This is a partial list of people and organisations whose work is included on this site either behind the scenes or as contributors of material.
Technology credits:
- Joomla content management system
- Phoca Download file management component
- sigplus image display & galleries
- Icons used on homepage and elsewhere created by AriqStock - Flaticon
All code on the site is open source available under the GPL v3 licence (essentially you can copy and adapt it for non-commercial use so long as you retain the original copyright information in addition to adding your own for your modifications). If you can't find the code on github or from the links above and you would like details please contact Roger.
All content on the site is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike - Non Commercial (v4.0) licence. Again essentially you can reuse the content for non-commercial purposes so long as you attribute us as your source and share it on the same basis.