All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

22 Events
Fri 1st Jan 1988 President Reagan reluctantly signs "Global Climate Protection Act" #CreditClaiming 31st Dec 2022
Mon 8th Feb 1988 BBC Horizon on The Greenhouse Effect 7th Feb 2024
Fri 26th Feb 1988 Australian climate scientist Graeme Pearman warns of "Dramatic Warming" 25th Feb 2024
Mon 7th Mar 1988 "We are ratcheting ourselves to a new warmer climate" 6th Mar 2023
Thu 10th Mar 1988 Congressional staff (go on a) retreat on Climate 9th Mar 2024
Thu 23rd Jun 1988 it's time to stop waffling and say the greenhouse effect is here 22nd Jun 2023
Sun 26th Jun 1988 it's SHOWTIME for climate... 25th Jun 2023
Tue 28th Jun 1988 Greenies want deep emissions cuts. Doesn't happen. #TorontoTarget 27th Jun 2023
Tue 26th Jul 1988 Australian uranium sellers foresee boom times... 26th Jul 2023
Wed 3rd Aug 1988 Exxon tries to downplay "the greenhouse effect." Again. 2nd Aug 2023
Thu 4th Aug 1988 Hawke Cabinet asks for "what can we do?" report on climate. 3rd Aug 2023
Tue 27th Sep 1988 UNEP should become world eco-regime 26th Sep 2023
Sat 8th Oct 1988 Aussie poet and activist Judith Wright in final speech, warns of environmental problems ahead... 8th Oct 2022
Tue 1st Nov 1988 Australian Mining Journal says C02 is a Good Thing 1st Nov 2023
Sun 6th Nov 1988 Australian cartoonist nails response to #climate change 5th Nov 2023
Wed 9th Nov 1988 Tolba gives "Warming Warning" speech at first IPCC meeting 8th Nov 2023
Thu 10th Nov 1988 Activists demand even steeper emissions cuts than "Toronto." Ignored, obvs. But were right... 9th Nov 2022
Wed 23rd Nov 1988 Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke gives greenhouse speech 22nd Nov 2023
Tue 29th Nov 1988 Australian parliamentarians taught climate 28th Nov 2023
Wed 14th Dec 1988 Greenhouse Glasnost gets going... 13th Dec 2022
Mon 19th Dec 1988 the launch of "Ark" 18th Dec 2023
Sun 25th Dec 1988 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands says "the earth is slowly dying" 24th Dec 2023
18 Events
Thu 5th Jan 1989 National Academy of Science tries to chivvy Bush. 4th Jan 2024
Mon 30th Jan 1989 "Hawkie" flies off to flog coal 29th Jan 2024
Mon 27th Feb 1989 Barron's "Climate of Fear" shame... 26th Feb 2024
Tue 11th Apr 1989 "Ark" sinks its cred 10th Apr 2023
Mon 14th Aug 1989 South Australia creates "interdepartmental committee on #climate change"... 13th Aug 2022
Thu 17th Aug 1989 Space shields to save the earth... 16th Aug 2023
Thu 24th Aug 1989 a Sydney council takes greenhouse suggestions on-board (or says it will). 23rd Aug 2023
Sun 24th Sep 1989 Petra Kelly disses the Australian Prime Minister 23rd Sep 2023
Fri 6th Oct 1989 Hawke Government given climate heads up by top scientist 5th Oct 2023
Wed 1st Nov 1989 "Greenhouse Action Australia" launches... 31st Oct 2022
Wed 1st Nov 1989 Senior Australian politician talks on"Industry and Environment" 31st Oct 2023
Sat 4th Nov 1989 UK Government launches first of many blame-shifting publicity campaigns on #climate 3rd Nov 2022
Mon 6th Nov 1989 Noordwijk conference - "alright, we will keep talking" 5th Nov 2023
Sat 18th Nov 1989 Small Island States say "er, we gotta do something before the waves close over our heads" 17th Nov 2022
