
5 items found

EC : The Ecologist. Pages (usually also tagged as offprints) taken from the magazine online archive: https://www.resurgence.org/magazine/ecologist/issues1970-1979.html

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Title Year Category Tags Icon
Ecologist Blueprint For Survival January 1972 1972 Publications Ecologist Magazine EC 1972
Ecologist Blueprint for Survival Preface Jan'72 1972 PEOPLE-MS Article Ecologist EC 1972
Ecologist Editorial Supporting PEOPLE Feb 1974 1974 PEOPLE-MS Article Ecologist EC 1974
Ecologist Editorial Supporting PEOPLE Oct 1974 1974 PEOPLE-MS Offprint Article Ecologist Election EC 1974
Ecologist Movement for Survival Notice Jan72 1973 PEOPLE-MS Offprint Article Ecologist EC 1973