
20 items found

1978 : Documents from 1978

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Title Year Category Tags Icon
Are You Doing Enough? leaflet 1978 1978 EP Leaflets Leaflet 1978 SL Nuclear Power Campaigns
Chairman Report to Conference 1978 1978 Ecology Party Internal PF 1978 Report
City 1978 Westminster J Porritt 1978 EP Election Leaflets Leaflet Election 1978 SL
City Election 1978 Leaflet Carder Bath 1978 EP Election Leaflets Leaflet Election DT 1978
District 1978 Waltham Forest S Lambert 1978 EP Election Leaflets Leaflet Election 1978 SL
Ecology Party MfSS 1978 1978 EP Manifestos Manifesto BH 1978
Ecology Party Newsletter January 1978 1978 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1978
Ecology Party Newsletter July-Sept 1978 1978 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1978
Ecology Party Newsletter March1978 1978 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1978
Ecology Party Newsletter May 1978 1978 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1978
Ecology Party Newsletter October 1978 1978 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1978
Ecology Party Peace Poster 1978 Ecology Party Poster DT 1978
EP Save London Alliance joint leaflet 1978 1978 EP London Leaflet 1978 SL
EP Tomorrow's Britain leaflet 1978 1978 EP Leaflets Leaflet PF 1978
Oxford Ecology Movement 1978 Manifesto Draft 1 July 1978 Oxford Ecology Movement Manifesto AC 1978
Oxford Ecology Movement 1978 Manifesto Draft 2 Oct 1978 Oxford Ecology Movement Manifesto Internal DT 1978
Proposal for a New Political Alliance 1978 1978 Political Parties Pamphlet Circular DT 1978
Report of Conference to Members 1978 1978 Ecology Party Internal PF 1978
Secretary's report to Conference 1978 1978 Ecology Party Internal PF 1978
The Ecology Party pamphlet 1978 1978 EP Pamphlets Pamphlet 1978 Nuclear Power