
Articles about particular individuals - including biographies, obituaries, interviews, and memories of a particular person by the author.

Please remember that all such items are extremely subjective and always should always be read with awareness of who wrote it and why.

For articles about individuals written specifically for Green History see the sub-categories Green Pioneers, Green Activists, and Green Thinkers. The Person Index provides a full list of names with a one line summary for each.

This piece from the Independent newspaper archive was written in 1992 by Isabel Hilton a few days after Petra's death. It serves both as an obituary, and also as a contemporary account of the circumstances of her death.

What Killed Petra Kelly

On the second floor of the Bundestag office building in Bonn, the shattered leaders of the German Green Party are occupied with funeral arrangements. They are absorbed in their task, red eyed, worn, all too conscious that they are celebrating in death something they failed to appreciate in life - the extraordinary phenomenon that was Petra Kelly.Since the stark police announcement on Tuesday that no third party was involved, hundreds of people who knew and admired them both must have struggled to swallow the thought that gentle, courteous, devoted Gert Bastian had dispatched Petra Kelly with one well-placed bullet in the head. And then himself - leaving no explanation, no apology, no goodbye.

Petra Kelly was 44. For nearly 20 years she had lived a life of extraordinary intensity, a politician with no time for political parties and little for the art of compromise, a woman for whom there was no visible line between public and private concerns. 'She was,' said one prominent politician, 'like Joan of Arc.'

Born Petra Karin Lehmann in Bavaria in 1947, she suffered from a kidney condition that often put her in hospital. Some say it was that which gave her spiritual strength and her first ambition - to be a nun. When she was seven, her father abandoned the family and her mother later married John Kelly, a US army officer with whom the family went to the United States when Petra was 13. There she served her political apprenticeship in the idealistic and iconoclastic Sixties. She studied political science and international relations in Washington and threw herself into the anti-war and civil rights movements.

In 1968 she worked as a volunteer in Bobby Kennedy's election campaign and in 1970, the year she graduated with distinction, her fellow students voted her 'outstanding woman of the year'. That year came a personal tragedy which was to mark her deeply: her younger half-sister, Grace, to whom she was devoted, died of cancer at the age of nine, after three years of treatment that included the removal of an eye.

When Grace died, Petra characteristically translated her grief into action: she began to investigate the links between nuclear power and child cancer and set up a foundation to change the emotional approach in hospitals to seriously ill children. She returned to Europe, studying in Amsterdam and working as a researcher in the Europe Institute. Despite her fierce criticisms of the European Community, she took a job in the European Commission in Brussels. She was not cut out for bureaucracy. Why, she demanded of irritated EC officials, could the Community's agricultural surpluses not feed the starving in Africa? Why did the EC squander money on bureaucracy?

She became ever more involved in politics. An admirer of the then West German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, she joined his SPD in 1972, but in 1978 she disagreed with Mr Brandt's successor, Helmut Schmidt, over defence and energy policy and left the party.

In Germany, the Sixties generation had begun to take up the ecological cause. There was no shortage of concerns: the Rhine was virtually a dead river in its northern German reaches. German forests had begun to die from acid rain, and the construction of nuclear power plants had begun. In 1979 a motley assortment of parties and groups came together to found the Green Party. Petra Kelly was invited to join them. That year the party fought the European elections with Petra Kelly heading its list. They won 3.2 per cent of the vote, not enough to win any seats but enough to force the recognition that they were now a national organisation.

That same year the Schmidt government agreed to a Nato plan to station a new generation of intermediate-range nuclear weapons on German soil. The decision triggered a convulsion in Germany.

The government's decision set General Gert Bastian, war hero and commander of the 4th Tank Division, off on a political journey that seems almost inconceivable. As a young man, an apprentice bookbinder, he had volunteered for the Wehrmacht and had fought on the eastern front in the Second World War, during which he was wounded and decorated. After the war, he was among those Wehrmacht officers who went back into military service to try to build a new kind of army for Germany.

The Bundeswehr was to be an army of citizens in uniform who would be taught according to the doctrine of Innerer Fuhrung - the idea that the soldier was a professional man who retained his right to think and express his views, to engage in politics and to refuse to obey an order that he deemed immoral. The doctrine was important for men such as Gert Bastian, profoundly scarred by memories of the Third Reich. But it had its critics and its limits. Bastian was shortly to test its limits for himself.