Mon 4th Dec 1989 first anti-climate action economic "modelling" released in Australia 3rd Dec 2022
Mon 4th Dec 1989 Greenhouse tax urged... 3rd Dec 2023
Sun 17th Dec 1989 a big #climate conference in Egypt begins... 16th Dec 2022
Mon 25th Dec 1989 business press pushback about Global Warning "panic" begins... 24th Dec 2022
22 Events
Mon 15th Jan 1990 A political lunch with enormous #climate consequences for Australia #PathDependency #Denial 14th Jan 2023
Thu 1st Feb 1990 Australian Financial Review ponders carbon tax... (via FT) 31st Jan 2024
Mon 5th Feb 1990 A president says what he is told... 4th Feb 2023
Sat 3rd Mar 1990 The Science Show on the "backlash to Greenhouse warnings" 2nd Mar 2024
Sat 3rd Mar 1990 Energy efficiency could save billions a year, Australian government told (says 'whatevs'). 2nd Mar 2023
Mon 9th Apr 1990 Australian business launches "we're green!" campaign 8th Apr 2023
Fri 25th May 1990 Thatcher opens Hadley Centre 24th May 2023
Tue 5th Jun 1990 The Australian Capital Territory adopts the "Toronto Target" 4th Jun 2023
Mon 16th Jul 1990 Canberra Times gives denialist tosh a platform 15th Jul 2023
Mon 6th Aug 1990 another climate documentary shown... 5th Aug 2023
Wed 8th Aug 1990 Ministers meet, argue for Toronto Target 7th Aug 2023
Tue 4th Sep 1990 Industry whines about environment minister's speech 3rd Sep 2023
Fri 21st Sep 1990 Ministers call for Toronto Target to be federal policy ... 20th Sep 2023
Thu 11th Oct 1990 Australian Federal Government makes climate promise, with fingers crossed 10th Oct 2023
Sat 13th Oct 1990 Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing 12th Oct 2023
Tue 16th Oct 1990 Green groups say yes to "Ecologically Sustainable Development" 15th Oct 2023
Sat 3rd Nov 1990 more smears about the IPCC, in the Financial Times 2nd Nov 2023
Sat 3rd Nov 1990 money for independent climate scientists? Yeah, nah 2nd Nov 2023
Tue 6th Nov 1990 Second World Climate Conference underway 5th Nov 2023
Mon 19th Nov 1990 "The US should agree to stabilising CO2 levels" 18th Nov 2022
Mon 24th Dec 1990 Australia as renewable energy superpower 23rd Dec 2023
Mon 13th Oct 1997 Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing 12th Oct 2023
8 Events
Thu 10th Jan 1991 "Separate studies rank 1990 as world's warmest year" #ShiftingBaseline 9th Jan 2023
Fri 22nd Feb 1991 Denialist gloating about influence on Bush 11th Feb 2024
Mon 13th May 1991 UK Energy minister fanboys nuclear as climate solution. Obvs. 12th May 2023
Mon 22nd Jul 1991 two #climate idiots on the Science Show 21st Jul 2023
Wed 9th Oct 1991 Greens get labeled religious fanatics, don't like it. 8th Oct 2023
Tue 29th Oct 1991 Australia told to pay more than poor countries to help save planet. Does it? Of course it doesn't. 28th Oct 2022
Mon 2nd Dec 1991 "Ecologically Sustainable Development" bites the dust... 2nd Dec 2022
Thu 19th Dec 1991 Will UN negotiations go as usual and "commit us to global catastrophe"? 18th Dec 2022
9 Events
Sun 19th Jan 1992 they gambled, we lost 18th Jan 2024
Wed 22nd Jan 1992 "Greenhouse action will send Australia to the poorhouse" 21st Jan 2024
Thu 23rd Jan 1992 denialist bullshit in the Fin 22nd Jan 2024
Tue 28th Jan 1992 Ros Kelly versus Industry commission on greenhouse plans 27th Jan 2024
