up 19th Mar 2024
Wed 26th Jul 1967 Allen Ginsberg tells Gary Snyder it's "a general lemming situation" 25th Jul 2023
Tue 24th Oct 1967 editor of Science warns about C02 build-up 23rd Oct 2022
Fri 19th Jan 1968 Engineers are not ecologists... 18th Jan 2023
Mon 12th Feb 1968 The Motherfuckers do their motherfucking thing, with garbage in New York. 11th Feb 2023
Mon 18th Mar 1968 Bobby Kennedy vs Gross National Product 18th Mar 2022
Sun 31st Mar 1968 Can the world be saved? 30th Mar 2024
Sat 13th Apr 1968 the New Yorker glosses air pollution, mentions carbon dioxide 12th Apr 2023
Fri 17th May 1968 "Some prophets of darkness warn of polar icecaps melting..." 17th May 2022
Mon 22nd Jul 1968 Gordon Macdonald tries to warn about carbon dioxide build-up... 21st Jul 2022
Mon 19th Aug 1968 Is Man Spoiling the Weather? (yes) 18th Aug 2023
Tue 24th Dec 1968 "Earthrise" photo 23rd Dec 2022
Tue 28th Jan 1969 Santa Barbara Oil spill 27th Jan 2024
Tue 11th Mar 1969 NASA explains need to monitor C02 build-up to politicians 10th Mar 2023
Fri 25th Apr 1969 Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?" 24th Apr 2023
Tue 10th Jun 1969 pro-nukers mention carbon dioxide in a New York Times article 9th Jun 2023
Wed 17th Sep 1969 trying to spin Vietnam, Moynihan starts warning about #climate change 16th Sep 2022
Tue 30th Sep 1969 US activist publication mentions climate change 29th Sep 2023
Sat 4th Oct 1969 "If f we melt the Antarctic, our problems are solved because all of the ports of the world would vanish and the ocean will rise 200 feet." 3rd Oct 2022
Wed 22nd Oct 1969 Edmund Muskie mentions CO2 build up 22nd Oct 2023
Mon 29th Dec 1969 AAAS symposium on "Climate and Man" 28th Dec 2023
Thu 1st Jan 1970 Yale biologist muses on science, politics, pollution, warming. 2nd Jan 2024
Wed 7th Jan 1970 "Ecology Action East" is "intersectional" 6th Jan 2024
Sun 11th Jan 1970 A new Ice Age on its way? 10th Jan 2024
Mon 26th Jan 1970 British PM offers US a "new special relationship" on pollution. (Conservative then tries to outflank him.) 25th Jan 2024
Mon 26th Jan 1970 US science bureaucrat writes "what's going on?" memo about #climate 25th Jan 2023
Mon 2nd Feb 1970 For once, "Time is on our side" 2nd Feb 2022
Mon 16th Feb 1970 Sports Illustrated readers appreciate eco-warning 15th Feb 2024
Thu 23rd Apr 1970 book review nails coming #climate problems... 22nd Apr 2023
Wed 29th Apr 1970 Washington DC symposium talks about carbon dioxide 29th Apr 2022
Mon 22nd Jun 1970 US Congressman talks about 'the Imperilled Environment,' including C02 build-up 21st Jun 2023
Tue 28th Jul 1970 American journalist warns about melting the icecaps... 28th Jul 2022
Sun 2nd Aug 1970 LA Times runs #climate change front page story 1st Aug 2023
Mon 3rd Aug 1970 Nixon warned about climate change and icecaps melting 3rd Aug 2022
Wed 12th Aug 1970 US Senate warned about climate change 11th Aug 2022
Tue 25th Aug 1970 Margaret Mead and James Baldwin rap on race... 24th Aug 2022
Fri 18th Dec 1970 Science article about "Man-Made Climatic Changes" 17th Dec 2022
Thu 18th Mar 1971 "Weather modification took a macro-pathological turn" 17th Mar 2024
Wed 17th May 1972 New York Times reports carbon dioxide build-up worries... 16th May 2023
Thu 2nd Nov 1972 "Eco-pornography ... Advertising owns Ecology"... 1st Nov 2023
Sun 3rd Dec 1972 #climate scientists write "gizza grant" letter to President Nixon 2nd Dec 2022
Thu 8th Feb 1973 American ecologist explains carbon build-up to politicians 7th Feb 2023
Thu 19th Apr 1973 first film to mention global warming released (Soylent Green) 18th Apr 2023
