Welcome to the Green-History project
On this website you will find a collection of resources and articles concerning the history of the broad green movement in the UK.
October 2018
for the exhibition at the Launch Reception for Green-History at the GPEW Conference on 5th October we focused on development of the political party since 1972.
As part of this we had display panels on Leaders, Conferences and Members. These listed all of the people, locations and numbers - with some gaps which will be filled in over the coming month.
You can now see the exhibition panels online and also the more extended articles:
The history of each of these areas and the responses that happened at each stage contain many lessons for activists today wanting to build and develop the political arm of ecologism in the UK (and elsewhere)
This site is an open resource for the use and support of today's activists, participants, researchers and all those with an interest in green ideas, thoughts and action.
In the Library area you will find an ever-expanding range of resources. The Document Archive contains scans of material from the time. There are also collections of images, graphics, video and audio as well as a selection of recommended books and weblinks.
We are always looking for new material - if you have anything from the period; a copy of your election leaflet from the time you were persuaded to stand for the council, a placard from a demo you attended, photos of some action, a poster you saved, or a cache of some obscure news letter/magazine you received, then do get in touch - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fill in the form.
Under Articles, People and Elections in the top menu you will find contemporary accounts, more recent recollections, commentary and opinion.
History is subjective and we welcome debate, comment and opinion - if your memory or experience differs from that presented here then have your say - this is YOUR history. If you join as a contributor then you will find you can add comments to any article or document.