He was no leftist - he was a member of the ultra-conservative Bavarian Christian Social Union for nearly 10 years. But as a professional soldier, he believed - contrary to the official view - that the Soviet armed forces were defensive, not offensive, in organisation and doctrine. He survived that disagreement but not the the one on deployment of nuclear missiles. 'I think to understand how Gert Bastian felt you have to remember that all Bundeswehr officers who thought about it at all realised that they were defending a country that was going to be Nato's theatre of war,' said Otfried Nassauer, a peace campaigner and military expert who knew Bastian well. 'He was the first and the highest ranking officer to express that point of view.'

Bastian resigned from the army. In 1980, with Petra Kelly and others, he signed the founding document of the Peace Movement, the Krefeld Appeal, which called on the government to reverse its decision on the deployment of a new generation of nuclear missiles.

Meeting Petra Kelly was to have an overwhelming effect on Bastian. The man who once sat in the councils of Nato was now sitting down outside military bases and being arrested. The man who had known a life of military discipline and order was plunged into the chaotic world of Green politics. And at the centre of the maelstrom was the frail, intense charismatic figure of Petra Kelly.

Bastian was 57 and had renounced his world. Kelly was 33 and launching herself into a decade of passionate political engagement. He was to become her political companion, protector, and lover. Kelly's commitment was never less than total. She often campaigned to the point of total exhaustion. And he, from then on, was always there, as a friend put it, 'the statutory two paces behind'.

Together they campaigned in the elections of March 1983, which gave the Greens their breakthrough - 5.6 per cent of the vote and 27 seats. For the first time, the generation of '68 - the rebellious, fractious political alternative - had arrived in parliament.

Petra Kelly seemed ubiquitous that year. In May 1983 she was arrested for demonstrating in East Berlin. In June there was a massive rally in Krefeld. In July she was in Washington. In September she was at a three-day blockade of a US military base in Baden- Wurttemberg. In October, with Willy Brandt, she addressed a 200,000-strong rally in Bonn. In November it was East Berlin again, then Moscow for an anti- nuclear demonstration in Red Square, then back to Bonn to fight the parliamentary vote on missile deployment. To her intense disappointment, she lost. Inside the Bundestag, the Green Party was riven by the tensions that had existed since its foundation - squabbles over strategy and doctrine, personality clashes and a chaotic style that descended frequently into bitter infighting.

In February 1984, Bastian resigned from the parliamentary party. Kelly herself was ambivalent, unwilling to compromise or negotiate, yet opposed to at least one of the party's fundamentalist doctrines - the one that ordained strict rotation of parliamentary seats. When it came to her turn to rotate, she resisted and, alone of the Green MPs, succeeded in retaining her seat for two full terms.

Gert Bastian never claimed to be a politician, but Petra Kelly did, without being one. Perhaps that was the beginning of her tragedy. Who needs a Joan of Arc in politics? 'Such brilliance,' said Helmut Lippelt, a co-founder of the Green Party, 'has a dark side. It was extremely demanding to be close to her.' Lesser mortals fell away in droves. In eight years in the Bundestag, she got through 17 secretaries. 'I loved her dearly,' said Heinz Suhr, a Green Party spokesman, 'but some hated her. They called her a vampire, sucking the energy out of those around her. She was too big a star.'

Ideologically opposed to the very idea of a charismatic leader, the Green Party made no attempt to deal either with Kelly's hyperactivity or the extraordinary public demand for her time and attention. She took to going into her office at night, leaving notes for her staff. 'A great many notes,' said Mr Lippelt, 'about things to be done. Then she would ask why they hadn't been done. She would say, 'Why aren't you working? Thousands of children are dying each day'. 'Without Bastian,' he added, 'she would never have survived. He was always there, supporting her, protecting her.'

By the mid-Eighties, the Greens' squabbling had begun to damage their credibility, but they were saved in the 1987 parliamentary election by the Chernobyl disaster the year before. They got back with 8.6 per cent and 46 seats and Petra Kelly was again an MP. But by the time of the next elections, in 1990, Germany was seized by national euphoria and unification fever. For the West German Greens, who had opposed unification, it was a disastrous election: they lost all their parliamentary seats. For Kelly, who had been dropped as a candidate, it was the last chapter of disillusionment with the party. She felt the loss of office deeply. Suddenly she had no secretary, no researcher, no free postal and telephone services. Then the salary stopped, too.

Loyal Gert took up the burden of organising her life. Sympathetic friends allowed her to use their offices and telephones at night to maintain her worldwide communications network. Kelly decided to run for the leadership of the Green Party - and suffered a humiliating defeat.