Thu 18th Oct 1973 "how on earth do you stop using fossil fuels?" 17th Oct 2022
Wed 7th Nov 1973 Energy security avant la Ukraine: Nixon announces "Project Independence" 6th Nov 2022
Tue 5th Feb 1974 Energy security, meet anti-Arab sentiment #propaganda 5th Feb 2022
Tue 12th Mar 1974 Clean Coal advert in the Wall Street Journal 11th Mar 2024
Mon 15th Apr 1974 Kissinger cites climate concerns 15th Apr 2022
Mon 15th Apr 1974 war criminal Henry Kissinger gives climate danger speech 14th Apr 2023
Fri 3rd Oct 1975 Two members of Congress introduce first bill for a national #climate program. 2nd Oct 2023
Sat 1st Nov 1975 Stephen Schneider tries to clear up the "Carbon Dioxide Climate Confusion." 1st Nov 2022
Mon 22nd Dec 1975 "Scientist Warns of Great Floods if Earth's Heat Rises" (surely "when"?) 21st Dec 2022
Tue 18th May 1976 US congress begins hearings on #climate 18th May 2022
Mon 19th Jul 1976 , Scientist warns " "If we're still rolling along on fossil fuels by the end of the century, then we've had it." 18th Jul 2022
Mon 13th Sep 1976 US news broadcast on ozone and climate. 12th Sep 2023
Tue 12th Oct 1976 Jule Charney throws (private) shade on fellow climatologists... 11th Oct 2022
Thu 30th Dec 1976 President Jimmy Carter is lobbied about #climate change 29th Dec 2022
Tue 4th Jan 1977 US politician introduces #climate research legislation 3rd Jan 2023
Sun 27th Mar 1977 what we can learn from Dutch arrogance and aviation disasters 27th Mar 2022
Mon 23rd May 1977 President Carter announces Global 2000 report... or "Let's all meet up in the Global2000" 23rd May 2022
Tue 31st May 1977 "4 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise by 2027" predicts #climate scientist Wally Broecker 31st May 2022
Fri 15th Jul 1977 "Heavy Use of Coal May Bring Adverse Shit in Climate" 14th Jul 2023
Sun 24th Jul 1977 Climate change as red light? "No, but flashing yellow." 23rd Jul 2022
Mon 25th Jul 1977 New York Times front page story "scientists foresee serious climate changes" 25th Jul 2022
Wed 7th Sep 1977 #climate scientist Stephen Schneider on Carson for the last time... 6th Sep 2022
Wed 1st Feb 1978 US TV show MacNeill Lehrer hosts discussion about climate change 31st Jan 2023
Sat 18th Feb 1978 "#Climate Experts see a Warming Trend" 18th Feb 2022
Wed 3rd May 1978 First and last "Sun Day" 2nd May 2023
Tue 6th Jun 1978 Exxon presentation about carbon dioxide build-up 5th Jun 2023
Wed 12th Jul 1978 US Climate Research Board meeting 12th Jul 2023
Fri 24th Nov 1978 Canberra Times reports "all coal" plan would "flood US cities" 23rd Nov 2022
Thu 28th Dec 1978 fly the plane. Don't keep tapping the fuel light. 27th Dec 2023
Sun 1st Apr 1979 JASONs have their two cents on the greenhouse effect 1st Apr 2022
Wed 20th Jun 1979 Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House 20th Jun 2022
Wed 18th Jul 1979 US Senators ask for synthetic fuelimplications of greenhouse warming. Told. 17th Jul 2022
Mon 23rd Jul 1979 Charney Report people meet - will conclude "yep, global warming is 'A Thing'." 22nd Jul 2022
Mon 30th Jul 1979 scientists warn US Senators about synfuels and carbon dioxide build-up 30th Jul 2022
Fri 29th Feb 1980 Texaco and Exxon talk about setting up a greenhouse taskforce... 28th Feb 2024
Thu 3rd Apr 1980 US news anchorman Walter Cronkite on the greenhouse effect 3rd Apr 2022
Mon 7th Apr 1980 C02 problem is most important issue..."another decade will slip by" warns Wally Broecker to Senator Tsongas 7th Apr 2022
Thu 24th Apr 1980 the climate models are sound... 23rd Apr 2023
Thu 24th Jul 1980 "Global 2000" report released. 23rd Jul 2023