Wed 5th Feb 1992 Liberal leader Hewson snubs the Australian Conservation Foundation 4th Feb 2024
Fri 6th Mar 1992 #survival emissions versus outright denial 5th Mar 2023
Fri 13th Mar 1992 Australian climate advocates try to get government to see sense... (fail, obvs). 12th Mar 2023
Thu 5th Nov 1992 Jeremy Leggett calls Australian petrol price cuts "insane" 4th Nov 2022
Tue 21st Dec 1993 European Union agrees to ratify UNFCCC 20th Dec 2023
22 Events
Sun 2nd Feb 1992 that "sarcastic" memo about exporting pollution... 2nd Feb 2022
Mon 18th Jan 1993 Australian unions and greenies launch first "Green Jobs" campaign 17th Jan 2023
Thu 4th Feb 1993 Australian business versus the future (spoiler: business wins) 3rd Feb 2023
Thu 11th Feb 1993 Liberal Party plans would not meet climate goals, says expert 10th Feb 2023
Wed 17th Feb 1993 President Clinton proposes an Energy Tax. 16th Feb 2023
Tue 23rd Mar 1993 UK "The Prospects for Coal" White Paper published. 22nd Mar 2023
Fri 26th Mar 1993 UK government to ratify climate treaty 25th Mar 2023
Mon 29th Mar 1993 C02 Disposal symposium takes place in Oxford 28th Mar 2023
Mon 12th Apr 1993 "environmental economics" gets a puff piece 11th Apr 2023
Sat 17th Apr 1993 Paul Keating versus the idea of a carbon tax... 16th Apr 2023
Wed 21st Apr 1993 Bill Clinton says US will tackle carbon emissions. 20th Apr 2023
Thu 22nd Apr 1993 Clinton's announcement by anti-carbon pricing Aussies 21st Apr 2023
Wed 28th Apr 1993 Australia to monitor carbon tax experience 27th Apr 2023
Wed 19th May 1993 President Clinton begins to lose the BTU battle... 18th May 2023
Wed 26th May 1993 more "green jobs" mush 25th May 2023
Tue 8th Jun 1993 Clinton defeated on his "BTU" tax. 7th Jun 2023
Wed 16th Jun 1993 Oooh, an international conference.... 15th Jun 2023
Fri 2nd Jul 1993 Denialists versus the facts, again. 2nd Jul 2023
Tue 6th Jul 1993 Australian bipartisanship on climate? Not really... 5th Jul 2023
Fri 27th Aug 1993 international negotiations edge forward 26th Aug 2023
Tue 14th Sep 1993 scientists suffer backlash (not outa thin air though) 13th Sep 2023
Tue 21st Sep 1993 Manchester says "no, not hot air". Yeah, right. 21st Sep 2023
7 Events
Thu 3rd Feb 1994 Greenhouse burden "unfair" on Australia 2nd Feb 2024
Wed 2nd Mar 1994 A green budget needed in Australia... 1st Mar 2024
Wed 16th Mar 1994 "We could bail from Rio" says former Environment Minister 15th Mar 2024
Mon 21st Mar 1994 Singleton Council approves Redbank power station 20th Mar 2024
Fri 3rd Jun 1994 Greenpeace warns of climate time bomb 2nd Jun 2023
Mon 31st Oct 1994 Four Corners reports on Greenhouse Mafia activity 30th Oct 2022
Mon 21st Nov 1994 Skeptic invited to engage with IPCC (Spoiler, he doesn't) 20th Nov 2022
13 Events
Fri 6th Jan 1995 Australian business interests battle a carbon tax with "nobody else is acting" argument 5th Jan 2023
Thu 12th Jan 1995 Australian carbon tax coming?? 11th Jan 2024
Sun 22nd Jan 1995 UK Prime Minister John Major told to implement green taxes on #climate 21st Jan 2023
Wed 25th Jan 1995 Australian electricity reforms mean more greenhouse gases... 24th Jan 2024
Mon 6th Feb 1995 Australian business versus a carbon tax 5th Feb 2023
Tue 7th Feb 1995 Business Council of Australia vs a carbon tax. Of course 6th Feb 2024
