All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

Stephen Harper  
Thu 6th Apr 2006 Canadian "experts" (not) keep culture wars going. 5th Apr 2023
Stephen Schneider  
11 Events
Tue 13th Jul 1971 Stephen Schneider "predicts" an ice age (so the myth goes) 13th Jul 2022
Sat 28th Aug 1971 snarky opinion piece in New York Times. Stephen Schneider rebuts days later. 27th Aug 2022
Thu 9th Sep 1971 of Australian Prime Ministers and American scientists 8th Sep 2022
Sun 26th Oct 1975 "The Endangered Atmosphere" conference begins... 25th Oct 2022
Sat 1st Nov 1975 Stephen Schneider tries to clear up the "Carbon Dioxide Climate Confusion." 1st Nov 2022
Tue 18th May 1976 US congress begins hearings on #climate 18th May 2022
Tue 12th Oct 1976 Jule Charney throws (private) shade on fellow climatologists... 11th Oct 2022
Wed 7th Sep 1977 #climate scientist Stephen Schneider on Carson for the last time... 6th Sep 2022
Wed 1st Feb 1978 US TV show MacNeill Lehrer hosts discussion about climate change 31st Jan 2023
Mon 2nd Apr 1979 AAAS workshop in Anaheim begins... 2nd Apr 2022
Fri 31st Jul 1981 US politicians hold "carbon dioxide and climate" hearings. 30th Jul 2022
Svante Arrhenius  
4 Events
Sun 13th Aug 1882 William "Coal Question" Jevons dies 12th Aug 2022
Wed 11th Dec 1895 Arrhenius reads his "Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air" paper to Swedish Academy of Science... 10th Dec 2022
Sun 2nd Oct 1927 Svante Arrhenius and Guy Callendar die. 1st Oct 2022
Fri 2nd Oct 1964 Svante Arrhenius and Guy Callendar die. 1st Oct 2022
Sverker Astrom  
Fri 19th Jul 1968 "man has already rendered the temperature equilibrium of the globe more unstable." 18th Jul 2023
The Australian  
2 Events
Thu 20th Oct 1983 The Australian says "'Dire consequences' in global warm-up". 19th Oct 2023
Sat 10th May 1997 Murdoch rag in denialist shocker 9th May 2023
Thomas Malone  
Sun 24th Jul 1977 Climate change as red light? "No, but flashing yellow." 23rd Jul 2022
Thomas Pynchon  
Fri 2nd Oct 1942 Spaceflight!! 1st Oct 2022
Tom Lehrer  
Tue 1st Jun 1965 Tom Lehrer warns "don't drink the water and don't breathe the air" 1st Jun 2022
Tom Wigley  
2 Events
Mon 21st Nov 1994 Skeptic invited to engage with IPCC (Spoiler, he doesn't) 20th Nov 2022
Tue 21st Feb 1995 an invitation to engage in the IPCC is declined, again... 21st Feb 2022
Tony Abbot  
Thu 16th Aug 2012 Tony Windsor calls Tony Abbott an "absolute disgrace" on carbon tax/climate 15th Aug 2022
Tony Abbott  
12 Events
Wed 30th Sep 2009 Tony Abbott says #climate science is "absolute crap" 29th Sep 2022
Mon 2nd Nov 2009 Australian opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull seals own doom by not bending knee to shock jock 1st Nov 2022
Tue 24th Nov 2009 the Climate War in Australia goes kinetic... 23rd Nov 2023
Tue 2nd Feb 2010 Abbott on Direct Action, CPRS for 3rdfailure 1st Feb 2024
Sat 5th Mar 2011 Australian "wingnuts are coming out of the woodwork" 4th Mar 2023
Wed 23rd Mar 2011 Ditch the Witch rally in Canberra 2nd Mar 2024
Wed 23rd Mar 2011 Ditch the Witch rally in Canberra 22nd Mar 2024
Thu 31st May 2012 an Australian climate minister makes a song and dance 30th May 2023
Mon 25th Mar 2013 Australian Department of Climate Change axed 24th Mar 2023
Sat 13th Jul 2013 future Australian PM ridiculed for #climate idiocy 12th Jul 2023
Tue 27th Aug 2013 absurd claim of Nobel-prize winners' support for Liberal non-policy is debunked. 26th Aug 2023
Wed 26th Feb 2014 Advanced Propaganda for Morons 26th Feb 2022
Tony Benn  
Mon 12th Dec 1977 UK Government launches energy efficiency scheme, because Jimmy Carter had visited... 11th Dec 2022
Tony Blair  
3 Events
Tue 31st Mar 1998 another report about #climate and business in the UK 31st Mar 2022
Tue 14th Sep 2004 Blair "shocked" by scientists warnings - "time is running out for tackling climate change" 13th Sep 2022
Tue 16th May 2006 UK Prime Minister Tony Blair goes nuclear... 16th May 2022
Tony Blar  
Mon 18th Jul 2005 inconvenient energy targets scrapped 17th Jul 2023
Tony Windsor  
Thu 16th Aug 2012 Tony Windsor calls Tony Abbott an "absolute disgrace" on carbon tax/climate 15th Aug 2022
U Thant  
Wed 12th Aug 1970 US Senate warned about climate change 11th Aug 2022
Wally Broecker  
5 Events
Fri 8th Aug 1975 first academic paper to use term "global warming" published 8th Aug 2022
Tue 31st May 1977 "4 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise by 2027" predicts #climate scientist Wally Broecker 31st May 2022
Mon 26th Mar 1979 Exxon meets a climate scientist 26th Mar 2022
Mon 7th Apr 1980 C02 problem is most important issue..."another decade will slip by" warns Wally Broecker to Senator Tsongas 7th Apr 2022
Thu 9th Jul 1987 "Unpleasant surprises in the greenhouse" warns Broecker 8th Jul 2023
Walter Cronkite  
Thu 3rd Apr 1980 US news anchorman Walter Cronkite on the greenhouse effect 3rd Apr 2022
Walter Sullivan  
3 Events
Mon 11th Sep 1961 New York Times reports "Air Found Gaining in Carbon Dioxide" 10th Sep 2022
Mon 25th Jul 1977 New York Times front page story "scientists foresee serious climate changes" 25th Jul 2022
Tue 3rd Jan 1984 US report on energy transition to combat climate released. 2nd Jan 2023
Warwick Parer  
Fri 14th Mar 1997 Australian senator predicts climate issue will be gone in ten years... 13th Mar 2023
Wayne Swan  
Wed 23rd Dec 2009 Kevin Rudd told to call double-dissolution #climate election... (spoiler - he didn't) 22nd Dec 2022
Werner von Braun  
2 Events
Fri 2nd Oct 1942 Spaceflight!! 1st Oct 2022
Thu 13th Jun 1963 Revelle, Von Braun and Teller talk futures 12th Jun 2023
William Jevons  
Sun 13th Aug 1882 William "Coal Question" Jevons dies 12th Aug 2022
William Kellogg  
5 Events
Fri 15th Oct 1971 "Man's Impact on the Climate" published 14th Oct 2023
Mon 2nd Apr 1979 AAAS workshop in Anaheim begins... 2nd Apr 2022
Wed 16th Apr 1980 Melbourne Age reports "world ecology endangered" 15th Apr 2023
Fri 23rd May 1980 Aussie senator alerts colleagues to #climate threat. Shoulder shrugs all round. #auspol 23rd May 2022
Thu 1st Jan 1981 Climate Change And Society 31st Dec 2023
William Rodgers  
Wed 21st Dec 2005 US activist William Rodgers commits suicide 20th Dec 2022

xbAOY by CrOsborne