Fri 1st Aug 1980 Wall Street Journal does excellent #climate reporting 31st Jul 2023
Thu 1st Jan 1981 Climate Change And Society 31st Dec 2023
Thu 15th Jan 1981 US calls for effort to combat global environmental problems 14th Jan 2024
Fri 31st Jul 1981 US politicians hold "carbon dioxide and climate" hearings. 30th Jul 2022
Wed 2nd Dec 1981 "Is the world getting warmer?" (YES) 1st Dec 2023
Mon 4th Jan 1982 Global 2000 Report updated 3rd Jan 2024
Thu 25th Mar 1982 congressional hearings and CBS Evening News report 24th Mar 2024
Wed 15th Sep 1982 "Environmental Justice" is born. And so is Captain Planet... 14th Sep 2022
Wed 30th Mar 1983 EPA sea level rise conference 29th Mar 2023
Fri 13th May 1983 idiots get their retaliation in first... 12th May 2023
Thu 1st Sep 1983 #climate change is all in the game, you feel me? 31st Aug 2022
Tue 18th Oct 1983 All US news networks run "greenhouse effect" stories 17th Oct 2023
Tue 18th Oct 1983 US news networks tell the truth about #climate. Yes, 1983. 17th Oct 2022
Thu 20th Oct 1983 The Australian says "'Dire consequences' in global warm-up". 19th Oct 2023
Fri 21st Oct 1983 "Changing Climate" report released 20th Oct 2023
Mon 24th Oct 1983 EPA releases study on sea-level rise 23rd Oct 2023
Sun 30th Oct 1983 Carl Sagan hosts 'nuking ourselves would be bad' conference. 29th Oct 2023
Tue 15th Nov 1983 "Energy Futures and Carbon Dioxide" report... 14th Nov 2023
Tue 3rd Jan 1984 US report on energy transition to combat climate released. 2nd Jan 2023
Tue 28th Feb 1984 Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect hearings 27th Feb 2024
Thu 13th Dec 1984 Christian Science Monitor monitors the #climate science - ooops. 12th Dec 2022
Tue 30th Apr 1985 New York Times reports C02 not the only greenhouse problem 30th Apr 2022
Tue 10th Dec 1985 Carl Sagan testified to US Senators on #climate danger 9th Dec 2022
Mon 27th Jan 1986 Engineers try to stop NASA launching the (doomed) Challenger Space Shuttle 26th Jan 2023
Mon 2nd Jun 1986 US Senators get going on climate 1st Jun 2023
Tue 10th Jun 1986 scientist tells US senators "global warming is inevitable. It is only a question of the magnitude and the timing." 10th Jun 2022
Tue 24th Jun 1986 New Yorkers get to watch a documentary on "The Climate Crisis" 24th Jun 2022
Tue 23rd Sep 1986 Joe Biden suggests urgent #climate action... 22nd Sep 2022
Fri 1st Jan 1988 President Reagan reluctantly signs "Global Climate Protection Act" #CreditClaiming 31st Dec 2022
Mon 7th Mar 1988 "We are ratcheting ourselves to a new warmer climate" 6th Mar 2023
Thu 10th Mar 1988 Congressional staff (go on a) retreat on Climate 9th Mar 2024
Wed 11th May 1988 "Greenhouse Glasnost" USA and USSR to co-operate on climate 11th May 2022
Mon 13th Jun 1988 "'Greenhouse Effect' Could Trigger Flooding, Crop Losses, Scientists Say" 12th Jun 2022
Wed 22nd Jun 1988 Roger Rabbit on forced consumption (and so on to #climate apocalypse) 21st Jun 2022
Thu 23rd Jun 1988 it's time to stop waffling and say the greenhouse effect is here 22nd Jun 2023
Sun 26th Jun 1988 it's SHOWTIME for climate... 25th Jun 2023
Wed 3rd Aug 1988 Exxon tries to downplay "the greenhouse effect." Again. 2nd Aug 2023
Sat 3rd Sep 1988 Ann Landers is Greta Thunberg avant la lettree... 2nd Sep 2022
Wed 5th Oct 1988 Vice Presidential Debate and 'the Greenhouse Effect' 4th Oct 2022
Wed 14th Dec 1988 Greenhouse Glasnost gets going... 13th Dec 2022
Thu 5th Jan 1989 National Academy of Science tries to chivvy Bush. 4th Jan 2024
Thu 23rd Mar 1989 cold fusion!! 23rd Mar 2022
Fri 14th Apr 1989 24 US senators call for immediate unilateral climate action 14th Apr 2022