Fri 10th Feb 1995 Faulkner folds on carbon tax - doesn't have the numbers in Cabinet 9th Feb 2024
Fri 7th Apr 1995 First "COP" meeting ends with industrialised nations making promises... 6th Apr 2023
Fri 12th May 1995 Another bet between cornucopians and realists 11th May 2023
Fri 10th Nov 1995 Ken Saro-Wiwa and other Ogoni executed 9th Nov 2023
Fri 10th Nov 1995 moronic "Leipzig Declaration" by moronic denialists 9th Nov 2023
Thu 16th Nov 1995 another skirmish in the IPCC war 15th Nov 2023
Fri 29th Dec 1995 Sydney Morning Herald points out year has been hottest yet... 28th Dec 2022
5 Events
Fri 2nd Feb 1996 denialist sprays #climate science with his bullshit 1st Feb 2023
Thu 30th May 1996 Denialist goons smear scientist 29th May 2023
Thu 4th Jul 1996 article in Nature saying 'it's partly us' 3rd Jul 2023
Thu 25th Jul 1996 Australian PM John Howard as fossil-fuel puppet 24th Jul 2023
Tue 26th Nov 1996 Australian climate modelling is ridiculed 25th Nov 2022
10 Events
Sat 13th Oct 1990 Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing 12th Oct 2023
Fri 14th Mar 1997 Australian senator predicts climate issue will be gone in ten years... 13th Mar 2023
Sat 10th May 1997 Murdoch rag in denialist shocker 9th May 2023
Mon 19th May 1997 BP boss says "If we are to take responsibility for the future of our planet, then it falls to us to begin to take precautionary action now." 19th May 2022
Mon 19th May 1997 an oil company defects from thedenialists. Sort of. 18th May 2023
Mon 23rd Jun 1997 RIP Hermann Flohn 22nd Jun 2023
Fri 10th Oct 1997 Australian businesses say 'yes' to a decent Kyoto deal 9th Oct 2023
Mon 13th Oct 1997 Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing 12th Oct 2023
Wed 5th Nov 1997 Global Climate Coalition co-ordinates an anti-Kyoto conference 5th Nov 2022
Fri 26th Dec 1997 #climate denial machine exposed again and again 25th Dec 2022
17 Events
Wed 4th Mar 1998 The Australian Greenhouse Office gets a boss... 3rd Mar 2023
Tue 31st Mar 1998 two business-friendly climate events in UK and Australia 30th Mar 2023
Mon 20th Apr 1998 National Academy of Sciences vs Oregon petition fraud 19th Apr 2023
Thu 23rd Apr 1998 Michael Mann's Hockey Stick paper published. 22nd Apr 2023
Sun 26th Apr 1998 "Industrial Group Plans to Battle Climate Treaty" 25th Apr 2023
Wed 29th Apr 1998 Australia signs the Kyoto Protocol 28th Apr 2023
Thu 4th Jun 1998 A New South Wales premier signs a carbon credit trade... 3rd Jun 2023
Sat 27th Jun 1998 we'll trade our way outa trouble (not) 26th Jun 2023
Thu 23rd Jul 1998 denialists stopping climate action. Again. 22nd Jul 2023
Mon 17th Aug 1998 Emissions Trading considered (again) 16th Aug 2023
Mon 31st Aug 1998 Green dollar growing on trees? 30th Aug 2023
Sat 19th Sep 1998 Public Health Association calls for "life-saving green taxes" 18th Sep 2023
Sat 26th Sep 1998 Howard decision only to ratify Kyoto if US does leaks. 25th Sep 2023
Wed 18th Nov 1998 coal guy becomes Australian environment ambassador 17th Nov 2023
Thu 26th Nov 1998 "National Greenhouse Strategy" (re)-launched 25th Nov 2023
Mon 30th Nov 1998 Exxon and Mobil merge 29th Nov 2023
Wed 9th Dec 1998 Canberra bullshit about environment 8th Dec 2023
2 Events
Mon 8th Mar 1999 Direct Air Capture of C02 mooted for the first time 7th Mar 2024
