Library Updates
This section contains information about new and updated items in the Library. Click on the title for full details of the document, click on the category (if shown) for a listing of all documents in that category.
For new Articles and updates see
For general news about the site see
New resources published:
Documents and Resources
- Green Line 1985 files and Contents
- The start of a library of books and authors
- Gallery of all images used in articles as a first step to image index
- Images are gradually acquiring titles and descriptions including links to source or parent document in archive. If you click on a small image often a larger version will pop up with the caption and link.
New resources published:
- Ecology Party Newsletters 1975-80 including 6 issues of Alliance
- Various Ecology Party docs 1976-79
- Various PEOPLE docs 1973-5
- Towards Survival magazine 4 issues 1973-4
- Green Line 1984 files and Contents 1984
- GP SW Region Newsletters Dec'88 - Dec'89
- Photos from the Greenham Peace Festival 1982
- Photos from Boscombe Down
New articles and resources published:
- Greenline : looking back on 100 issues - article reprint
- Greenline 1982 Contents list and reprint of GL History from 1992
- Greenline issues 1-7 (1982) in document library
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