size: 15.11 MB
Year: 1978
Source: scanned from Brian Heatley's personal archive
Archived: February 2017
The second full edition of the "Manifesto for a Sustainable Society" adopted by the Ecology Party 1978
126 pages in a booklet format approx A5 size. First edition adopted at Ecology Party 3rd annual conference in Sept 1976, this second edition amended and updated by conference in Birmingham Sept 1978.
OCR scan but text recognition not corrected. Copy/paste with care!
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
Links to All Our Yesterdays site for events that happened on this day in (Green) History
- 2010 : first UNEP Emissions Gap report
- 2001 : Bush breaks election promise to regulate C02 emissions...
- 1992 : Australian climate advocates try to get government to see sense... (fail, obvs).
- 1989 : UK Energy Department shits all over everyone's future by dissing Toronto Target
- 1971 : Club of Rome guy's ethics are clubbed
NB Links to All Our Yesterdays website open in a new tab/window