Fri 12th May 1989 USA says it will, after all, support the idea of a #climate treaty 12th May 2022
Fri 2nd Jun 1989 "James Hansen versus the World" - good article on actual #climate consensus let down by title 2nd Jun 2022
Sun 4th Jun 1989 from frantic concern to contempt for everyone's future... 4th Jun 2022
Mon 25th Dec 1989 business press pushback about Global Warning "panic" begins... 24th Dec 2022
Mon 5th Feb 1990 A president says what he is told... 4th Feb 2023
Thu 3rd May 1990 From Washington to Canberra, the "greenhouse effect" has elites promising... 3rd May 2022
Wed 30th May 1990 Midnight Oil do a gig outside Exxon's HQ in New York 30th May 2022
Sat 28th Jul 1990 American #climate denial comes to London 27th Jul 2022
Sat 15th Sep 1990 "Environmental Justice" is born. And so is Captain Planet - Redux... 14th Sep 2022
Thu 10th Jan 1991 "Separate studies rank 1990 as world's warmest year" #ShiftingBaseline 9th Jan 2023
Fri 22nd Feb 1991 Denialist gloating about influence on Bush 11th Feb 2024
Mon 8th Jul 1991 UK Prime Minister chides US on #climate change 8th Jul 2022
Thu 19th Dec 1991 Will UN negotiations go as usual and "commit us to global catastrophe"? 18th Dec 2022
Sun 2nd Feb 1992 that "sarcastic" memo about exporting pollution... 2nd Feb 2022
Tue 25th Feb 1992 business groups predict economic chaos if action is taken on #climate 25th Feb 2022
Tue 21st Apr 1992 President Bush again threatens to boycott Earth Summit 21st Apr 2022
Fri 8th May 1992 UNFCCC text agreed. World basically doomed. 8th May 2022
Mon 1st Jun 1992 "environmental extremists" want to shut down the United States, says President Bush 1st Jun 2022
Thu 4th Jun 1992 from frantic concern to contempt for everyone's future... 4th Jun 2022
Mon 5th Oct 1992 Ignoreland hits the airwaves. #Neoliberalism 4th Oct 2023
Wed 17th Feb 1993 President Clinton proposes an Energy Tax. 16th Feb 2023
Wed 21st Apr 1993 Bill Clinton says US will tackle carbon emissions. 20th Apr 2023
Thu 22nd Apr 1993 Clinton's announcement by anti-carbon pricing Aussies 21st Apr 2023
Wed 19th May 1993 President Clinton begins to lose the BTU battle... 18th May 2023
Tue 8th Jun 1993 Clinton defeated on his "BTU" tax. 7th Jun 2023
Tue 14th Sep 1993 scientists suffer backlash (not outa thin air though) 13th Sep 2023
Fri 11th Feb 1994 President Clinton proclaims the end of environmental racism. Yeah, right. 11th Feb 2022
Wed 24th Aug 1994 first signs of a split in the anti-climate action business coalition... 23rd Aug 2022
Fri 12th May 1995 Another bet between cornucopians and realists 11th May 2023
Thu 16th Nov 1995 another skirmish in the IPCC war 15th Nov 2023
Tue 4th Jun 1996 from frantic concern to contempt for everyone's future... 4th Jun 2022
Sun 2nd Mar 1997 RIP Judi Bari 2nd Mar 2022
Tue 6th May 1997 The so-called "Cooler Heads" coalition created 6th May 2022
Mon 19th May 1997 an oil company defects from thedenialists. Sort of. 18th May 2023
Sun 8th Jun 1997 US oil and gas versus Kyoto Protocol, planet 8th Jun 2022
Wed 11th Jun 1997 US ambassador says Australia should stop being so awful on #climate 10th Jun 2022
Thu 19th Jun 1997 children of colour used as propaganda tools by #climate wreckers/greens do "motherhood" 19th Jun 2022
Fri 25th Jul 1997 US says, in effect, "screw our promises, screw the planet" 25th Jul 2022
Sun 28th Sep 1997 Australian denialist spouting tosh to his US mates. 27th Sep 2022
Wed 22nd Oct 1997 US and Australian enemies of #climate action plot and gloat 21st Oct 2022
Wed 5th Nov 1997 Global Climate Coalition co-ordinates an anti-Kyoto conference 5th Nov 2022
Fri 26th Dec 1997 #climate denial machine exposed again and again 25th Dec 2022
