All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

Graham Richardson  
4 Events
Thu 20th Jul 1989 Bob Hawke fumbles the green football... 19th Jul 2022
Tue 25th Jul 1989 Australian Environment Minister admits was blocked by Treasurer on emissions reduction target 24th Jul 2022
Thu 11th Oct 1990 Australian Federal Government makes climate promise, with fingers crossed 10th Oct 2023
Wed 16th Mar 1994 "We could bail from Rio" says former Environment Minister 15th Mar 2024
4 Events
Sun 18th Aug 1996 Ex-CSIRO #climate boss shows he has lost the plot 17th Aug 2022
Tue 5th Aug 1997 Australian politician calls for "official figures" on #climate to be suspended because they are rubbery af 4th Aug 2022
Wed 9th Apr 2008 US school student vs dodgy (lying) text books 8th Apr 2023
Tue 28th Mar 2017 Heartland Institute spamming science teachers 27th Mar 2023
Greg Combet  
3 Events
Thu 7th Oct 2010 Julia Gillard scraps the "Climate Assembly" idea 6th Oct 2023
Thu 10th Feb 2011 Australia gets a "Climate Commission" 9th Feb 2023
Thu 31st May 2012 an Australian climate minister makes a song and dance 30th May 2023
Greg Hunt  
2 Events
Thu 18th Apr 2013 Liberal Party bullshit about "soil carbon" revealed to be bullshit 17th Apr 2023
Tue 27th Aug 2013 absurd claim of Nobel-prize winners' support for Liberal non-policy is debunked. 26th Aug 2023
Greta Thunberg  
2 Events
Mon 20th Aug 2018 Greta Thunberg's first protest 19th Aug 2023
Fri 15th Mar 2019 New Zealand school strike launched, called off. 15th Mar 2022
Guy Callendar  
7 Events
Sun 2nd Oct 1927 Svante Arrhenius and Guy Callendar die. 1st Oct 2022
Wed 19th May 1937 Guy Callendar's carbon dioxide warning lands on someone's desk 19th May 2022
Fri 19th Nov 1943 FIDO used for the first time 17th Nov 2023
Tue 5th May 1953 Western Australian newspaper carries "climate and carbon dioxide" article 5th May 2022
Mon 30th Dec 1957 a letter from Gilbert Plass to Guy Callendar 29th Dec 2023
Sat 19th Nov 1960 Guy Callendar gives advice on unpopularity of C02 theory 18th Nov 2023
Fri 2nd Oct 1964 Svante Arrhenius and Guy Callendar die. 1st Oct 2022
Guy Pearse  
3 Events
Tue 5th Aug 1997 Australian politician calls for "official figures" on #climate to be suspended because they are rubbery af 4th Aug 2022
Mon 13th Feb 2006 Four Corners reveals the "Greenhouse Mafia" 12th Feb 2024
Mon 2nd Jul 2007 Australia learns it has been left "High & Dry" on #climate change 1st Jul 2022
Gwen Andrews  
Wed 4th Mar 1998 The Australian Greenhouse Office gets a boss... 3rd Mar 2023
Hans Palmstierna  
2 Events
Fri 27th Oct 1967 "the Swedish environmental turn" picks up speed 26th Oct 2023
Thu 7th Dec 1967 Swedish "Monitor" program talks environmental crisis 6th Dec 2023
Hans Seuss  
2 Events
Thu 9th Feb 1956 Scientists puzzle over where the carbon dioxide is going.... 8th Feb 2023
Mon 30th Dec 1957 a letter from Gilbert Plass to Guy Callendar 29th Dec 2023
Harold Wilson  
2 Events
Mon 29th Sep 1969 British Prime Minister Harold Wilson blah blah "second industrial revolution" blah blah pollution blah blah 28th Sep 2022
Mon 26th Jan 1970 British PM offers US a "new special relationship" on pollution. (Conservative then tries to outflank him.) 25th Jan 2024
Henry Kissinger  
3 Events
Tue 11th Sep 1973 CIA coup topples Chilean democracy 10th Sep 2023
Mon 15th Apr 1974 Kissinger cites climate concerns 15th Apr 2022
Mon 15th Apr 1974 war criminal Henry Kissinger gives climate danger speech 14th Apr 2023
Hermann Bondi  
Fri 22nd Dec 1978 UK Energy Department chief scientist worries about CO2 levels and pressure to reduce them... 21st Dec 2022
Hermann Flohn  
6 Events
Thu 25th Apr 1974 Swedish prime minister briefed on carbon dioxide build-up 25th Apr 2022
Mon 14th Oct 1974 UK Chief Scientific Advisor is warned about carbon dioxide build-up. 13th Oct 2022
Thu 11th Dec 1975 German scientist gives stark climatewarning in Melbourne 10th Dec 2022
Tue 9th Oct 1979 Hermann Flohn warns Irish consequence of "possible consequences of a man-made warming" 8th Oct 2022
Fri 2nd Jul 1993 Denialists versus the facts, again. 2nd Jul 2023
Mon 23rd Jun 1997 RIP Hermann Flohn 22nd Jun 2023
Howard Orville  
Tue 18th Mar 1958 Military man spots carbon dioxide problem 17th Mar 2023
Howard Wilcox  
Mon 22nd Dec 1975 "Scientist Warns of Great Floods if Earth's Heat Rises" (surely "when"?) 21st Dec 2022
Hubert Heffner  
Mon 26th Jan 1970 US science bureaucrat writes "what's going on?" memo about #climate 25th Jan 2023
Hugh Morgan  
2 Events
Mon 16th Jul 1990 Canberra Times gives denialist tosh a platform 15th Jul 2023
Thu 16th Oct 1997 Australian businessman declares climate change "no longer an issue" 15th Oct 2022
Ian Lloyd  
Sun 30th Jul 1989 UK Conservative politician warns "we have at most 25 years to take action." 29th Jul 2022
Ian Lowe  
2 Events
Mon 4th Dec 1989 Greenhouse tax urged... 3rd Dec 2023
Thu 6th Aug 1992 Australian environmentalists and businesses united... in disgust at Federal bureaucrats #auspol #climate 5th Aug 2022
Ian McEwen  
Thu 18th Mar 2010 "Solar" by Ian McEwan released. 18th Mar 2022
Irving Mintzer  
Sat 11th Apr 1987 A matter of... Primo Levi's death 11th Apr 2022
Jacob Darwin Hamblin  
Tue 28th Jul 1970 American journalist warns about melting the icecaps... 28th Jul 2022
James Baldwin  
2 Events
Sun 14th Jan 1962 As much truth as one can bear, James Baldwin 13th Jan 2024
Tue 25th Aug 1970 Margaret Mead and James Baldwin rap on race... 24th Aug 2022
James Black  
Tue 6th Jun 1978 Exxon presentation about carbon dioxide build-up 5th Jun 2023

xbAOY by CrOsborne