All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

James Callaghan  
Mon 12th Dec 1977 UK Government launches energy efficiency scheme, because Jimmy Carter had visited... 11th Dec 2022
James Hansen  
11 Events
Sat 22nd Aug 1981 New York Times front page story costs #climate scientists their jobs. 21st Aug 2022
Thu 23rd Jun 1988 it's time to stop waffling and say the greenhouse effect is here 22nd Jun 2023
Fri 12th May 1989 USA says it will, after all, support the idea of a #climate treaty 12th May 2022
Fri 2nd Jun 1989 "James Hansen versus the World" - good article on actual #climate consensus let down by title 2nd Jun 2022
Wed 25th Oct 2000 James Hansen writes a letter 24th Oct 2023
Thu 15th Dec 2005 James Hansen versus Bush again... 16th Dec 2023
Thu 24th May 2007 James Hansen ponders whether scientists can be too cautious and quiet (or, indeed "reticent") 24th May 2022
Thu 27th Mar 2008 James Hansen writes a letter to Kevin Rudd 26th Mar 2024
Sun 17th Feb 2013 Scientists, activists, actors, arrested outside Whitehouse, protesting #Keystone 17th Feb 2022
Sun 17th Feb 2013 celebrities arrested at Whitehouse, protesting Keystone XL 16th Feb 2023
Tue 9th Apr 2019 brutal book review "a script for a West Wing episode about climate change, only with less repartee." " 9th Apr 2022
James Inhofe  
2 Events
Mon 28th Jul 2003 James Inhofe shares his genius 27th Jul 2023
Thu 11th Jul 2013 "don't be evil" my fat arse.... 10th Jul 2023
Jennifer Robinson  
Thu 1st Sep 1983 #climate change is all in the game, you feel me? 31st Aug 2022
Jeremy Grantham  
Thu 1st Feb 2007 Jeremy Grantham slams Bush on #climate 1st Feb 2022
Jeremy Legget  
Mon 13th Apr 1992 Denialist tosh - "The origins of the alleged scientific consensus" 13th Apr 2022
Jeremy Leggett  
2 Events
Thu 5th Nov 1992 Jeremy Leggett calls Australian petrol price cuts "insane" 4th Nov 2022
Wed 24th Aug 1994 first signs of a split in the anti-climate action business coalition... 23rd Aug 2022
Jesse Ausubel  
Thu 1st Sep 1983 #climate change is all in the game, you feel me? 31st Aug 2022
Jimmy Carter  
10 Events
Thu 30th Dec 1976 President Jimmy Carter is lobbied about #climate change 29th Dec 2022
Tue 4th Jan 1977 US politician introduces #climate research legislation 3rd Jan 2023
Mon 23rd May 1977 President Carter announces Global 2000 report... or "Let's all meet up in the Global2000" 23rd May 2022
Mon 12th Dec 1977 UK Government launches energy efficiency scheme, because Jimmy Carter had visited... 11th Dec 2022
Wed 3rd May 1978 First and last "Sun Day" 2nd May 2023
Wed 20th Jun 1979 Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House 20th Jun 2022
Wed 18th Jul 1979 US Senators ask for synthetic fuelimplications of greenhouse warming. Told. 17th Jul 2022
Mon 23rd Jul 1979 Charney Report people meet - will conclude "yep, global warming is 'A Thing'." 22nd Jul 2022
Thu 24th Jul 1980 "Global 2000" report released. 23rd Jul 2023
Thu 15th Jan 1981 US calls for effort to combat global environmental problems 14th Jan 2024
Joe Biden  
2 Events
Tue 23rd Sep 1986 Joe Biden suggests urgent #climate action... 22nd Sep 2022
Fri 1st Jan 1988 President Reagan reluctantly signs "Global Climate Protection Act" #CreditClaiming 31st Dec 2022
John Ashworth  
4 Events
Tue 22nd Apr 1975 UK Civil Service scratches its head on #climate 22nd Apr 2022