Mon 20th Apr 1998 National Academy of Sciences vs Oregon petition fraud 19th Apr 2023
Thu 23rd Apr 1998 Michael Mann's Hockey Stick paper published. 22nd Apr 2023
Sun 26th Apr 1998 New York Times front page expose on anti-climate action by industry 26th Apr 2022
Sun 26th Apr 1998 "Industrial Group Plans to Battle Climate Treaty" 25th Apr 2023
Thu 23rd Jul 1998 denialists stopping climate action. Again. 22nd Jul 2023
Mon 30th Nov 1998 Exxon and Mobil merge 29th Nov 2023
Mon 8th Mar 1999 Direct Air Capture of C02 mooted for the first time 7th Mar 2024
Fri 29th Sep 2000 On campaign trail, George Bush says power plants will require carbon dioxide cuts 28th Sep 2023
Wed 25th Oct 2000 James Hansen writes a letter 24th Oct 2023
Wed 17th Jan 2001 Enron engineers energy "blackouts" to gouge consumers 16th Jan 2023
Tue 6th Feb 2001 ExxonMobil Lobbyist Calls on White House to Remove Certain Government Climate Scientists 6th Feb 2022
Wed 7th Mar 2001 CNN unintentionally reveals deep societal norms around democracy 6th Mar 2023
Tue 13th Mar 2001 Bush breaks election promise to regulate C02 emissions... 13th Mar 2022
Mon 30th Apr 2001 Dick Cheney predicts 1000 new power plants 29th Apr 2023
Mon 7th May 2001 The American way of life is non-negotiable. Again. 6th May 2023
Mon 4th Feb 2002 Global Climate Coalition calls it a day ("Mission accomplished") 4th Feb 2022
Thu 14th Feb 2002 George Bush promises "Clean Skies" to distract from Kyoto-trashing... 14th Feb 2022
Fri 15th Mar 2002 GM bails from Global Climate Coalition 14th Mar 2024
Tue 14th May 2002 well-connected denialists gather in Washington DC to spout #climate nonsense 14th May 2022
Fri 16th Aug 2002 "Oil Lobby Urges Bush to Keep Climate Change Off the Table at Earth Summit" 15th Aug 2023
Wed 8th Jan 2003 Energy firms plan to "bury carbon emissions"... 7th Jan 2023
Thu 16th Jan 2003 Chicago Climate Exchange names founding members 15th Jan 2023
Thu 27th Feb 2003 the "FutureGen" farce begins... 27th Feb 2022
Tue 4th Mar 2003 Republicans urged to question the scientific consensus... 4th Mar 2022
Tue 4th Mar 2003 "Luntz memo" exposes Bush climate strategy 3rd Mar 2023
Wed 11th Jun 2003 US and Australian think tanks conspire vs (pluralist) democracy 10th Jun 2023
Mon 28th Jul 2003 James Inhofe shares his genius 27th Jul 2023
Thu 28th Aug 2003 EPA says Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant 27th Aug 2023
Fri 9th Jan 2004 UK Chief Scientific Advisor lays into President over climate inaction 8th Jan 2024
Wed 16th Feb 2005 The Kyoto Protocol shambles into futile existence, despite Uncle Sam's best efforts 16th Feb 2022
Thu 15th Dec 2005 James Hansen versus Bush again... 16th Dec 2023
Wed 21st Dec 2005 US activist William Rodgers commits suicide 20th Dec 2022
Mon 4th Sep 2006 Royal Society to Exxon: "Knock it off with the funding to #climate deniers" 3rd Sep 2022
Wed 3rd Jan 2007 Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air, says Union of Concerned Scientists 2nd Jan 2024
Thu 1st Feb 2007 Jeremy Grantham slams Bush on #climate 1st Feb 2022
Fri 27th Apr 2007 Coal-bashing campaign by gas company ends 26th Apr 2023
Mon 13th Aug 2007 Newsweek nails denialists 12th Aug 2023
Thu 6th Sep 2007 "The Future of Coal under Cap and Trade" hearings... 5th Sep 2023
Wed 2nd Apr 2008 Senator Barack Obama blathers about coal 1st Apr 2023
Sat 5th Apr 2008 Charlton Heston dies, star of first movie to mention the greenhouse effect 5th Apr 2022
Wed 9th Apr 2008 US school student vs dodgy (lying) text books 8th Apr 2023
Mon 30th Jun 2008 Judge stops a -burning power plant getting built. 30th Jun 2022