Petra Kelly's friends are bitter about the way the party treated her. 'In the beginning,' said Eva Quistorp, a Green Party MEP, 'we gave everything to the party, we gave three years of our lives unpaid. Now the party is full of salaried bureaucrats who have never given the way we have. And when she needed a job, those bureaucrats would not find her one.'

In defence of the Greens, Mr Lippelt insists that relations were not as bad as they looked. 'She cursed the party, certainly, but she would have cursed any party. She met ignorance and hostility, but also support and understanding. And in the last year, relations had improved: she was talking about being a Green candidate for the European Parliament.'

And if it was a bleak patch, it was hardly the end of public life. She was still an international celebrity and the invitations still came in and the causes went on. Hundreds of groups in many countries looked to Petra Kelly for inspiration and support. 'I tried to explain to people in the party,' said Heinz Suhr, 'how important she was. That when she went to Australia, she was front-page news. That she could call on Gorbachev or the Dalai Lama. That she had brought thousands of people into the cause through the force of her personality.'

In June she lost a television contract and though there was an offer of a lectureship in the US, she felt unable to leave her grandmother. Petra Kelly was not alone, but the two people most important to her would not be there for ever: her beloved grandmother, who had been at her side in the early demonstrations, was 87. Gert was 69 and beginning to show the strain.

In June, as he crossed the road to buy her some fruit, Gert was knocked down by a taxi and suffered a severe fracture of the knee. 'A few days after his accident,' said Mr Suhr, 'Petra had a breakdown. She just could not live alone. They ended up in the Black Forest Clinic together.'

Gert Bastian recovered, and by September the pace of their lives had resumed. There was a meeting with Green Party colleagues, with another planned for December. There was a trip to Hawaii, to give a lecture, then the conference of indigenous peoples in Salzburg followed by a 10-day conference in Berlin on radiation victims. Friends found them cheerful and relaxed in Berlin, Petra full of plans and ideas. On 28 September she sent a postcard to her friend Sarah Parkin, commiserating over the latter's departure from the British Green Party. 'Call me,' she wrote. For two weeks Ms Parkin called the couple's flat in Bonn, but was not alarmed that there was no reply. Kelly was known for her erratic movements.

Their neighbours in Swinemnderstrasse, in the modest suburb of Bonn Tannenbuch, were accustomed to the couple's frequent absences. Only two people expected to hear regularly from Petra and Gert: her grandmother and his ex- wife, Charlotte. The latter had long been reconciled to Gert's relationship with Petra Kelly and was on friendly terms. Only his daughter, Eva, did not forgive. Petra Kelly, she complained, asked too much of her father.

On 30 September, Petra Kelly sent her grandmother a parcel. Then there was silence. The police still do not know exactly when it happened. They do know that on 1 October, Bastian started to write a letter. He wrote 10 lines, then broke off. Sometime after that, as Kelly lay on the bed, he took his Derringer pistol, which takes only two bullets, placed it against her temple and fired. Death was instantaneous. In the doorway of their bedroom, he shot himself.

Nearly three weeks passed before the combined concern of Charlotte Bastian and Petra Kelly's grandmother led them to call the concierge. In the first shock of the news rumours multiplied: it was a neo-fascist murder; they were killed by arms traders; Bastian was a Stasi agent and feared exposure; there was another man and Bastian was jealous. One explanation that nobody who knew Petra Kelly can accept is that it was a suicide pact.

'I cannot believe,' said Eva Quistorp, 'that Petra lay there and waited for Gert to shoot her. Or that she would have allowed herself to die without making a statement. It is inconceivable.'

What, then, went through Gert Bastian's mind that night? In September, he had written an open letter on the rise of neo-fascism in Germany in which he talked of his youth in the Third Reich. 'Then,' he wrote, 'it was the homes of Jews that were burnt. Now it is the homes of foreigners.'

It was a letter, friends said, without hope. Old and sick, drained by the years at the side of the passionate and demanding woman in whom he had found his purpose and his inspiration, perhaps he could not bear the thought that her political fight seemed, in 1992, to have been lost. Despair was not an emotion familiar to Petra Kelly. But perhaps Gert Bastian knew he could not support her much longer. Perhaps he could not imagine her living without him. Perhaps, more painfully, he could imagine it all too clearly. Even now friends and admirers struggle to understand the motives of the companion who travelled from one end of the political spectrum to the other without ever revealing the emotional cost.

