All Our Yesterdays - Events Listing

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Title Event Date | Month Date posted

Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House

Wed 20th Jun 1979 20 Jun 2022

JKF warns of actions "which can irreversibly alter our biological and physical environment on a global scale."

Wed 23rd Oct 1963 23 Oct 2022

Joe Biden suggests urgent #climate action...

Tue 23rd Sep 1986 22 Sep 2022

John Daly, Australian skeptic, dies

Thu 29th Jan 2004 28 Jan 2024

John Howard and mates say "nope" to renewables

Fri 12th Nov 1999 12 Nov 2022

John Howard condemns the South Pacific to hell. Again.

Fri 19th Sep 1997 18 Sep 2022

John Howard meets with business buddies to kill climate action

Thu 7th Aug 2003 06 Aug 2023

John Howard revealed to have asked for fossil fuel CEOs to kill renewables. #auspol

Sun 3rd Oct 2004 02 Oct 2022

John Howard says Australia won't ratify Kyoto Protocol

Wed 5th Jun 2002 04 Jun 2023

John Mason (Met Office boss) dismisses carbon dioxide problem

Tue 14th Feb 1967 13 Feb 2024

Joseph Fourier born

Sun 20th Mar 1768 20 Mar 2023

journalist covering JSO protest arrested

Mon 7th Nov 2022 06 Nov 2023

Judge grants mining licence, doubts climate change

Fri 12th Oct 2007 11 Oct 2023

Judge stops a -burning power plant getting built.

Mon 30th Jun 2008 30 Jun 2022

Jule Charney throws (private) shade on fellow climatologists...

Tue 12th Oct 1976 11 Oct 2022

Julia Gillard scraps the "Climate Assembly" idea

Thu 7th Oct 2010 06 Oct 2023

Just DRIVE, she said...

Fri 29th Jun 1956 28 Jun 2023

Keeling says pressured not to talk bluntly about "what is to be done?"

Fri 25th Apr 1969 24 Apr 2023

Ken Saro-Wiwa and other Ogoni executed

Fri 10th Nov 1995 09 Nov 2023

Kevin Rudd playing politics with the climate

Fri 6th Nov 2009 05 Nov 2022

Kevin Rudd told to call double-dissolution #climate election... (spoiler - he didn't)

Wed 23rd Dec 2009 22 Dec 2022

Kissinger cites climate concerns

Mon 15th Apr 1974 15 Apr 2022

Kuwaiti scientist says if global warming happening, it's not fossil fuels. #MRDA

Wed 29th Mar 1995 29 Mar 2022

LA Times article says "our weather is changing"

Sun 23rd Oct 1955 22 Oct 2023

LA Times runs #climate change front page story

Sun 2nd Aug 1970 01 Aug 2023

xbaoy by CrOsborne