Thu 20th Nov 2008 Green capitalism flexes a (weak) BICEP 19th Nov 2023
Thu 18th Dec 2008 Tim DeChristopher does his auction action 17th Dec 2023
Mon 2nd Mar 2009 Washington DC coal plant gets blockaded 1st Mar 2023
Thu 23rd Apr 2009 denialists caught denying their own scientists... 23rd Apr 2022
Wed 24th Mar 2010 Scientists explain another bad thing on the horizon, this time on soil. 23rd Mar 2023
Wed 11th Aug 2010 @TheOnion reports "Millions Of Barrels Of Oil Safely Reach Port In Major Environmental Catastrophe" 10th Aug 2022
Sat 19th Feb 2011 defunding the IPCC 19th Feb 2022
Sat 14th May 2011 a day of action/mourning on climate 13th May 2023
Fri 4th May 2012 The Heartland Institute tries the Unabomber smear. It, er, blows up in their face... 4th May 2022
Sun 17th Feb 2013 Scientists, activists, actors, arrested outside Whitehouse, protesting #Keystone 17th Feb 2022
Wed 10th Apr 2013 US companies pretend they care, make "Climate Declaration" 9th Apr 2023
Thu 11th Jul 2013 "don't be evil" my fat arse.... 10th Jul 2023
Thu 14th Nov 2013 Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's 50th #climate speech 13th Nov 2023
Mon 8th Sep 2014 Lobster boat blockaders have charges dropped. 8th Sep 2023
Sun 21st Sep 2014 big #climate march in New York. World saved. 20th Sep 2022
Tue 28th Mar 2017 Trump "brings back coal" 27th Mar 2024
Tue 28th Mar 2017 Heartland Institute spamming science teachers 27th Mar 2023
Tue 9th Apr 2019 brutal book review "a script for a West Wing episode about climate change, only with less repartee." " 9th Apr 2022
A Vast Machine  
Sun 5th Mar 1950 first computer simulation of the weather... 5th Mar 2022
4 Events
Wed 15th Sep 1948 Biologist Evelyn Hutchinson mentions carbon dioxide build-up at an AAAS symposium. 14th Sep 2023
Mon 8th Jan 1968 LaMont Cole to AAAS about running outta oxygen, build-up of C02 etc 7th Jan 2024
Thu 26th Dec 1968 "Global Effects of Environmental Pollution" symposium 25th Dec 2023
Mon 2nd Apr 1979 AAAS workshop in Anaheim begins... 2nd Apr 2022
3 Events
Tue 26th Nov 1996 Australian climate modelling is ridiculed 25th Nov 2022
Tue 5th Aug 1997 Australian politician calls for "official figures" on #climate to be suspended because they are rubbery af 4th Aug 2022
Wed 6th Mar 2002 ABARE cheerleads Bush. Blecch. 5th Mar 2024
Tue 15th Feb 1994 Isaac Newton versus the Global Forum #Manchester 15th Feb 2022
9 Events
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first ever carbon dioxide build-up conference 11th Mar 2023
Fri 19th Jan 1968 Engineers are not ecologists... 18th Jan 2023
Fri 25th Apr 1969 Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?" 24th Apr 2023
Wed 4th Mar 1970 American scientist vs ice age fears in Melbourne 3rd Mar 2024
Mon 20th Apr 1998 National Academy of Sciences vs Oregon petition fraud 19th Apr 2023
Mon 8th Mar 1999 Direct Air Capture of C02 mooted for the first time 7th Mar 2024
Thu 9th Nov 2000 Tyndall Centre launched 8th Nov 2023
Wed 14th Aug 2002 Australian economists urge Kyoto Protocol ratification 13th Aug 2023
Fri 18th Feb 2011 Scientist quits advisor role (because ignored on climate?) 17th Feb 2023
Mon 18th Jan 1993 Australian unions and greenies launch first "Green Jobs" campaign 17th Jan 2023
53 Events
Mon 29th Nov -0001 World Vasectomy Day 16th Nov 2023
Thu 16th Jan 1919 banning things that people like turns out not to work 15th Jan 2024
Thu 20th Nov 1930 the Fox is born!! 19th Nov 2023
Sun 27th Mar 1966 The "Conservation Society" to be launched 26th Mar 2023
Fri 22nd Jul 1966 "The Conservation Society" holds launch event 22nd Jul 2022
