size: 343.50 kB
Document Tags:
Year: 1974
Source: recovered from M. Benfield's personal archive online
Archived: January 2018
Second news sheet sent to all members in late March 1974 after the election de-brief meeting
Short news items on Ecologist supporting PEOPLE, Conference announcement, Local groups forming, Nuclear power group, and takeover of Movement for Survival. Detailed report of general election de-briefing meeting. A couple of notes from the secretary.
Two sides of typewritten A4. Probably as duplicated and sent.
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
Links to All Our Yesterdays site for events that happened on this day in (Green) History
- 1968 : Ultima Fule on Ultima Thule
- 1960 : at least 435 coal miners killed in apartheid South Africa incident #BusinessAsUsual #Racism #Profiteering #GlobalApartheid
NB Links to All Our Yesterdays website open in a new tab/window