Fri 12th Nov 1999 John Howard and mates say "nope" to renewables 12th Nov 2022
15 Events
Mon 3rd Apr 2000 Australian diplomats spread bullshit about climate. Again 2nd Apr 2023
Wed 24th May 2000 Australian denialist nutjobs have nutjob jamboree 23rd May 2023
Tue 20th Jun 2000 Australian business writes the rules. 19th Jun 2023
Fri 14th Jul 2000 Miners versus the ALP/ and climate action 13th Jul 2023
Tue 22nd Aug 2000 Minchin kills an Australian Emissions Trading Scheme 21st Aug 2023
Mon 4th Sep 2000 industry says sky will fall if there's a carbon tax 3rd Sep 2023
Wed 6th Sep 2000 Emission scheme defeated, it's time for a gloating press release... #Climate #auspol 5th Sep 2022
Thu 28th Sep 2000 Liberal MP goes full cooker on Kyoto as threat to sovereignty. 27th Sep 2023
Fri 29th Sep 2000 On campaign trail, George Bush says power plants will require carbon dioxide cuts 28th Sep 2023
Wed 25th Oct 2000 James Hansen writes a letter 24th Oct 2023
Fri 3rd Nov 2000 Australian denialists get American scientist to testify about Kyoto Protocol, smear IPCC 2nd Nov 2022
Tue 7th Nov 2000 Australian "The Heat is on" report released 6th Nov 2023
Thu 9th Nov 2000 Tyndall Centre launched 8th Nov 2023
Wed 22nd Nov 2000 protests at COP6 at The Hague 21st Nov 2023
Sat 25th Nov 2000 CoP meeting ends in official disarray... 24th Nov 2022
5 Events
Wed 17th Jan 2001 Enron engineers energy "blackouts" to gouge consumers 16th Jan 2023
Wed 7th Mar 2001 CNN unintentionally reveals deep societal norms around democracy 6th Mar 2023
Mon 30th Apr 2001 Dick Cheney predicts 1000 new power plants 29th Apr 2023
Mon 7th May 2001 The American way of life is non-negotiable. Again. 6th May 2023
Fri 26th Oct 2001 BioEnergy Carbon Capture and Storage mooted 25th Oct 2023
10 Events
Thu 31st Jan 2002 Antarctic ice shelf "Larsen B" begins to break up. 30th Jan 2023
Mon 4th Feb 2002 Global Climate Coalition calls it a day ("Mission accomplished") 4th Feb 2022
Thu 14th Feb 2002 George Bush promises "Clean Skies" to distract from Kyoto-trashing... 14th Feb 2022
Wed 6th Mar 2002 ABARE cheerleads Bush. Blecch. 5th Mar 2024
Fri 15th Mar 2002 GM bails from Global Climate Coalition 14th Mar 2024
Wed 14th Aug 2002 Australian economists urge Kyoto Protocol ratification 13th Aug 2023
Fri 16th Aug 2002 "Oil Lobby Urges Bush to Keep Climate Change Off the Table at Earth Summit" 15th Aug 2023
Fri 22nd Nov 2002 private business battles on #climate become public in Australia 21st Nov 2022
Thu 5th Dec 2002 Australian Government CCS support begins... 4th Dec 2022
Mon 16th Dec 2002 another knee-capping for renewable energy in Australia... 15th Dec 2022
18 Events
Wed 8th Jan 2003 Energy firms plan to "bury carbon emissions"... 7th Jan 2023
Thu 16th Jan 2003 Chicago Climate Exchange names founding members 15th Jan 2023
Mon 17th Feb 2003 Bob Carr says John Howard showing poor leadership (too generous!) 16th Feb 2023
Wed 19th Feb 2003 "CCS to be studied by IPCC" 18th Feb 2023
Mon 24th Feb 2003 UK Energy White Paper kinda changes the game (a bit). 23rd Feb 2023
Tue 4th Mar 2003 "Luntz memo" exposes Bush climate strategy 3rd Mar 2023
Wed 11th Jun 2003 US and Australian think tanks conspire vs (pluralist) democracy 10th Jun 2023
Wed 25th Jun 2003 the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum is created 24th Jun 2023