'Whatever was in his mind,' said Sarah Parkin, 'I am convinced that he saw what he did as an act of love.'

The original article is archived on the Independent website.


This contribution from John Marjoram reflecting on his 32 years as a Stroud District Councillor - first elected in 1986 for the newly named Green Party and re-elected every time since. The longest continuously serving green councillor, certainly in the UK and probably in the world.

John Marjoram’s 32 years!

So here we are, it is the 8th May 1986 at 10:45 pm and John, as a Green candidate is sitting waiting together with a small group of supporters around him, including his daughter, for the count to commence. He is rather nervous and sits away from those watching. What he sees in the next 55 minutes are thumbs going up and thumbs going down. All of a sudden the room becomes silent and his daughter, Cleo, rushes across the room tears in her eyes and flings her arms around him, “Dad you have won by 44 votes!”.

Scroll back now 18 months, where six Stroud Green Party members are sitting in a room trying to think how they can get their membership to increase. One bright spark comes up with the idea, “why don’t we put up a candidate in the next local elections?” eyes settle on John for John was known, at the time, as a school Governor. He was also part of a High Court group who, winning an appeal, stopped part of the High street being pulled down.

His background is varied, in 1959 he was called up for National Service but two weeks later he refused to fire a rifle, questioning the morality of killing people. He had a hard time initially but eventually worked in the bedding store, while the rest of his intake went to Malaya to fight the communists. At that time, he was himself a member of the UK Communist Party, when he managed to get Easter leave off and went on the second Aldermaston March.

During the sixties he joined the “East Anglian Committee of a 100” and CND, spending some time in prison for occupying USA military bases.

In 1972 John was inspired, and also worried, after reading the Club of Rome’s report “Limits to Growth” – the realisation that the World population is outrunning the finites resources of the planet. For this reason, he joined the Ecology Party in 1975 and has been very active since in what is now known as the Green Party.

In 1986 John’s campaign, which won him the seat, was successful firstly, thanks to the advice of an Independent, who showed him how to be systematic in canvassing. Secondly, the Libdems had decided to stand down in that ward on the proviso that he supported their party at the Council, which he then did. Thirdly, there was an unpredictable factor, the 29th April – just before the election – the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl took place, spreading radiations across the country. Only recently the last parts of Wales have been lifted to keep sheep. John at that time kept sheep and nobody from the Ministry of Agriculture could give any real advice. Rather than talking about roads or speeding of cars, he was questioned about Chernobyl and its implications for the countryside. He was able to speak and be heard, thanks to his background preparation on nuclear issues.

Over the years, John has been involved in many aspects of the Party. For instance, he has been part of the Association of Green Councillors (AGC), which he co-founded in 1993, together with 9 other Councillors: Craig Simmons, Elise Benjamin, Daren Johnson, Mike Woodman, Simon Pickering, Richard Lawson and one more.

John was active in a CND internal campaign (Green CND), along with Jonathon Porritt and others like Jenny Linsdale, to convince the national CND that nuclear energy was strictly interconnected with Nuclear weapons.

He has also been active in the South West Regional meetings for many years.

In 1989, at 50, John went for the first time on an aeroplane, representing Stroud District in the twinning with German District Landkrese Gottingen, on the East German border. The twinning was created in 1955 and last year, shortly before the Referendum, they wrote a letter pleading us to stay in Europe. It said, “We can work together and change things in Europe”. When Brexit won, the German Greens in that District were distraught; they just couldn’t believe what we had done.

If you speak to John about his overview of local government from 1986 to now, I am afraid you will get a rather pessimistic take on it. He will tell you that both Labour and the Tories see local government as a soft touch. They cut and cut funding everywhere and in Stroud staff are being cut by 20%. Already John can see the damage being done to Housing, slowing down the building of Council houses. Planning has been John’s speciality and cutting corners is increasingly damaging the final decisions in this matter (however, both Labour and the Tories, he will tell you, are quite prepared to spend £207 billions to have Trident). Further, he is critical of officers having too much control over decision-making. He gives an example of when there were 70 plus planning applications: in the past, the planning committee would deal with all of them in a day, sometimes starting the meeting at 9am until 9pm. Now, he says, they have at the most 6 Applications, while the rest is delegated to the officers.

