All Our Yesterdays - Category & Tag Index

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On this page no AOY Categories and 25 AOY tags

Dan Cass  
Wed 1st Nov 1989 "Greenhouse Action Australia" launches... 31st Oct 2022
Dan Quayle  
Wed 5th Oct 1988 Vice Presidential Debate and 'the Greenhouse Effect' 4th Oct 2022
Daniel Moynihan  
2 Events
Wed 17th Sep 1969 trying to spin Vietnam, Moynihan starts warning about #climate change 16th Sep 2022
Mon 26th Jan 1970 US science bureaucrat writes "what's going on?" memo about #climate 25th Jan 2023
Daryl Hannah  
Sun 17th Feb 2013 Scientists, activists, actors, arrested outside Whitehouse, protesting #Keystone 17th Feb 2022
Dave Keeling  
Fri 25th Apr 1969 Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?" 24th Apr 2023
David Bowie  
Fri 16th Jun 1972 David Bowie and (Five Years until) the End of the World. Also, Stockholm 16th Jun 2022
David Cameron  
5 Events
Thu 1st Dec 2005 David Cameron says "low carbon living should not be a weird or worthy obligation" 30th Nov 2022
Thu 20th Apr 2006 David Cameron does "hug-a-husky" to detoxify the Conservative brand 20th Apr 2022
Thu 20th Dec 2007 UK opposition leader David Cameron gives clean coal speech in Beijing... 19th Dec 2022
Thu 21st Nov 2013 "Cut the Green Crap" said UK Prime Minister 20th Nov 2023
Sat 14th Feb 2015 No love for coal from UK politicians 13th Feb 2023
David Karoly  
Wed 25th May 2011 Aussie #climate scientist smeared rather than engaged. Plus ca change... 25th May 2022
David Keeling  
Thu 29th May 1969 "A Chemist Thinks about the Future" #Keeling #KeelingCurve 29th May 2022
David Kemp  
Tue 26th Aug 2003 Australian "plan" to save biodiversity 25th Aug 2023
David Morgan  
Thu 6th Apr 2006 the ant-climate dam of John Howard begins to crack 6th Apr 2022
David Morrow  
Sat 23rd Aug 1856 Eunice Foote identifies carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas 23rd Aug 2022
Deni Greene  
Sat 3rd Mar 1990 " "A greenhouse energy strategy : sustainable energy development for Australia" launched ... ignored #auspol 3rd Mar 2022
Dennis Hayes  
2 Events
Wed 3rd May 1978 First and last "Sun Day" 2nd May 2023
Wed 20th Jun 1979 Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House 20th Jun 2022
DH Slade  
Thu 24th Apr 1980 the climate models are sound... 23rd Apr 2023
Dick Cheney  
2 Events
Mon 30th Apr 2001 Dick Cheney predicts 1000 new power plants 29th Apr 2023
Thu 1st Feb 2007 Jeremy Grantham slams Bush on #climate 1st Feb 2022
Dick Wells  
Wed 20th Aug 1997 Australian Mining Industry operative misrepresents the #climate science. Obvs. 19th Aug 2022
Don Jessop  
2 Events
Thu 29th Nov 1973 Australian politician warns of climate change 28th Nov 2022
Fri 23rd May 1980 Aussie senator alerts colleagues to #climate threat. Shoulder shrugs all round. #auspol 23rd May 2022
Ed Miliband  
Sat 14th Feb 2015 No love for coal from UK politicians 13th Feb 2023
Edmund Muskie  
Wed 22nd Oct 1969 Edmund Muskie mentions CO2 build up 22nd Oct 2023
Edward Teller  
2 Events
Sun 26th Jan 1958 "Mystery of the Warming World" in Washington Star 25th Jan 2024
Thu 13th Jun 1963 Revelle, Von Braun and Teller talk futures 12th Jun 2023
Edwin Drake  
Sat 27th Aug 1859 The Oil Age begins 26th Aug 2022
Elizabeth Farrelly  
Thu 6th Dec 2007 Turns out 0.1% of a Very BIG NUMBER is ... quite a lot... 5th Dec 2022
Eugene Guccione  
Sat 28th Aug 1971 snarky opinion piece in New York Times. Stephen Schneider rebuts days later. 27th Aug 2022
Eunice Foote  
Sat 23rd Aug 1856 Eunice Foote identifies carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas 23rd Aug 2022

xbAOY by CrOsborne