size: 5.23 MB
Year: 1984
Source: Scan from Tim Andrewes personal archive
Archived: January 2018
Cover: Graphic of plants and roots with caption Fertility from the stones.
Headlines: Susan Griffin: Schumacher lecture, Action’84: will CND catch up? Free Jen Hutchinson
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-6 “Fertility from the Stones” by Larry Ephron
- p7-8 “From a Greenham Woman in an American Court – HELP!” by Jean Hutchinson
- p8-9 Reviews: “Eve and the New Jerusalem” by Barbara Taylor, “Energy for All” by Cathy King
- p10-13 “Ideologies of Madness” by Susan Griffen part 1
- p14 “For a Green EEC” by Steve Dawe
- p15 “Getting Elected in May” by Mike Bell
- p16 Letters
- p17 Network news
- p19 Green Groups news
- p20 Ads
5 A3 sheets printed double sided and folded to give 20 pages.
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
13th March
Events on this day in (Green) History
- 2010 : first UNEP Emissions Gap report
- 2001 : Bush breaks election promise to regulate C02 emissions...
- 1992 : Australian climate advocates try to get government to see sense... (fail, obvs).
- 1989 : UK Energy Department shits all over everyone's future by dissing Toronto Target
- 1971 : Club of Rome guy's ethics are clubbed
NB Links to All Our Yesterdays website open in a new tab/window
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
Links to All Our Yesterdays site for events that happened on this day in (Green) History
- 2010 : first UNEP Emissions Gap report
- 2001 : Bush breaks election promise to regulate C02 emissions...
- 1992 : Australian climate advocates try to get government to see sense... (fail, obvs).
- 1989 : UK Energy Department shits all over everyone's future by dissing Toronto Target
- 1971 : Club of Rome guy's ethics are clubbed
NB Links to All Our Yesterdays website open in a new tab/window