Year: 1982
Source: Scan from Tim Andrewes personal archive
Archived: December 2017
No cover headline. Drawing of giant sunflower with parade of placards beneath. Feature article part 1 of Theories of Unemployment by Tim Cooper.
p2 Editorialand small ads
p3 Conference Talk report on EP policy conference in Bridlington by Jon Carpenter
p4-5 The Media – Getting in there. Summary of talk given by BBC local radio manager to FoE Oxford.
p6-7 Theories of Unemployment part 1:Historical background by Tim Cooper
p8 Reviews: Revolt from the Centre by Niels Meyer. Nuclear Weapons – the way ahead by Ronald Gaskell
p9 Letters and useful resources
p10 Grassroots: Roundup of EP branch activity
p11 Election Reports
p12 Short news items: Women march to Brawdy, Greenham peace festival, March for animals, Peace fast, Green Gathering, Frankfurt airport expansion
A3 sheets folded to give 12 A4 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale cream. Printed black, no greyscale
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
13th February
- 2015 : We refuse to divest ourselves of illusions
- 2007 : Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists...
- 2006 : Four Corners reveals the "Greenhouse Mafia"
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
- 2015 : We refuse to divest ourselves of illusions
- 2007 : Industry is defo allowed to silence scientists...
- 2006 : Four Corners reveals the "Greenhouse Mafia"