All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

Evelyn Hutchinson  
Wed 15th Sep 1948 Biologist Evelyn Hutchinson mentions carbon dioxide build-up at an AAAS symposium. 14th Sep 2023
Frank Capra  
Wed 12th Feb 1958 the Unchained Goddess is unchained... 12th Feb 2022
Frank Fraser Darling  
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first scientific meeting about C02 build-up 12th Mar 2022
Frank Luntz  
2 Events
Tue 4th Mar 2003 "Luntz memo" exposes Bush climate strategy 3rd Mar 2023
Tue 4th Mar 2003 Republicans urged to question the scientific consensus... 4th Mar 2022
Frank Press  
Mon 23rd Jul 1979 Charney Report people meet - will conclude "yep, global warming is 'A Thing'." 22nd Jul 2022
Fred Pearce  
2 Events
Tue 15th Oct 1985 Villach meeting supercharges greenhouse concerns... 14th Oct 2022
Mon 7th Mar 1988 "We are ratcheting ourselves to a new warmer climate" 6th Mar 2023
Gabriel Henderson  
Tue 4th Jan 1977 US politician introduces #climate research legislation 3rd Jan 2023
Gary Snyder  
Wed 26th Jul 1967 Allen Ginsberg tells Gary Snyder it's "a general lemming situation" 25th Jul 2023
Gavin Gilchrist  
3 Events
Mon 31st Oct 1994 Four Corners reports on Greenhouse Mafia activity 30th Oct 2022
Mon 7th Aug 1995 decent Australian journo reports on utter bullshit #climate economic "modelling" 6th Aug 2022
Fri 29th Dec 1995 Sydney Morning Herald points out year has been hottest yet... 28th Dec 2022
Gavin Schmidt  
Sat 28th Aug 1971 snarky opinion piece in New York Times. Stephen Schneider rebuts days later. 27th Aug 2022
Gaylord Nelson  
Tue 18th Apr 1989 begging letter to world leaders sent 18th Apr 2022
Genta Hawkins Holmes  
Wed 11th Jun 1997 US ambassador says Australia should stop being so awful on #climate 10th Jun 2022
George Brown  
3 Events
Tue 18th May 1976 US congress begins hearings on #climate 18th May 2022
Thu 30th Dec 1976 President Jimmy Carter is lobbied about #climate change 29th Dec 2022
Tue 4th Jan 1977 US politician introduces #climate research legislation 3rd Jan 2023
George Bush  
3 Events
Fri 29th Sep 2000 On campaign trail, George Bush says power plants will require carbon dioxide cuts 28th Sep 2023
Thu 15th Dec 2005 James Hansen versus Bush again... 16th Dec 2023
Wed 3rd Jan 2007 Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air, says Union of Concerned Scientists 2nd Jan 2024
George HW Bush  
9 Events
Thu 5th Jan 1989 National Academy of Science tries to chivvy Bush. 4th Jan 2024
Fri 14th Apr 1989 24 US senators call for immediate unilateral climate action 14th Apr 2022
Tue 18th Apr 1989 begging letter to world leaders sent 18th Apr 2022
Mon 5th Feb 1990 A president says what he is told... 4th Feb 2023
Mon 19th Nov 1990 "The US should agree to stabilising CO2 levels" 18th Nov 2022
Fri 22nd Feb 1991 Denialist gloating about influence on Bush 11th Feb 2024
Tue 21st Apr 1992 President Bush again threatens to boycott Earth Summit 21st Apr 2022
Mon 1st Jun 1992 "environmental extremists" want to shut down the United States, says President Bush 1st Jun 2022
Fri 16th Aug 2002 "Oil Lobby Urges Bush to Keep Climate Change Off the Table at Earth Summit" 15th Aug 2023
George Kimble  
Sun 23rd Oct 1955 LA Times article says "our weather is changing" 22nd Oct 2023
George W Bush  
11 Events
Mon 1st Jun 1992 "environmental extremists" want to shut down the United States, says President Bush 1st Jun 2022
