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Showing 15 of 21 documents.

Green Collective Mailing 01 Mar-Apl'84

Archived: August 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Events: Gathering

Sources: DT

Years: 1984

Introductory editorial by Bruce Garrard. General news including continuing fallout from 1983 Lamberts Farm Gathering and implications for Glastonbury Festival. Introducing the Green Field at Glastonbury Festival. History of the Gatherings so far. Article by Mike Bell on Designing the Future. Reviews of Heart-Land and Embrace the Earth booklets. Print of Collective Constitution (not labelled draft)

Green Collective Mailing 02 May-Jun'84

Archived: August 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1984

Front page editorial Bruce Garrard. Reports and info from collective meets. Provisional list of gatherings, fairs, fetes and functions planned. Flyer for Glastonbury CND Festival. Info sheet on Green Roadshow. Project reports. 2 page article on DIY Green politics by Peter Cadogan. Thoughts on Kidz (sic) centred gatherings. Flyer for Planet Waves (band). Letters, contact info and Sunflowers Trading stock list.

Green Collective Mailing 03 Jul-Aug'84

Archived: August 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1984

Front page editorial by Bruce Garrard with The Greens Are Gathering logo/badge. Collective meeting info nd news. Festivals list updated.Roadshow update from Richie. Harvest for the Hungry and Molesworth plans and news by David Taylor. Insert flyer for Embrace the Earth Green CND booklet. Insert flyer for Planet Waves. Insert flyer for Liverpool Peace festival. Article on proposal for Green Collective Land Fund by Chris Walford. Article on Appropriate Technology at Gatherings with instructions for water turbine and hot-air balloon construction. Contact lists and Sunflowers Trading stock list.

Green Collective Mailing 04 Sep-Oct'84

Archived: August 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1984

Front cover picture of thunder box at Molesworth with headline "Are We Going To Sit It Out All Winter?" Collective news. Report from Green Field at Glastonbury Festival. Land Fund progress report. Molesworth Harvets for the Hungry report. Other reports including item on the missing Green Grail.

Green Collective Mailing 05 Nov-Dec'84

Archived: August 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1984

Front cover drawing of dove in sunflower, tractor with MOD sign obliterated by peace symbol and a mole. Editorial from Bruce Garrard living at Molesworth. Articles on Harvest for the Hungry and Rainbow Fields Village, insert flyer advertising Molesworth Mid-winter Celebration from solstice to new year. Single sided flyer for Onaway Trust. Roadshow news. Article by Richie on "The Travelling Skool" (later became "Travellers Skool"). Other items including Green CND and an update on the Grail.

Green Collective Mailing 06 Jan-Feb'85

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1985

Front cover peace dove over glastonbury tor with headline "The Spirit of '85" and sub-heads "Molesworth Year, International Youth Year, The Year of Human to Human Communication and The Year of the Buffalo". News from Molesworth with a Stop Press addition on the eviction. Articles on Glastonbury Green Fields and Green Roadshow. Women's Space in Gatherings. Milton Keynes Greentown by David Olivier with sidenote from collective editorial. Letter from David Taylor re Green Grail saga.

Green Collective Mailing 07 Mar-Apl'85

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1985

Cover drawing of line of trees. Editorial from Bruce apologising for lateness and including an I-Ching casting for the Green Collective. News and info. Double sided insert for Green Roadshow and long report of roadshow activites people and progress. List of proposed festivals and gatherings. Proposal to transform the Green Collective into a Green Network. Follow up piece on Rainbow Village/Molesworth by Rainbow Jo.

Green Collective Mailing 08 Jun'85

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1985

Cover graphic of stonehenge in front of glastonbury tor. Editorial about Stonehege (police attacking convoy) and background on the free festivals. Article on Wally Hope (who had just died). Other news and information including Plymouth and Ashton Court (Bristol).

Green Collective Mailing 09 Jul-Aug'85

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1985

Front cover graphic of Yin-Yang symbol rendered as world with petals labelled Peace and crescent moon forming C of communication labelled Understanding with a convoy travelling from town to country along the dividing curve. Editorial news and info. Longer articles on Green Collective Land Fund and Cartwheels.

Green Collective Mailing 10 Sep-Oct'85

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1985

Cover poem and drawing. News & Info incl. Greenlands Farm and Rainbow Village potted history. European Green Gathering announcement. Festival Aid appeal.

Green Collective Mailing 11 Nov-Dec'85

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1985

Cover graphic illustrating networks theme. Article on Networking/Green Network. News & Info. Stonehenge'86 meeting. Green Field report. Polariswatch. Molesworth, Greenlands, Travellers Skool updates. Greenbase report.

Green Collective Mailing 12 Jan-Feb'86

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1986

Cover graphic illustrating theme Trees. News & Info and various articles with tree theme.

Green Collective Mailing 13 Mar-Apl'86

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1986

Cover child's drawing illustrating Kids theme. News info and updates. Kids section (aimed at adults) articles on Newgames, Home Ed., Education Otherwise, Woodcraft Folk. Back page advert for Green Network Gathering.

Green Collective Mailing 14 May-Jun'86

Archived: September 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1986

Cover text on Women's Lib for special Women's Issues section inside. News & Info. Green Fields feature. Green Network Gathering reports. Traveller's Skool report. 4 page women's issues section including Greenham and problems with "appropriate technology" in 3rd world for women. Article on War is not Human Nature. Back page advert for Greenpeace on nuclear power and accidents.

Green Collective Mailing 15 Jul-Aug'86

Archived: November 2017

DocTypes: Newsletter

Sources: DT

Years: 1986

Cover image feature Men's Issues (following from Kids and Women focus in the previous 2 issues). Report from Green Fields. Travellers Skool report.

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