Year: 1982
Source: Scan from Tim Andrewes personal archive
Archived: December 2017
Cover headline: ‘Defence Special’ below graphic of seedling. 4 page pullout on Defence issues in centre
p2 Editorial
p3-4 ‘Red and Green in Europe’ by Roland Clarke
p5-6 ‘FoE Tests the Waters’ summary of FoE assessment of Labour & Eco employment policies
p7 ‘Permaculture’ by Penny Strange
p8 ‘Green Fortunes’ by Malcolm Samuel
p9-12 ‘Defence’ pull-out section. ‘Die Grunen – Social Defence’, ‘Pacifism or Pragmatism’, ‘Social Defence for Change’, ‘CND: Deaf to the Greens’, ‘Green-Peace Alliance’
p13-14 ‘CND Round-up’ by Bruce Garrard
p15 tails from articles that overran their page
p16-17 ‘Bahro at Bridlington’ text of Rudolph Bahro’s speech to EP conference (transcribed by Freda Chapman)
p18 Reviews: ‘Land for People’ by Claire Whittemore. ‘Power to elect’ by Enid Lakeman.
p19 Letters
p20 Small Ads. ‘Die Grunen slammed’ critique by Harry Kemp
5 A3 sheets folded to give 20 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale yellow. Printed black, one photo p13 poorly reproduced.
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
- 2015 : We refuse to divest ourselves of illusions
- 2007 : Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists...
- 2006 : Four Corners reveals the "Greenhouse Mafia"