Wed 11th Jun 1997 US ambassador says Australia should stop being so awful on #climate 10th Jun 2022
Wed 7th Mar 2001 CNN unintentionally reveals deep societal norms around democracy 6th Mar 2023
Tue 13th Mar 2001 Bush breaks election promise to regulate C02 emissions... 13th Mar 2022
Mon 7th May 2001 The American way of life is non-negotiable. Again. 6th May 2023
Thu 14th Feb 2002 George Bush promises "Clean Skies" to distract from Kyoto-trashing... 14th Feb 2022
Thu 27th Feb 2003 the "FutureGen" farce begins... 27th Feb 2022
Tue 4th Mar 2003 Republicans urged to question the scientific consensus... 4th Mar 2022
Tue 4th Mar 2003 "Luntz memo" exposes Bush climate strategy 3rd Mar 2023
Wed 18th Feb 2004 "An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science" 17th Feb 2024
Thu 1st Feb 2007 Jeremy Grantham slams Bush on #climate 1st Feb 2022
George Wendt  
Fri 23rd Apr 1954 Irish Times runs carbon dioxide/climate story. Yes, 1954. 22nd Apr 2023
George Woodwell  
Mon 13th Jun 1988 "'Greenhouse Effect' Could Trigger Flooding, Crop Losses, Scientists Say" 12th Jun 2022
Gilbert Plass  
8 Events
Tue 5th May 1953 Western Australian newspaper carries "climate and carbon dioxide" article 5th May 2022
Tue 5th May 1953 Gilbert Plass launches the carbon dioxide theory globally 5th May 2023
Mon 18th May 1953 Newsweek covers climate change. Yes, 1953. 17th May 2023
Mon 25th May 1953 "I read about them in Time Magazine" (Gilbert Plass's greenhouse warning 25th May 2022
Fri 23rd Apr 1954 Irish Times runs carbon dioxide/climate story. Yes, 1954. 22nd Apr 2023
Tue 27th Nov 1956 New York Times science writer who covered C02 build-up dies. 26th Nov 2023
Mon 30th Dec 1957 a letter from Gilbert Plass to Guy Callendar 29th Dec 2023
Tue 12th Mar 1963 first scientific meeting about C02 build-up 12th Mar 2022
Glenn Seaborg  
2 Events
Mon 20th Mar 1967 Solar Energy advocate warns of carbon dioxide build-up 19th Mar 2024
Tue 10th Jun 1969 pro-nukers mention carbon dioxide in a New York Times article 9th Jun 2023
Gordon Brown  
3 Events
Fri 15th Jul 2005 The "Stern Review" into #climate is announced... 15th Jul 2022
Mon 30th Oct 2006 Stern Review publshed. 29th Oct 2022
Mon 19th Nov 2007 Gordon Brown announces first Carbon Capture and Storage competition at WWF event 15th Nov 2022
Gordon Macdonald  
3 Events
Mon 3rd Aug 1970 Nixon warned about climate change and icecaps melting 3rd Aug 2022
Wed 18th Jul 1979 US Senators ask for synthetic fuelimplications of greenhouse warming. Told. 17th Jul 2022
Mon 23rd Jul 1979 Charney Report people meet - will conclude "yep, global warming is 'A Thing'." 22nd Jul 2022
Gordon McDonald  
Thu 9th Feb 1956 Scientists puzzle over where the carbon dioxide is going.... 8th Feb 2023
Graeme Pearman  
7 Events
Sun 10th Aug 1980 "Energy, Climate and the Future" seminar in Melbourne 9th Aug 2022
Thu 17th Sep 1987 report on "The Greenhouse Project" launch 16th Sep 2023
Fri 26th Feb 1988 Australian climate scientist Graeme Pearman warns of "Dramatic Warming" 25th Feb 2024
Sun 21st Jul 1991 "Greenhouse Action for the 90s" conference leads to "The Melbourne Declaration" 20th Jul 2022
Sun 19th Jan 1992 they gambled, we lost 18th Jan 2024
Sun 13th Sep 1992 Scientists traduced, ignored 12th Sep 2022
Tue 13th Sep 1994 Scientists traduced, ignored - Redux 12th Sep 2022

xbAOY by CrOsborne