Mon 28th Jul 2003 James Inhofe shares his genius 27th Jul 2023
Thu 7th Aug 2003 John Howard meets with business buddies to kill climate action 6th Aug 2023
Sun 10th Aug 2003 a UK temperature record tumbles... 9th Aug 2023
Tue 26th Aug 2003 Australian "plan" to save biodiversity 25th Aug 2023
Thu 28th Aug 2003 EPA says Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant 27th Aug 2023
Fri 12th Sep 2003 Newcastle Herald thinks the future of coal looks 'cleaner'... 11th Sep 2023
Thu 25th Sep 2003 Bob Carr "strikes greenhouse deal" with European investors 24th Sep 2023
Fri 24th Oct 2003 Last flight of the Concorde 23rd Oct 2023
Mon 8th Dec 2003 Chief Scientific Advisor under microscope for Rio Tinto role 7th Dec 2023
Tue 23rd Dec 2003 Vestas opens Tasmanian wind turbine factory 22nd Dec 2023
11 Events
Wed 28th Dec 1994 Australian Financial Review says "say yes to Tradeable Emissions Quotas" 27th Dec 2022
Wed 7th Jan 2004 geoengineering our way outa trouble? 6th Jan 2024
Fri 9th Jan 2004 UK Chief Scientific Advisor lays into President over climate inaction 8th Jan 2024
Thu 29th Jan 2004 John Daly, Australian skeptic, dies 28th Jan 2024
Tue 17th Feb 2004 Zero Emissions Technology Conference in Australia. At peak excitement of tech solutions 16th Feb 2024
Wed 18th Feb 2004 "An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science" 17th Feb 2024
Thu 4th Mar 2004 The Australian National Audit Office skewers the Australian Greenhouse Office 3rd Mar 2024
Wed 24th Mar 2004 Launch of Coal21 National Plan 23rd Mar 2024
Fri 29th Oct 2004 Aussie environmentalists win a court case... 28th Oct 2023
Thu 16th Dec 2004 "2 degrees of warming to be a catastrophe" 16th Dec 2023
Mon 17th Mar 2014 Carbon Bus sets off to the North 16th Mar 2024
9 Events
Wed 30th Mar 2005 The Millennium Ecosystems Report is launched. 29th Mar 2023
Mon 16th May 2005 Anthony Albanese, eco-warrior... 16th May 2023
Mon 18th Jul 2005 inconvenient energy targets scrapped 17th Jul 2023
Thu 11th Aug 2005 Greenpeace protest Hazelwood power station 10th Aug 2023
Wed 7th Sep 2005 "rule out nuclear" say Aussie green outfits. 6th Sep 2023
Thu 1st Dec 2005 David Cameron says "low carbon living should not be a weird or worthy obligation" 30th Nov 2022
Mon 5th Dec 2005 CCS is our only hope, says Chief Scientist.... 5th Dec 2023
Thu 15th Dec 2005 James Hansen versus Bush again... 16th Dec 2023
Wed 21st Dec 2005 US activist William Rodgers commits suicide 20th Dec 2022
9 Events
Mon 13th Feb 2006 Four Corners reveals the "Greenhouse Mafia" 12th Feb 2024
Thu 6th Apr 2006 Canadian "experts" (not) keep culture wars going. 5th Apr 2023
Thu 18th May 2006 Denialist nutjobs do denialist nutjobbery. Again. 17th May 2023
Wed 11th Oct 2006 "Climate Institute" begins tour of rural Victoria 10th Oct 2022
Mon 30th Oct 2006 Stern Review publshed. 29th Oct 2022
Thu 2nd Nov 2006 "RIP C02" says New Scientist 1st Nov 2023
Sat 4th Nov 2006 Australians "Walk against Warming" 3rd Nov 2022
Sun 10th Dec 2006 Shergold Group announced 9th Dec 2023
Sat 30th Dec 2006 "Industry snubs climate strategy" 29th Dec 2023
19 Events
Wed 3rd Jan 2007 Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air, says Union of Concerned Scientists 2nd Jan 2024