Wed 23rd Feb 1977 UK Chief Scientific Advisor worries about carbon dioxide build-up. 22nd Feb 2023
Tue 4th Apr 1978 UK Chief Scientific Advisor worries about atmospheric C02 build-up 4th Apr 2022
Wed 16th Apr 1980 "a risk averse society might prefer nuclear power generation to fossil fuel burning" 16th Apr 2022
John Browne  
Mon 19th May 1997 BP boss says "If we are to take responsibility for the future of our planet, then it falls to us to begin to take precautionary action now." 19th May 2022
John Culver  
Mon 22nd Jun 1970 US Congressman talks about 'the Imperilled Environment,' including C02 build-up 21st Jun 2023
John Daly  
4 Events
Sun 17th Nov 1968 UK national newspaper flags carbon dioxide danger... 16th Nov 2022
Sat 8th Sep 1990 Australian #climate denialist spouting his nonsense... 7th Sep 2022
Tue 14th May 2002 well-connected denialists gather in Washington DC to spout #climate nonsense 14th May 2022
Thu 29th Jan 2004 John Daly, Australian skeptic, dies 28th Jan 2024
John Englehart  
Fri 20th May 1977 Australian Prime Minister says "coal, not solar" is the future 20th May 2022
John F Kennedy  
Wed 23rd Oct 1963 JKF warns of actions "which can irreversibly alter our biological and physical environment on a global scale." 23rd Oct 2022
John Faulkner  
6 Events
Sun 24th Apr 1994 a carbon tax for Australia? 24th Apr 2022
Fri 6th Jan 1995 Australian business interests battle a carbon tax with "nobody else is acting" argument 5th Jan 2023
Thu 12th Jan 1995 Australian carbon tax coming?? 11th Jan 2024
Fri 10th Feb 1995 Faulkner folds on carbon tax - doesn't have the numbers in Cabinet 9th Feb 2024
Sat 8th Apr 1995 Australian environment minister says happy with "Berlin Mandate" 8th Apr 2022
Wed 23rd Dec 2009 Kevin Rudd told to call double-dissolution #climate election... (spoiler - he didn't) 22nd Dec 2022
John Hewson  
2 Events
Wed 5th Feb 1992 Liberal leader Hewson snubs the Australian Conservation Foundation 4th Feb 2024
Thu 11th Feb 1993 Liberal Party plans would not meet climate goals, says expert 10th Feb 2023
John Howard  
34 Events
Thu 25th Apr 1996 Greenpeace slams Australian government on #climate obstructionism 25th Apr 2022
Thu 25th Jul 1996 Australian PM John Howard as fossil-fuel puppet 24th Jul 2023
Fri 14th Mar 1997 Australian senator predicts climate issue will be gone in ten years... 13th Mar 2023
Wed 11th Jun 1997 US ambassador says Australia should stop being so awful on #climate 10th Jun 2022
Mon 23rd Jun 1997 Australian Prime Minister skips climate meeting to fanboy Thatcher #auspol 23rd Jun 2022
Mon 20th Oct 1997 Greenpeace tries to give John Howard solar panels... 19th Oct 2022
Sat 19th Sep 1998 Public Health Association calls for "life-saving green taxes" 18th Sep 2023
Sat 26th Sep 1998 Howard decision only to ratify Kyoto if US does leaks. 25th Sep 2023
Fri 12th Nov 1999 John Howard and mates say "nope" to renewables 12th Nov 2022
Tue 20th Jun 2000 Australian business writes the rules. 19th Jun 2023
Wed 6th Sep 2000 Emission scheme defeated, it's time for a gloating press release... #Climate #auspol 5th Sep 2022
Thu 9th Aug 2001 OECD calls on Australia to introduce a carbon tax. Told to... go away... 8th Aug 2022
Wed 5th Jun 2002 John Howard says Australia won't ratify Kyoto Protocol 4th Jun 2023
