Year: 1974
Source: scan from David Taylor personal archive
Archived: February 2017
PEOPLE first manifesto adopted at Conference June 1974.
"A Manifesto for Survival"
8 sheet double sided A4 folded to give 32 pages (inside back cover blank). 26 pages of substantive text covering all major policy areas of a national government. The forerunner of the 1978 Ecology Party Manifesto for a Sustainable Society which has been maintained as the Ecology & Green Party's repository of policy intentions. Renamed "Policies for a Sustainable Society" around 2011 to reduce journalistic confusion with the specific election manifestos which set the programme for the first term of a Green government if elected.
OCR scan but text recognition not corrected. Copy/paste with care!
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
- 2012 : RIP Sherry Rowland
- 2010 : ABC chairman gives stupid speech to staff
- 1988 : Congressional staff (go on a) retreat on Climate