Thu 1st Feb 2007 Jeremy Grantham slams Bush on #climate 1st Feb 2022
Mon 5th Feb 2007 Australian Prime Minister trolled by senior journalist 4th Feb 2023
Tue 6th Feb 2007 Rudd taunts Howard on 2003 ETS decision 5th Feb 2024
Fri 9th Feb 2007 Virgin on the ridiculous 8th Feb 2024
Tue 13th Feb 2007 Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists... 12th Feb 2023
Fri 16th Feb 2007 Liberals say climate is a "mass panic" 15th Feb 2023
Wed 14th Mar 2007 Australian Treasury eyeroll about politicians on #climate, (scoop by Laura Tingle). 13th Mar 2024
Thu 22nd Mar 2007 Unions talk good game on climate 21st Mar 2024
Mon 26th Mar 2007 Lavoisier Group lay into CCS 25th Mar 2024
Fri 27th Apr 2007 Coal-bashing campaign by gas company ends 26th Apr 2023
Thu 2nd Aug 2007 Russia plants a flag on the Arctic sea-bed. 1st Aug 2023
Mon 13th Aug 2007 Newsweek nails denialists 12th Aug 2023
Thu 6th Sep 2007 "The Future of Coal under Cap and Trade" hearings... 5th Sep 2023
Fri 12th Oct 2007 Judge grants mining licence, doubts climate change 11th Oct 2023
Mon 19th Nov 2007 Gordon Brown announces first Carbon Capture and Storage competition at WWF event 15th Nov 2022
Thu 6th Dec 2007 Turns out 0.1% of a Very BIG NUMBER is ... quite a lot... 5th Dec 2022
Thu 20th Dec 2007 UK opposition leader David Cameron gives clean coal speech in Beijing... 19th Dec 2022
Sun 30th Dec 2007 Bert Bolin dies. 29th Dec 2022
20 Events
Wed 2nd Jan 2008 tiresome (but sound) "Green Fatigue" warning is made. 1st Jan 2023
Sat 12th Jan 2008 Australian mining lobby group ups its "sustainability" rhetoric #PerceptionManagement #Propaganda 11th Jan 2023
Thu 27th Mar 2008 James Hansen writes a letter to Kevin Rudd 26th Mar 2024
Wed 2nd Apr 2008 Senator Barack Obama blathers about coal 1st Apr 2023
Wed 9th Apr 2008 US school student vs dodgy (lying) text books 8th Apr 2023
Wed 16th Apr 2008 Aussie trades unions, greenies, companies tried to get CCS 'moving.' 15th Apr 2023
Thu 3rd Jul 2008 Greenpeace occupies an Australian coal plant. 2nd Jul 2023
Thu 31st Jul 2008 another day, another "Strategic Review" 30th Jul 2023
Fri 29th Aug 2008 business tells Labor to go softly (Labor then does, obvs). 28th Aug 2023
Mon 15th Sep 2008 business splits over what to extort from Rudd... 14th Sep 2023
Sun 28th Sep 2008 "Wake Up Freak Out" posted online 27th Sep 2023
Thu 30th Oct 2008 a worker-greenie coalition? Maybe... 29th Oct 2023
Thu 20th Nov 2008 Green capitalism flexes a (weak) BICEP 19th Nov 2023
Wed 26th Nov 2008 Climate Change Act becomes law 25th Nov 2023
Wed 26th Nov 2008 pre-CPRS meeting (yawn) 25th Nov 2023
Fri 28th Nov 2008 somebody shuts down a coal plant, solo 27th Nov 2022
Mon 1st Dec 2008 Climate Change Committee fanboys carbon capture 30th Nov 2023
Tue 16th Dec 2008 "The Australian" attacks on climate change 16th Dec 2023
Wed 17th Dec 2008 European Parliament says yes to funding CCS 16th Dec 2023
Thu 18th Dec 2008 Tim DeChristopher does his auction action 17th Dec 2023
13 Events
Fri 5th Dec 1952 London sees climatic pollution events 4th Dec 2023
Tue 3rd Feb 2009 Physical encirclement of parliament easier than ideological or political. #auspol 3rd Feb 2022
Mon 2nd Mar 2009 Washington DC coal plant gets blockaded 1st Mar 2023
Mon 9th Mar 2009 Scientist tries to separate fact from denialist fiction 8th Mar 2023
