Year: 1982
Source: scanned from Chris Millman personal archive
Archived: February 2019
Leaflet talking about need to create a Movement for the 80s. Call to action to join the EP
Talks about the need to come together and not work in silos on specific concerns. Also reference to following the lead of Belgium, Germany, Holland and Scandinavia,
Featured quote from EF Schumacher: "We must do what We conceive to be the right thing, and not bother our heads or burden our souls with whether we’re going to be successful. Because if we don’t do the right thing, we’ll be doing the wrong thing, and we’ll just be part of the disease and not a part of the cure."
Call to join the EP and for a strong showing in the General Election to "force other parties to face up to the issues that matter" Includes joining form.
Also lists some literature available from party office:
- Jobs for Keeps. (25p) A radical policy for employment
- The Politics of EcoIogy (25p) A full explanation of our philosophy and principles
- The Real Alternative (25p) A short manifesto of the Party‘s policies
- How to Survive the Nuclear Age (80p) A major new pamphlet on Civil Defence and disarmament
Double sided aprox 2/3 of A4 printed black and green on white
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
- 2012 : RIP Sherry Rowland
- 2010 : ABC chairman gives stupid speech to staff
- 1988 : Congressional staff (go on a) retreat on Climate