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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

Richard Yarborough  
Wed 12th Aug 1970 US Senate warned about climate change 11th Aug 2022
Ritchie Calder  
9 Events
Tue 2nd Mar 1954 UK newspaper readers get Greenhouse lesson from Ritchie-Calder 1st Mar 2024
Mon 21st Aug 1961 The UN holds a "new sources of energy" conference. 20th Aug 2023
Wed 13th Nov 1963 Ritchie Calder warns of trouble ahead because of carbon dioxide... 12th Nov 2023
Sat 18th Jan 1964 Nature mentions atmospheric carbon dioxide build-up 17th Jan 2024
Fri 22nd Jul 1966 "The Conservation Society" holds launch event 22nd Jul 2022
Sat 23rd Nov 1968 "Hell upon Earth" warning about environmental destruction,inc. climate... 22nd Nov 2022
Sat 17th Jan 1970 The Bulletin reprints crucial environment/climate article 16th Jan 2024
Mon 16th Feb 1970 Sports Illustrated readers appreciate eco-warning 15th Feb 2024
Sat 30th Aug 1975 The Science Show does climate change... 29th Aug 2023
Robbie Watt  
Sat 17th Mar 2007 Edinburgh #climate action gathering says 'Now' the time to act 17th Mar 2022
Robert Armstrong  
Wed 16th Apr 1980 "a risk averse society might prefer nuclear power generation to fossil fuel burning" 16th Apr 2022
Robert Balling  
Tue 19th Aug 1997 "The denialists take Canberra" with "Countdown to Kyoto" conference 18th Aug 2022
Robert Bullard  
Fri 11th Feb 1994 President Clinton proclaims the end of environmental racism. Yeah, right. 11th Feb 2022
Robert Heilbroner  
Thu 23rd Apr 1970 book review nails coming #climate problems... 22nd Apr 2023
Robert Hill  
4 Events
Wed 29th Apr 1998 Australia signs the Kyoto Protocol 28th Apr 2023
Thu 26th Nov 1998 "National Greenhouse Strategy" (re)-launched 25th Nov 2023
Mon 3rd Apr 2000 Australian diplomats spread bullshit about climate. Again 2nd Apr 2023
Thu 9th Aug 2001 OECD calls on Australia to introduce a carbon tax. Told to... go away... 8th Aug 2022
Robert Jastrow  
2 Events
Wed 1st Feb 1978 US TV show MacNeill Lehrer hosts discussion about climate change 31st Jan 2023
Fri 22nd Feb 1991 Denialist gloating about influence on Bush 11th Feb 2024
Robert Kennedy  
Mon 18th Mar 1968 Bobby Kennedy vs Gross National Product 18th Mar 2022
Robert Kennedy Jr  
Sun 17th Feb 2013 Scientists, activists, actors, arrested outside Whitehouse, protesting #Keystone 17th Feb 2022
Robert Neumann  
Tue 15th Aug 1989 Queenslander mayor says the greenhouse effect is like"a bird urinating in the Tweed River while in flight" 14th Aug 2022
Robyn Williams  
2 Events
Sat 30th Aug 1975 The Science Show does climate change... 29th Aug 2023
Mon 22nd Jul 1991 two #climate idiots on the Science Show 21st Jul 2023
Roger Revelle  
15 Events
Thu 9th Feb 1956 Scientists puzzle over where the carbon dioxide is going.... 8th Feb 2023
Thu 15th Mar 1956 scientist explains climate change to US senators 14th Mar 2023
Mon 19th Mar 1956 Washington Post reports Revelle's statements 18th Mar 2024
Mon 28th May 1956 Time Magazine reports on "One Big Greenhouse" 28th May 2022
Mon 30th Dec 1957 a letter from Gilbert Plass to Guy Callendar 29th Dec 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first scientific meeting about C02 build-up 12th Mar 2022
Sat 4th Apr 1964 President Johnson's Domestic Council on climate... 3rd Apr 2023
Mon 8th Feb 1965 All the way with LBJ - first President to say "carbon dioxide is building up" 8th Feb 2022
Sat 7th May 1966 scientist warns public about carbon dioxide build-up... 7th May 2022
Tue 25th Aug 1970 Margaret Mead and James Baldwin rap on race... 24th Aug 2022
Mon 2nd Apr 1979 AAAS workshop in Anaheim begins... 2nd Apr 2022
Wed 18th Jul 1979 US Senators ask for synthetic fuelimplications of greenhouse warming. Told. 17th Jul 2022
Fri 31st Jul 1981 US politicians hold "carbon dioxide and climate" hearings. 30th Jul 2022
Sun 13th Sep 1992 Scientists traduced, ignored 12th Sep 2022
Tue 13th Sep 1994 Scientists traduced, ignored - Redux 12th Sep 2022
Ronald Reagan  
Fri 1st Jan 1988 President Reagan reluctantly signs "Global Climate Protection Act" #CreditClaiming 31st Dec 2022
Ros Kelly  
14 Events
Wed 29th Aug 1990 The Australian mining and forestry industries threaten to spit the dummy 28th Aug 2022
Thu 30th Aug 1990 Australian diplomats (probably) tried to water down IPCC recommendations 29th Aug 2022
Tue 4th Sep 1990 Industry whines about environment minister's speech 3rd Sep 2023
Wed 5th Sep 1990 Australian Environment Minister promises deep carbon cuts - "easy"... 4th Sep 2022
Sat 8th Sep 1990 Australian #climate denialist spouting his nonsense... 7th Sep 2022
Thu 11th Oct 1990 Australian Federal Government makes climate promise, with fingers crossed 10th Oct 2023
Sat 13th Oct 1990 Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing 12th Oct 2023
Wed 22nd Jan 1992 "Greenhouse action will send Australia to the poorhouse" 21st Jan 2024
Tue 28th Jan 1992 Ros Kelly versus Industry commission on greenhouse plans 27th Jan 2024
Fri 12th Jun 1992 Australia refuses to put a tax on carbon: "It's a question of who starts the ball rolling. We won't." 11th Jun 2022
Wed 28th Apr 1993 Australia to monitor carbon tax experience 27th Apr 2023
Wed 26th May 1993 more "green jobs" mush 25th May 2023
Mon 13th Oct 1997 Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing 12th Oct 2023
Thu 6th Apr 2006 the ant-climate dam of John Howard begins to crack 6th Apr 2022
Ross Gittins  
Wed 9th Oct 1991 Greens get labeled religious fanatics, don't like it. 8th Oct 2023
Rossylyn Beeby  
Tue 13th Feb 2007 Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists... 12th Feb 2023
Salvador Allende  
Tue 11th Sep 1973 CIA coup topples Chilean democracy 10th Sep 2023
Sharon Beder  
Sun 18th Aug 1996 Ex-CSIRO #climate boss shows he has lost the plot 17th Aug 2022
Sherry Rowland  
2 Events
Mon 10th Sep 1973 Ozone concerns on display in Kyoto... 9th Sep 2023
Sat 10th Mar 2012 RIP Sherry Rowland 10th Mar 2022
Sir John Hunt  
Mon 10th Oct 1977 famous scientist Solly Zuckerman writes to top UK Civil Servant, warning about climate change 9th Oct 2022
Solly Zuckerman  
Mon 10th Oct 1977 famous scientist Solly Zuckerman writes to top UK Civil Servant, warning about climate change 9th Oct 2022
Stan Collard  
Wed 25th Feb 1981 National Party senator nails the climate problem 24th Feb 2023
Stefan Rahmstorf  
Mon 9th Mar 2009 Scientist tries to separate fact from denialist fiction 8th Mar 2023

xbAOY by CrOsborne