Wed 14th Aug 2002 Australian economists urge Kyoto Protocol ratification 13th Aug 2023
Thu 5th Dec 2002 Australian Government CCS support begins... 4th Dec 2022
Mon 16th Dec 2002 another knee-capping for renewable energy in Australia... 15th Dec 2022
Mon 17th Feb 2003 Bob Carr says John Howard showing poor leadership (too generous!) 16th Feb 2023
Thu 7th Aug 2003 John Howard meets with business buddies to kill climate action 6th Aug 2023
Thu 4th Mar 2004 The Australian National Audit Office skewers the Australian Greenhouse Office 3rd Mar 2024
Sun 3rd Oct 2004 John Howard revealed to have asked for fossil fuel CEOs to kill renewables. #auspol 2nd Oct 2022
Mon 16th May 2005 Anthony Albanese, eco-warrior... 16th May 2023
Mon 20th Feb 2006 Clive Hamilton names a "Dirty Dozen" 20th Feb 2022
Thu 6th Apr 2006 the ant-climate dam of John Howard begins to crack 6th Apr 2022
Mon 15th May 2006 Australian Prime Minister John Howard spouting "nuclear to fix climate" nonsense 15th May 2022
Mon 17th Jul 2006 Australian Prime Minister shits on renewables, blah blah "realistic" 16th Jul 2022
Sat 4th Nov 2006 Australians "Walk against Warming" 3rd Nov 2022
Sun 10th Dec 2006 Shergold Group announced 9th Dec 2023
Mon 5th Feb 2007 Australian Prime Minister trolled by senior journalist 4th Feb 2023
Tue 6th Feb 2007 Rudd taunts Howard on 2003 ETS decision 5th Feb 2024
Wed 14th Mar 2007 Top Australian bureaucrat admits "frankly bad" #climate and water policies 14th Mar 2022
Fri 30th Mar 2007 Climate as "the great moral challenge of our generation" #auspol 30th Mar 2022
Mon 2nd Jul 2007 Australia learns it has been left "High & Dry" on #climate change 1st Jul 2022
Mon 23rd Feb 2009 Penny Wong flubs the CSPR... The CPSR.. THE PCRS. Oh, hell. #auspol 23rd Feb 2022
Fri 8th Nov 2013 "One religion is enough" says John Howard 7th Nov 2023
John Kerin  
2 Events
Wed 1st Nov 1989 Senior Australian politician talks on"Industry and Environment" 31st Oct 2023
Thu 3rd May 1990 From Washington to Canberra, the "greenhouse effect" has elites promising... 3rd May 2022
John Maddox  
3 Events
Fri 19th Feb 1971 Nature editorial on "The Great Greenhouse Scare" 18th Feb 2024
Fri 8th Oct 1971 Lord Kennet pushes back against Nature's "John Maddox" on the greenhouse effect. 7th Oct 2023
Mon 21st Aug 1972 Nature editor John Maddox says C02-temperature fear "found wanting" 20th Aug 2022
John Major  
2 Events
Mon 8th Jul 1991 UK Prime Minister chides US on #climate change 8th Jul 2022
Sun 22nd Jan 1995 UK Prime Minister John Major told to implement green taxes on #climate 21st Jan 2023
John Mason  
5 Events
Tue 14th Feb 1967 John Mason (Met Office boss) dismisses carbon dioxide problem 13th Feb 2024
Wed 17th Mar 1976 UK Weather boss dismisses climate change as "grossly exaggerated" 16th Mar 2023
Wed 1st Dec 1976 Met Office boss still saying carbon dioxide build-up a non-issue 30th Nov 2022
Mon 14th Nov 1977 Met Office boss forced to think about #climate change - first interdepartmental meeting... 13th Nov 2022
Wed 7th Feb 1979 Met Office boss bullshits about his carbon dioxide stance 6th Feb 2023
John Monash  
Thu 16th Mar 1995 Victorian government plans brown coal exports 16th Mar 2022
John Naugle  
Tue 11th Mar 1969 NASA explains need to monitor C02 build-up to politicians 10th Mar 2023

xbAOY by CrOsborne