Mon 9th Mar 2009 Carbon price being weakened by lobbying... 8th Mar 2024
Fri 19th Jun 2009 Liberals warn 'woke' companies... 18th Jun 2023
Mon 2nd Nov 2009 Australian opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull seals own doom by not bending knee to shock jock 1st Nov 2022
Fri 6th Nov 2009 Kevin Rudd playing politics with the climate 5th Nov 2022
Tue 24th Nov 2009 the Climate War in Australia goes kinetic... 23rd Nov 2023
Sat 5th Dec 2009 London sees climatic pollution events 4th Dec 2023
Tue 15th Dec 2009 Monbiot versus Plimer on Lateline 16th Dec 2023
Wed 23rd Dec 2009 Kevin Rudd told to call double-dissolution #climate election... (spoiler - he didn't) 22nd Dec 2022
Thu 20th May 2010 climategate keeps delivering for denialists 19th May 2023
15 Events
Mon 11th Jan 2010 Bad news study about trees and the warming Arctic... 10th Jan 2023
Thu 14th Jan 2010 Investors hold UN summit on #climate risk 13th Jan 2023
Tue 2nd Feb 2010 Abbott on Direct Action, CPRS for 3rdfailure 1st Feb 2024
Sun 28th Feb 2010 Australian Prime Minister says won't walk away from climate. (Then does, obvs.) 27th Feb 2023
Wed 10th Mar 2010 ABC chairman gives stupid speech to staff 9th Mar 2023
Sat 13th Mar 2010 first UNEP Emissions Gap report 12th Mar 2024
Wed 24th Mar 2010 Scientists explain another bad thing on the horizon, this time on soil. 23rd Mar 2023
Wed 30th Jun 2010 CCS will be at 5GW by 2020. (nope). 29th Jun 2023
Sat 10th Jul 2010 Rio Tinto amplifies the message... 9th Jul 2023
Thu 5th Aug 2010 academics call for insurance industry to get involved in climate fight 4th Aug 2023
Thu 12th Aug 2010 BZE launches energy plan for Australia 11th Aug 2023
Sun 15th Aug 2010 a walk against warming fails to catch fire. #RepertoireRot 14th Aug 2023
Mon 16th Aug 2010 Polar Bears going through the motions 15th Aug 2023
Thu 7th Oct 2010 Julia Gillard scraps the "Climate Assembly" idea 6th Oct 2023
Sun 19th Dec 2010 CCS dies in Queensland 18th Dec 2023
12 Events
Thu 20th Jan 2011 Shell tries to change the subject from its own emissions 19th Jan 2023
Thu 10th Feb 2011 Australia gets a "Climate Commission" 9th Feb 2023
Tue 15th Feb 2011 Lenore Taylor's truth bombs 14th Feb 2024
Fri 18th Feb 2011 Scientist quits advisor role (because ignored on climate?) 17th Feb 2023
Fri 25th Feb 2011 Alan Jones versus sanity 24th Feb 2024
Sun 27th Feb 2011 "Metamorphosis" statement by Climate Camp 26th Feb 2024
Sat 5th Mar 2011 Australian "wingnuts are coming out of the woodwork" 4th Mar 2023
Wed 23rd Mar 2011 Ditch the Witch rally in Canberra 2nd Mar 2024
Wed 23rd Mar 2011 Ditch the Witch rally in Canberra 22nd Mar 2024
Wed 1st Jun 2011 Japanese office workers into short sleeves to save the planet 31st May 2023
Sun 12th Jun 2011 Nazi smears used by denialists, obvs 11th Jun 2023
Mon 22nd Aug 2011 anti-carbon pricing rally flops 15th Aug 2023
4 Events
Wed 7th Mar 2012 George Christensen and his culture war hijinks. 6th Mar 2024
Thu 31st May 2012 an Australian climate minister makes a song and dance 30th May 2023
Mon 12th Nov 2012 Greenpeace smeared by Queensland extractors, of course 11th Nov 2023
Mon 31st Dec 2012 Murdoch employee throws predictable inaccurate shite at Greens... 30th Dec 2022

xbAOY by CrOsborne