When he talks about his first experience at the District Council, he will tell you how much more relaxed they were compared to now. In his very first meeting, in front of tea and cake, the Council’s Solicitor asked him what his interests were. When John said, architecture – “Oh, says the solicitor, then you better be on the Planning Committee.” Sometimes they now meet up in the town reminiscing of those days. Reports from officers were much more succinct and detailed then, he says, and of course in written form. More laughing then, and time to solve issues. In truth, John is out of tune with the computer world and thinks it is ruining civilisation. He still insists on having everything in paper form.

Over the thirty years, John has been in opposition in the District Council for two thirds of the time. Currently, the Greens are in a coalition with Labour and Libdems.

When asked, John says one of his main achievements was to persuade the Tory Council to purchase a massive half-built mansion surrounded by lakes near Stroud for £20k. Now a major attraction, this is part of the National Trust.

John is also a Town Councillor, since 1990, where the Greens hold a clear majority. Currently, they have 11 Greens out of 18 however, they reach quite often consensus on many issues. In fact, he is proud of the progressive and campaigning involvement of the Town community.

John has been Town Mayor on 10, and deputy on 7 occasions. He is pleased that he introduced the “Mayor’s bench” on the street, a weekly clinic for the public to discuss things with a representative of the council.

In the near future, he wishes to see Proportional Representation in place to gain a fairer distribution of parliamentary seats. In the meantime, he hopes that more and more people will play a political role in local administrations, especially Parish and Town Councils.



Jeremy Faull obituary as published in The Guardian, 2nd November 2011.

Original article on The Guardian website

My father, Jeremy Faull, who has died aged 81, was one of the first Green party councillors. He was elected for the Ecology party to Cornwall council in 1977, serving until 1985, the year that the party changed its name to Green. Jeremy was founder in 1988 of the publishing house Ecological Press, trustee of the Sustainable Agriculture Food and Environment Alliance (now known as Sustain), and director of the Ecological Foundation, a charity providing funding for ecological projects, from 1992 until 2007. Although his concern for the environment was central to his beliefs, this was just one facet of a varied life.

Born in Southampton, Jeremy grew up in London, attending St Paul's school. He won a scholarship to Trinity College, Oxford, to read classics, emerging with both a degree and a boxing blue. A few years later, and with the support of his wife, Prue, he took up law, first working in London for Theodore Goddard; then, with two friends, founding his own firm – Faull, Best and Knight.

By the 1970s, his emerging social and green conscience, fired by the publication of the Ecologist magazine's Blueprint for Survival and his friendship with Teddy Goldsmith, led Jeremy to buy a farm in north Cornwall and settle with his second wife, Odile, to fulfil his dream of sustainable farming.

He was a lone voice for the Green party on the council, known for expressing his views in an articulate and reasonable manner without compromising his beliefs. It was this balance and fairness, added to his interest in the arts and conservation, that led him also to serve on the South-West Arts advisory panel and the National Trust regional committee. The activity he claimed was his proudest was volunteering for the Citizens Advice Bureau, which he did for more than a decade. He listened with patience and without judgment, and gave sound advice and encouragement.

At an age when many are thinking of retiring, Jeremy took over the Wadebridge bookshop, pleased to combine his love of literature with the running of a local business serving the community. He stopped last year as a result of ill-health. He kept his zest for life and much admired lively wit until the end.

Jeremy is survived by Odile, his five children, Joanna, Francesca, Matthew, Sophie and me, and four grandchildren.

Nicholas Faull, Oct 2011


I count myself lucky that I was able to call Teddy a friend. I stayed at his house twice and went with him to a number of events. I think it important to be clear about Teddy for three reasons

  1. He is a major part of the real green tradition of which many GP members are ignorant or ill informed
  2. There is much to learn from Teddy’s strengths and weaknesses.
  3. We should do right by the man simply for its own sake.


Short potted biographies of some key Green activists and thinkers who pre-date 1972. List available in blog layout (with picture and intro text) or table layout (all listed on a single page)

  • For short introductions to those who were active in the UK in the early stages see Green Activists.
  • For general articles about individuals including obituaries and interviews see People.

Short potted biographies of people who were active in getting the green movement going in the UK. Many are still alive. These pieces are written specifically for the Green History project.

Obituaries, personal memories and reprints of articles about key individuals first published elsewhere can be found under the general People category.

See the Person Index for a full list of names and click on the name for a list of all articles referencing or about them. 

Philosophers and writers on Ecology and Green ideas.

This section will contain short details of some significant eco-green thinkers with links to more information.

examples include:

  • Arne Næss
  • EF Schumacher
  • Fritzof Capra