All Our Yesterdays - Events Listing

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Title Event Date | Month Date posted

Queenslander mayor says the greenhouse effect is like"a bird urinating in the Tweed River while in flight"

Tue 15th Aug 1989 14 Aug 2022

Rachel Carson says Arctic warming

Wed 2nd Jul 1952 01 Jul 2023

rainbow bomb parties as hydrogen bomb explodes

Mon 9th Jul 1962 08 Jul 2023

report on "The Greenhouse Project" launch

Thu 17th Sep 1987 16 Sep 2023

Republicans urged to question the scientific consensus...

Tue 4th Mar 2003 04 Mar 2022

Revelle, Von Braun and Teller talk futures

Thu 13th Jun 1963 12 Jun 2023

Rio Tinto amplifies the message...

Sat 10th Jul 2010 09 Jul 2023

RIP Hermann Flohn

Mon 23rd Jun 1997 22 Jun 2023

RIP Judi Bari

Sun 2nd Mar 1997 02 Mar 2022

RIP Rachel Carson

Tue 14th Apr 1964 13 Apr 2023

RIP Sherry Rowland

Sat 10th Mar 2012 10 Mar 2022

RIP William Kellogg

Wed 12th Dec 2007 11 Dec 2023

Ritchie Calder warns of trouble ahead because of carbon dioxide...

Wed 13th Nov 1963 12 Nov 2023

Rocket Scientist Charlie Sheen uncovers warmist alien conspiracy!!

Fri 31st May 1996 31 May 2022

Roger Rabbit on forced consumption (and so on to #climate apocalypse)

Wed 22nd Jun 1988 21 Jun 2022

Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing

Sat 13th Oct 1990 12 Oct 2023

Ros Kelly defends the Interim Planning Target vs Australia does nothing

Mon 13th Oct 1997 12 Oct 2023

Ros Kelly versus Industry commission on greenhouse plans

Tue 28th Jan 1992 27 Jan 2024

Royal Society misses the point (tbf, easily done)

Thu 9th Jun 1955 08 Jun 2023

Royal Society to Exxon: "Knock it off with the funding to #climate deniers"

Mon 4th Sep 2006 03 Sep 2022

Rudd taunts Howard on 2003 ETS decision

Tue 6th Feb 2007 05 Feb 2024

Russia halts grain exports because of droughts and heatwaves

Sun 15th Aug 2010 14 Aug 2022

Russia plants a flag on the Arctic sea-bed.

Thu 2nd Aug 2007 01 Aug 2023

Santa Barbara Oil spill

Tue 28th Jan 1969 27 Jan 2024

Science article about "Man-Made Climatic Changes"

Fri 18th Dec 1970 17 Dec 2022

xbaoy by CrOsborne