Mon 12th Feb 1968 The Motherfuckers do their motherfucking thing, with garbage in New York. 11th Feb 2023
Sat 23rd Nov 1968 "Hell upon Earth" warning about environmental destruction,inc. climate... 22nd Nov 2022
Tue 30th Sep 1969 US activist publication mentions climate change 29th Sep 2023
Sat 4th Oct 1969 "If f we melt the Antarctic, our problems are solved because all of the ports of the world would vanish and the ocean will rise 200 feet." 3rd Oct 2022
Wed 7th Jan 1970 "Ecology Action East" is "intersectional" 6th Jan 2024
Thu 14th Jun 1973 Education for the Future? Meh. 13th Jun 2023
Sun 27th Mar 1977 what we can learn from Dutch arrogance and aviation disasters 27th Mar 2022
Mon 19th Dec 1988 the launch of "Ark" 18th Dec 2023
Tue 11th Apr 1989 "Ark" sinks its cred 10th Apr 2023
Sun 24th Sep 1989 Petra Kelly disses the Australian Prime Minister 23rd Sep 2023
Thu 24th Feb 1994 the death of Abbey Pond 24th Feb 2022
Sun 2nd Mar 1997 RIP Judi Bari 2nd Mar 2022
Thu 19th Jun 1997 children of colour used as propaganda tools by #climate wreckers/greens do "motherhood" 19th Jun 2022
Wed 22nd Nov 2000 protests at COP6 at The Hague 21st Nov 2023
Wed 14th Aug 2002 Australian economists urge Kyoto Protocol ratification 13th Aug 2023
Thu 11th Aug 2005 Greenpeace protest Hazelwood power station 10th Aug 2023
Wed 31st Aug 2005 "Stop Climate Chaos" launched 30th Aug 2022
Wed 21st Dec 2005 US activist William Rodgers commits suicide 20th Dec 2022
Sat 26th Aug 2006 First "Climate Camp" begins 25th Aug 2022
Sun 24th Sep 2006 "Plane Stupid" holds first action, with "Sermon on the Taxiway" at East Midlands Airport 23rd Sep 2022
Sat 17th Mar 2007 Edinburgh #climate action gathering says 'Now' the time to act 17th Mar 2022
Fri 27th Apr 2007 Coal-bashing campaign by gas company ends 26th Apr 2023
Wed 2nd Jan 2008 tiresome (but sound) "Green Fatigue" warning is made. 1st Jan 2023
Fri 13th Jun 2008 activists stop coal train, throw coal off. Convictions eventually quashed... 13th Jun 2022
Thu 3rd Jul 2008 Greenpeace occupies an Australian coal plant. 2nd Jul 2023
Thu 10th Jul 2008 first Australian #Climate Camp begins, near Newcastle 9th Jul 2022
Mon 4th Aug 2008 Police pepper spray #climate campers 4th Aug 2022
Wed 10th Sep 2008 Greenpeace Kingsnorth protesters acquitted 9th Sep 2023
Sun 28th Sep 2008 "Wake Up Freak Out" posted online 27th Sep 2023
Fri 28th Nov 2008 somebody shuts down a coal plant, solo 27th Nov 2022
Thu 18th Dec 2008 Tim DeChristopher does his auction action 17th Dec 2023
Mon 2nd Mar 2009 Washington DC coal plant gets blockaded 1st Mar 2023
Sat 15th May 2010 another pointless overnight vigil. 14th May 2023
Thu 12th Aug 2010 BZE launches energy plan for Australia 11th Aug 2023
Sun 15th Aug 2010 a walk against warming fails to catch fire. #RepertoireRot 14th Aug 2023
Sun 27th Feb 2011 "Metamorphosis" statement by Climate Camp 26th Feb 2024
Sat 14th May 2011 a day of action/mourning on climate 13th May 2023
Wed 31st Aug 2011 anti-carbon tax protesters call Anthony Albanese a "maggot" 30th Aug 2022
Thu 22nd Mar 2012 flash mobs and repertoire exhaustion 22nd Mar 2022
Sun 17th Feb 2013 Scientists, activists, actors, arrested outside Whitehouse, protesting #Keystone 17th Feb 2022
Sun 17th Feb 2013 celebrities arrested at Whitehouse, protesting Keystone XL 16th Feb 2023
Fri 22nd Feb 2013 Idiotic "Damage" astroturf attempted by miners 21st Feb 2023
Mon 17th Mar 2014 Carbon Bus sets off to the North 16th Mar 2024
Mon 8th Sep 2014 Lobster boat blockaders have charges dropped. 8th Sep 2023
Mon 20th Aug 2018 Greta Thunberg's first protest 19th Aug 2023
