
54 items found

SL : from Steve Lambert personal archive, scanned by SL

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Title Year Category Tags Icon
EP London Small Ad in Time Out 1976 1976 EP London Advert 1976 SL
EP Redbridge programme 1984-5 1984 EP London Leaflet 1984 SL
EP Save London Alliance joint leaflet 1978 1978 EP London Leaflet 1978 SL
EP Short Statement of Aims 1975 EP Pamphlets Pamphlet 1975 SL
EP Welcome Letter to new members 1976 1976 Ecology Party Letter 1976 SL
GLC 1977 Marylebone J Porritt 1977 EP Election Leaflets Leaflet Election 1977 SL
GP Did You Know? factsheet 1990 1990 Green Party SL
Green Light for London 1981 GLC Manifesto 1981 EP London Manifesto 1981 SL
Invite to Movement for Survival Conference July1972 1972 PEOPLE-MS Letter Circular Ecologist 1972 SL
Letter Colin Fry to SL 13th Oct 1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal Private 1976 SL
Letter Elizabeth Davenport to SL 18th June 1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal Private 1976 SL
Letter SL inviting to first London meeting dated 30th Sept 1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal 1976 SL
Letter SL proposing London EP Meeting 7th Sept.1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal 1976 SL
Letter SL to Adrian Williams 9th June 1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal Private 1976 SL
Letter SL to Elizabeth Davenport 15th June 1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal Private 1976 SL
Letter to London Members from SL 18th Oct.1976 1976 EP London Letter Internal 1976 SL
London Region Meeting Notice 1979 1979 EP London Internal Circular 1979 SL
London Region News April 1980 1980 EP London Internal Newsletter 1979 SL
London Region News Autumn 1980 1980 EP London Internal Newsletter 1979 SL
London Region News May 1980 1980 EP London Internal Newsletter 1979 SL
Now We Are 10 - Tony Whittaker 1983 Ecology Party Offprint Article 1983 SL
Nuclear Waste sleeve for Sting single 1979 Ecology Party 1979 SL Nuclear Power Campaigns
Nuclear Waste Transport comments March 1981 1981 EP London Letter Note 1981 SL Nuclear Power
PEOPLE Jigsaw Conference invite and programme 1973 1973 PEOPLE-MS Leaflet Letter Circular Agenda SL
Put Life Back appeal donation form 1980 1980 EP Leaflets Leaflet 1980 SL