size: 197.85 kB
Year: 1983
Source: scan from David Taylor personal archive
Archived: May 2017
List of proposed Green Gathering dates from May to Sept 1983. 16 events listed plus a "Green Economic Gathering" in Cheltenham in Sept., 9 annotated in pencil as confirmed. Gives dates, title and organiser contact details (name, postal address and telephone for each event.
Scanned from A4 single sided photocopy of original typewritten under printed The Green Gathering heading. Photocopy date unknown but appears to be probably approx 1983. Some pencil annotations. OCR'd but not checked.
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
Links to All Our Yesterdays site for events that happened on this day in (Green) History
- 2007 : Top Australian bureaucrat admits "frankly bad" #climate and water policies
- 2007 : Australian Treasury eyeroll about politicians on #climate, (scoop by Laura Tingle).
- 1997 : Australian senator predicts climate issue will be gone in ten years...
NB Links to All Our Yesterdays website open in a new tab/window