A contents listing for the four issues can be found below. They can be downloaded as pdf files from the Doc.Library
Green Options was a short lived publication that ran to four issues during the year from spring 1987. It was founded and published by Richard Oldfield in Glastonbury. The stall was set out in the editorial on the front page of the launch issue:
"Welcome to the first issue of Green Options! This new publication will feature regular, positive reports on the spread and evolution of green ideas, including the greening of politics and of various groupings in society at large. Special emphasis will be placed on fresh developments in green thought or action, and the advance green ideas into new, sometimes more "respectable" pastures."
The launch editorial, signed by Richard Oldfield, concluded:
"...I freely admit to a bias in favour of decentralisation and local community empowerment."
The second and subsequent issues carried the tag line "A Journal for Decentralist Greens" under the masthead, although without further editorial explanation.
The launch issue announced "Eight Issues per Year" under the masthead - an aspiration that was not realised. The cover price was 60p. It was printed on 100% recycled white paper with green and black on the outside front and back and black inside. The 8 printed sheets were folded to produce an unstapled booklet style with a page size slightly smaller than A4. In the case of the first issue and additional single page size sheet was inserted to give 20 pages, subsequent editions were 16 pages.
Stephanie Leland and David Taylor were credited as "in house critics" and it was typeset by Glastonbury Resources and Information Center and printed in Highbridge.
All four issues are available for download as PDF files in the Doc.Library.
The contents of each issue are listed below:
Issue One. Late spring 1987.
p1. Launch editorial
p2-3. "Setting the Scene for the Strategy Debate"
p4-6. "Democracy in America". Extract from the book by Alexis de Tocqueville published in 1835
p7. Green Group Spotlight - the Wirral Green Alliance
p8-10. "The Greening of Christianity" by Judith Pritchard, secretary of the Christian Ecology Group
p11-13. "Regionalism Today" by David Robyns of the Regionalist Association
p14-16. "Not back to the 60s, but forward to the revolution" by Julian Edmonds of Cambridge University Greens
p17. Events listings
p18. Connections - listing of cross-party green groups and alliances
In addition in all issues on pages where a major article finishes any space is infilled with small news or general interest items and announcements
Issue Two. Summer 1987
p1-2. "The Chance for a New Beginning" - reflections on the post election scene
p3-5. "Getting Together - the Greening of Australia" by Chris Harries
p6. Green Radio roundup and Greenpeace in Antarctica brief report
p7-9. Viewpoint - Pam Woodin on the state of the Green Movement
p10. Nuclear Dumping. SW Green Party Bioregionalism
p11-12. "Cross-party Links: The Green Alliance" by Julie Hill, Green Alliance Parliamentary Officer
p13. Events listing
p14. Letter - Mark Kinzley on decentralism
p15. Short announcements calling for help with Green Options
p16. Connections - listing of Animal Rights organisations
Issue Three. Autumn 1987
p1. Editorial
p2. Short news items incl. Alternative NHS. Haringay Environment Festival
p3-5. "Going for Independence" interview with Ian Smith on Scottish Greens going independent
p6-7. "On Being a Green Councillor" by Richard Lawson (Woodspring District Council)
p8 "Electric Greens" responses from IEE members to their journal editorial attacking the Green movement
p9-11. "Indra's Jewelled Net - the Buddhist contribtion to greening" by Ken Jones
p11-12 "Reclaiming the Town Halls" by Richard Oldfield
p13. Events listings
p14. Letter - Richard Hunt on decentralisation
p15. Short announcements calling for help with Green Options
p16. Connections - listing of organisations to do with Trees.
Issue Four. Spring 1988
p1, 3-7. "The Bio-regional Wash that is Greener than Green" Richard Oldfield and Peter Berg of Planet Drum Foundation
p2. Short news items incl. Italian Nuclear No, Swiss democracy.
p8-11. Viewpoint - Mark Kinzley on the state of the Green Movement
p11-13 "What Kind of Decentralisation" by Adrian Atkinson
p13-14. Ivybridge Green Group
p14. Letter - Pam Woodin on Decentralisation
p15. Short announcements calling for help with Green Options
p16. Connections - listing of organisations to do with the Arts.