Sat 17th Nov 2018 XR occupy five bridges in London 16th Nov 2023
Fri 15th Mar 2019 New Zealand school strike launched, called off. 15th Mar 2022
Mon 7th Nov 2022 journalist covering JSO protest arrested 6th Nov 2023
4 Events
Tue 26th Sep 1989 Australian Union body tries to add green to red... 25th Sep 2022
Mon 18th Jan 1993 Australian unions and greenies launch first "Green Jobs" campaign 17th Jan 2023
Thu 22nd Mar 2007 Unions talk good game on climate 21st Mar 2024
Thu 30th Oct 2008 a worker-greenie coalition? Maybe... 29th Oct 2023
Advanced Energy for Life  
Wed 26th Feb 2014 Advanced Propaganda for Morons 26th Feb 2022
9 Events
Sat 3rd Nov 1990 more smears about the IPCC, in the Financial Times 2nd Nov 2023
Tue 14th Sep 1993 scientists suffer backlash (not outa thin air though) 13th Sep 2023
Mon 20th Apr 1998 National Academy of Sciences vs Oregon petition fraud 19th Apr 2023
Wed 24th May 2000 Australian denialist nutjobs have nutjob jamboree 23rd May 2023
Tue 4th Mar 2003 "Luntz memo" exposes Bush climate strategy 3rd Mar 2023
Fri 27th Apr 2007 Coal-bashing campaign by gas company ends 26th Apr 2023
Wed 9th Apr 2008 US school student vs dodgy (lying) text books 8th Apr 2023
Mon 9th Mar 2009 Scientist tries to separate fact from denialist fiction 8th Mar 2023
Wed 26th Feb 2014 Advanced Propaganda for Morons 26th Feb 2022
Mon 7th Mar 1988 "We are ratcheting ourselves to a new warmer climate" 6th Mar 2023
Thu 11th Jul 1996 Celebrity Death Match: Australian fossil fuels industry versus The World (Spoiler: world lost) 10th Jul 2022
Wed 11th May 1988 "Greenhouse Glasnost" USA and USSR to co-operate on climate 11th May 2022
American Way of Life  
Mon 7th May 2001 The American way of life is non-negotiable. Again. 6th May 2023
Thu 3rd May 1990 From Washington to Canberra, the "greenhouse effect" has elites promising... 3rd May 2022
Fri 30th Mar 2007 Climate as "the great moral challenge of our generation" #auspol 30th Mar 2022
Sat 5th Apr 2008 Charlton Heston dies, star of first movie to mention the greenhouse effect 5th Apr 2022
13 Events
Fri 1st Jan 1988 President Reagan reluctantly signs "Global Climate Protection Act" #CreditClaiming 31st Dec 2022
Tue 4th Mar 2003 "Luntz memo" exposes Bush climate strategy 3rd Mar 2023
Tue 4th Mar 2003 Republicans urged to question the scientific consensus... 4th Mar 2022
Thu 29th Jan 2004 John Daly, Australian skeptic, dies 28th Jan 2024
Tue 13th Feb 2007 Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists... 12th Feb 2023
Mon 1st Mar 2010 scientist grilled over nothing burger... 1st Mar 2022
Wed 10th Mar 2010 ABC chairman gives stupid speech to staff 9th Mar 2023
Sat 19th Feb 2011 defunding the IPCC 19th Feb 2022
Sat 5th Mar 2011 Australian "wingnuts are coming out of the woodwork" 4th Mar 2023
Wed 31st Aug 2011 anti-carbon tax protesters call Anthony Albanese a "maggot" 30th Aug 2022
Fri 22nd Feb 2013 Idiotic "Damage" astroturf attempted by miners 21st Feb 2023
Sun 9th Feb 2014 A Farage-o of nonsense about climate change 9th Feb 2022
Wed 26th Feb 2014 Advanced Propaganda for Morons 26th Feb 2022
Tue 19th Oct 2010 Greenpeace trolls ANZ Bank 18th Oct 2022
2 Events
Wed 23rd Jan 1957 New Zealand scientist warns about consequences of carbon dioxide build-up 22nd Jan 2023
Sun 10th Aug 1980 "Energy, Climate and the Future" seminar in Melbourne 9th Aug 2022
Fri 21st Sep 1990 Ministers call for Toronto Target to be federal policy ... 20th Sep 2023
Mon 10th Sep 2007 shiny #climate promises versus grim reality 9th Sep 2022
Arab Spring  
Sun 15th Aug 2010 Russia halts grain exports because of droughts and heatwaves 14th Aug 2022

xbAOY by CrOsborne