Documents tagged with Sources : SL

Showing 9 of 54 documents.

from Steve Lambert personal archive, scanned by SL

Article by Sally Willington on the first 10 years

Archived: December 2018

DocTypes: Article

Sources: SL

Years: 1983

Typewritten article by Sally WIllington on the first 10 years, possibly draft for publication or used as speech at the 10 year celebration.

Ecology Party Politics for Life leaflet 1983 alt version

Archived: December 2018

DocTypes: Leaflet

Sources: SL

Years: 1983

Alternative version to the one found on the Sheffield Green Party website. This one from Steve Lambert's archive has same format but substantially different text.

Now We Are 10 - Tony Whittaker

Archived: December 2018

DocTypes: Offprint Article

Sources: SL

Years: 1983

Article in EcoNews April 1983 by Tony Whittaker reflecting on 10 years of the party.

EP Campaign for Real Democracy leaflet 1980

Archived: December 2018

DocTypes: Leaflet

Issues: Campaigns

Sources: SL

Years: 1983

Campaign for Real Democracy launched after the anomalous 1983 election result which saw the Tory vote go down and their majority go up. A ten point programme of which 3 have been fully implemented and  three or four more partially addressed

EP Redbridge programme 1984-5

District 1986 Malvern Chris Mattingly

Waltham Forest Council response letter Sept 1986

Archived: January 2019

DocTypes: Letter

Issues: Nuclear Power

Sources: SL

Years: 1986

Waltham Forest Council response to Ms. H. Griffith re: nucler waste transport through the Borough.

Chronology of London Party Formation '76-'77

Archived: January 2019

DocTypes: Internal Note

Sources: SL

Years: 1976 1977 1986

Handwritten note by SL dated 7/11/86 setting out key events in formation of the London Region Ecology Party.

Presumably written for a 10th Anniversary Party

GP Did You Know? factsheet 1990

Archived: February 2019

Sources: SL

10 facts about the green party. Produced in early 1990, focusing London - usage unclear, possibly for new members in London.

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