Year: 1982
Source: Scan from Tim Andrewes personal archive
Archived: December 2017
Cover headlines: Brandt’s Con Trick, Why Molesworth, Feminism & Ecology, Direct Democracy & the Dual Approach. 4 page pullout on Brandt Report in centre.
p2. Editorial including EP search for new logo
p3 Rito Tinto Stinks by Brig Oubridge
p4-5 The Greens are Gathering by David Taylor
p6-7 Feminism & Ecology: the Connections by Stephanie Leland
p8-9 Embracing the Feminine by Angela Needhamm at Molesworth Peace Camp
p10 Grassroots: Roundup of EP branch activity
p11 Santa in Ecotopia report of Eco Christmas Fair in Oxford
p12 Short news items: Greenham Common, Green Students, Life Style Movement, CLEAR Handbook
p i – iv Brandt Report Con Trick. 3 ½ side background paper from EP ‘Third World Working Party’ written by Richard Hunt.
4 A3 sheets folded to A4 to give 16 pages. Not stapled, Outer sheet pale cream. Innermost sheet makes 4 page pullout numbered pp i-iv. Printed black, no greyscale.
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
- 2012 : RIP Sherry Rowland
- 2010 : ABC chairman gives stupid speech to staff
- 1988 : Congressional staff (go on a) retreat on Climate