Year: 1982
Source: Scan from Tim Andrewes personal archive
Archived: November 1982
Cover headline: ‘ Revolution: Red or Green? Bahro joins Die Grunen’
p2 Editorial, Rudolf Bahro introduction
p3 Greennews: March on Upper Heyford, M40 Inquiry, and other bits
p4 International News: Mexico, E.Germany, Lebanon, The Falklands, Survival of Europe.
p5 ‘Mrs Castle, the EEC & the Greens’ by Jon Carpenter. also continuation of back cover article.
p6 ‘Growing Together – towards associative agriculture’ by Roland Clarke
p7 ‘Are you a Green Internationalist’ by Peter Cadogan
p8-9 ‘Revolution: Red or Green?’ by Rudolf Bahro.
p10 ‘Bahro on the Eco-crisis’ from a speech at Die Grunen founding conference 1980
p11 ‘Find a Green Sound’ by john Doughill
p12 ‘Labour Policies on Green issues’ extract from report in SERA News. ‘Lead Risks’ from CLEAR.
p13 EP reports: Cheltenham Greens and Bridlington Conference.
p14 Reviews on nuclear arms issues: ‘Nuclear Weapons – UN report’, ‘The Arms Race and Arms Control’, ‘As Lambs to the Slaughter’, ‘Overkill’, ‘London after the Bomb’
p15 Letters
p16 ‘Your Organisation Man’ outgoing EP General Secretary Paul Ekins reflects on 2 years at the helm. Small ads and small news items.
4 A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet green. Printed black, no greyscale
All Our Yesterdays - On This Day
- 2009 : Scientist tries to separate fact from denialist fiction
- 2009 : Carbon price being weakened by lobbying...
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