Documents tagged with General : GreenLine
Showing 15 of 77 documents.
Documents (offprints) and images taken from Green Line magazine
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Drawing tower of babel morphing into cooling tower in brown and green on cream
Headlines: Work and conformity, Against mass politics, Greens in Antwerp, After Aldermaston.
Archived: August 2018
(missing cover)
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Cartoon of ape asleep under tree dreaming of evolution in brown with green text on white
Headlines: Susan Griffin of culture, How Marxists see greens, Plus: dams in India – The ALF56 trial – RTZ agm
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Graphic outline of Australia in Red and balck on yellow, insert pic of native australian
Headlines: Australia’s True Colours, Die Grunen In Parliament, Growth of Organic Eating, The Energy Challenge To Greens, Plus - International Peace and Animal News
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Cartoon of priest worshiping at the altar of the dollar in blue on light blue with green text
Headlines: Why Economist Davison Budhoo Resigned From The IMF, How The EEC Sends Radioactive Food To The Third World, Why Liberalism Should Be The True Ally Of The Greens, Plus – Hunt Sabs, Sweden, Mexico, TOES, ALF and more…
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Graphic of arms around a forest with caption “Save the Forests, Save the Planet” in red and green on white
Headlines: Die Grunen activist interviewed, Green Party conference report, Files at the IMF Honeypot, Genocide in the rainforests, Break in at Upper Heyford, Killing off homeopathy?
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Photo montage of head with dollar bills (Statue of Liberty) with green text on cream
Headlines: Nicaragua, Prisoners of Conscience, Tackling Ireland’s British problem
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Drawing of coppice wood in brown on yellow.
Headlines: Paddy Ashdown tals to Green Line, Poll Tax: revolting prospects, Have a green life under the trees.
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Photo montage for food and farming year, green and black text on white
Headlines: Petra Kelly: political crises in Die Grunen, The dangers of mixing myth and politics, Why greens must control MPs in the Green Party, The legacy of Europe in Peru
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Graphic “Defense of Necessity” in brown and green on cream
Headlines: Katya Komisaruk” a saboteur, Black environmental network, Grassroots animal rights groups, Let’s build a living greenhouse!
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Graphic of Margaret Thatcher wearing t-shirt with European Vote Green and speech bubble “we know it makes sense” in blue and green on white.
Headlines: Common threads in Porritt Capra and Spretnak, April in Paris: the European Green Congree, Earth Goddesses and New Age patriarchy, Statistics of a misogynist culture, Brazil’s Amazonian agromadness, Revisting the Bristol bombing.
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Graphic keep Britain Tidy Burn Your Poll Tax Registration Form in red on yellow
Headlines: The local election results: news and analysis, Deep Ecology and green politics: John Seed talks to GL, NATO’s 40th birthday: Why Turkish people aren’t celebrating, Plus Bristol Against the Poll Tax and Labour’s defence review.
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Montage of sunflower euro green stickers in green on light green
Headlines: The Future of Green Politics After June 15th, Tenants uniting to fight against the Housing Act, How Could a Green Party MP be made useful?
Archived: August 2018
Cover: Graphic of people in balloon basket over chart of Europe & N.Africa in brown and green on beige.
Headlines: Special International Issue!
Archived: December 2017
Offprint from Green Line 100th issue. Article by Joanne Dean entitled "One Hundred Issues Old". Text reproduced on this page.