Year: 1983
Source: scan from David Taylor personal archive
Archived: January 2018
Subtitle: "A Green View of Peace". Provides an ecological basis for nuclear disarmament, unilateralism, the politics and spirit of Peace.
From the back cover:
'A Green View of Peace’ has been produced in the co operative spirit of the green movement, using the ideas, suggestions, skills and experience of a wide number of people My part in this has been to coordinate all the material, to produce several consultative drafts, and to give shape to the collective inspiration of this pamphlet's many contributors:
Especial thanks are due to Jenny Carpenter, Linda Chumside, Tim Eiloart, Bruce Garrad, Robert Hart, Richard Hunt, John Marjoram, Richard Oldfield, Chris Smith, David Taylor and Laurence Thompson for their particularly valuable contributions.
Jonathon Porritt
(on behalf of Green CND)
44 page pamphlet/booklet slightly smaller than A5 size. Cover in green on yellow, inside black on white.
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