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Title Event Date | Month Date posted

US science bureaucrat writes "what's going on?" memo about #climate

Mon 26th Jan 1970 25 Jan 2023

US Senate warned about climate change

Wed 12th Aug 1970 11 Aug 2022

US Senators ask for synthetic fuelimplications of greenhouse warming. Told.

Wed 18th Jul 1979 17 Jul 2022

US Senators get going on climate

Mon 2nd Jun 1986 01 Jun 2023

US Senators told about carbon build-up by physicist

Sun 20th Feb 1966 19 Feb 2023

US Television warning of carbon dioxide build up, courtesy Athelstan Spilhaus...

Tue 22nd Mar 1960 21 Mar 2023

US TV show MacNeill Lehrer hosts discussion about climate change

Wed 1st Feb 1978 31 Jan 2023

USA says it will, after all, support the idea of a #climate treaty

Fri 12th May 1989 12 May 2022

Vestas opens Tasmanian wind turbine factory

Tue 23rd Dec 2003 22 Dec 2023

Vice Presidential Debate and 'the Greenhouse Effect'

Wed 5th Oct 1988 04 Oct 2022

Victorian government plans brown coal exports

Thu 16th Mar 1995 16 Mar 2022

Villach meeting supercharges greenhouse concerns...

Tue 15th Oct 1985 14 Oct 2022

Virgin on the ridiculous

Fri 9th Feb 2007 08 Feb 2024

Wall Street Journal does excellent #climate reporting

Fri 1st Aug 1980 31 Jul 2023

war criminal Henry Kissinger gives climate danger speech

Mon 15th Apr 1974 14 Apr 2023

warm words at The Hague, where the climate criminals should be sent...

Sat 11th Mar 1989 11 Mar 2022

Warmer Arctic Raising World's Sea Level...

Wed 11th Mar 1959 10 Mar 2024

Washington DC coal plant gets blockaded

Mon 2nd Mar 2009 01 Mar 2023

Washington DC symposium talks about carbon dioxide

Wed 29th Apr 1970 29 Apr 2022

Washington Post reports 'world turning into a 'greenhouse'

Sat 21st Jun 1958 20 Jun 2023

Washington Post reports Revelle's statements

Mon 19th Mar 1956 18 Mar 2024

we pass 400 parts per million. Trouble ahead.

Wed 8th May 2013 07 May 2023

We refuse to divest ourselves of illusions

Fri 13th Feb 2015 13 Feb 2022

we'll trade our way outa trouble (not)

Sat 27th Jun 1998 26 Jun 2023

well-connected denialists gather in Washington DC to spout #climate nonsense

Tue 14th May 2002 14 May 2022

xbaoy by CrOsborne